General Training

Not at all given the fact that you stated how long of a lay-off you’ve had from any type of training. That stated, I also have no objection against you doing anything that you can do well, feel well while doing it, and have no problems recovering from having done it. I know I mentioned in another post how I still have a video you sent me back in 2008 where you have a blazing fast acceleration. My only criticism of it is you are really tucking your chin (cervical flexion); however, you accelerate like you’re shot out of a cannon. Would be nice to see you reacquire that level of preparation.

Looking back on my old training programs. I started Charlie programs in 2006-2007 season with no clue how to train properly as a sprinter… Stupid crazy volume…

Gpp week 1:
Mon: 600
Warmup C
walk back recovery
slj 12x
med ball throws 10
bar warmup
pc 5x60 x65 x70 x70 x65
bh spilt jerk 3x5
bsq 10x255 7x310 5x360 3x3x410
bp 3x5x80-85
rdl 3x8
chinup 3x6
seated row 3x12
core 250

Only had 4 indoor meets and really didn’t improve much. After 3yrs of not getting better I pr my first yr under all this volume… Part of my lack of success inseason was because I didn’t know how to train - my workouts were too intense…

2007-2008 after spending many hours reading and speaking with several coaches on this forum I made many adjustments - big time improvement indoors.

Gpp Week 1:
Mon: 300
Warmup B
5x10/5x20/5x30 walk
med throws 10
sq jumps 3x10
squats 3x12
bench 3x12
rdl 2x12
row 3x15

I could have ran much faster indoors but once again i didnt know how train inseason. My inseason training was football training. Open with 6.68>6.62> pulled hammy missed 3 weeks>6.62>6.48…

2007-2008 gpp went really well. spp also went well but i would have decreased the strength training just a little bit. I alt between strength and power blocks - 3 weeks strength/3 weeks power. I know James probably don’t like such work but my body responds to it. I think lower levels athletes respond well to such work vs elite athletes. The max strength blocks were intense!!!

Did a great job rehabbing my hammy and keeping the cns sharp. The injury was a blessing because it forced me to back off and I learned how to train inseason.

Pr week
Mon: 210
Warmup C
3x30 blk
2x60 (30) 3pt
pc 3x2x225 FAST
bs 2x1x405 FAST
bp 4x75 3x80 2x85 1x90

Warmup W
tread walk 15min

Wed: 80
Warmup C
4x20 blk
pc 3x1x225 FAST
bp 3x70 2x75 1x80 FAST

rest/ems recovery

Fri: 40
Warmup W
2x20 blk
throws 5x

Sat: 3-4hr car ride
Pr!!! 6.48

What do you guys think about the alt strength and power blocks??

After a great indoor season, I had a serious ankle injury that summer playing football. It actually took 7-8 months to get 100%… I also moved to a different state and had to adjust. My fall training wasn’t great because I had to work around the injury a lot. After cont to read and speak with coaches on this forum i made several more small changes in gpp.

Week 1:
Mon: 300
Warmup B
5x10/5x20/5x30 walk
Bench press 3x10
lat pd under 3x12
invert row 3x12

Tue: heavy
Back squats 3x10
Lunges 3x8
Rdl 3x12x185
Hypers 3x15

Wed: 1000
Warmup A
squat throw x6
single hop x6
double hop x6
triple hop x6
10x100 rest 30s

Thur: 300
Warmup B
5x10/5x20/5x30 walk
Bench press 3x10
Db incline 3x10
Front pds 3x12
invert row 3x12

Fri: light
Back squats 3x10
Db bulgarian squat 3x8
Rdl 3x12x185
Hypers 3x15

Sat: 800
Warmup A
acc 1 x6
acc 2 x6
4x200 rest 90s

Even with the injury gpp went well.

spp wk 1
Week 1:
Mon: 420
Warmup C
2x30 sled
2x30 3pt
5x20 efe
hurdle hops stick 3x5
ohb/dive x20
depth drop 4x3
hang clean 6x3
back squat 4x3
rdl 3x5

Tue: 900
Warmup W
hurdle A/Big core circuit x7
bench press 4x3
db rows 3x6
db shoulder press 3x6

Thur: 660
Warmup Z
2x30 sled
2x5x60walk/5min 15
hurdle hop stick 3x5
height/dive x20
2x30 A’s
depth drop 4x3
hang snatch 6x2
sdl 3x3
speed deadlift 3x20

Fri: 900
Warmup A
hurdle B/Big core circuit x7
incline press 3x5
lat pd front 3x6
db shoulder press 2x6

Wasn’t able to do normal tempo because of my injury. Strength training setup sucked and i wasn’t strong at all. Overall the spp phase wasn’t bad.

Slowly starting to learn how to train inseason, my inseason setup wasn’t too bad this year. Two things you can count on from me - 1: I will always get injured at some point. 2: 90% of my times will be slow.

Started the season off dirt slow as always but by week 6 i tied my pr then got hurt in finals. I had 3 more indoor meets but decided to end my indoor season and prep for outdoor.

Week 6:
Mon: 270
Warmup C
2x30 3pt
3x70 40/3pt
pc 4x2x205
bs 2x2x365
db bp 4x4 (shoulder injury - couldn’t bp)
hypers bar on back 2x6
seated row+ecc calf raise 3x6/3x5

Tue: 800
Warmup W
4x200 rest 2min
core x100

Wed: 240
Warmup Z
3x30 sled
1x30 3pt
2x30 blk
1x60 3pt/30
pc 4x1x215
spilt squat 2x5
1arm db bp 5 5 5 (shoulder injury)
pullups 3x10


Warmup A
3x20 blk
hurdle hops 2x5

As you can see my weight numbers suck this yr. Enough for tonight.

Regarding the strength and power blocks, I have no marriage to any absolutes other than what is essential beyond reproach (ergo speed work). That said, I would simply suggest that one exercise caution regarding the compatibility of workloads and recognize that workloads are cumulative. Further, be sure to understand that it is easy to overlook the compounding of movements that pull upon like reserves so be cognicent of not piling on more of the same (even though the motions look different to the naked eye).

You live and learn, my strength training methods with sprinting has improved over the years…

Indeed, though let us not allow all coaches/athletes that description lest we mistakenly presume that the longer coaches/athletes have been doing something the more skilled they become (because such an Empiricist view is entirely false).

After 6yrs of not competing do you think it’s possible to return and run faster then ever? If you ask me I don’t think so, 6yrs is a long time. Maybe if it was powerlifting I would have a better chance.

Don’t count yourself out just yet, look at what Gatlin is achieving after his long time away from competition. Granted, we don’t know what ‘supplements’ may or may not be part of the equation, however, the point is if the genetics are there than so is the potential and while you may not have been world class you certainly have some great genetics so I say go for it.

A talented sprinter (21.38, 10.44, 6.74) recently contacted me stating he was willing to relocate to me to coach him. Finances are very tight for him so I’ve looked into some sponsors. I was initially not interested, however, I’m giving more thought to getting a group started. We’ll see.

How old?..

Any chance he’s about 33 and from Wisconsin? I have a buddy with the exact same personal bests. If not, that’s a heck of a coincidence.

Do you compete?

Early 20’s. Was afforded the opportunity to coach himself in college with the aid of a coach unaffiliated with the college.

Not sure where he’s from originally, however, I know he’s not 33.

I do. 32 right now. PBs were all at age 30: 10.81 | 21.69 | 49.79

I had a tendon-related injury at the beginning of the 2015 season (age 31) and haven’t been even close to those time since.