heres gatlin running as fast as ever
heres gatlin running as fast as ever
Rank Athlete Nation Result Reaction time
1 GATLIN Justin USA 9.87 0.171
2 POWELL Asafa JAM 9.88 0.134
3 CLARKE Lerone JAM 9.99=PB 0.172
4 RODGERS Michael USA 10.00 0.159
5 CARTER Nesta JAM 10.05 0.170
6 PATTON Darvis USA 10.11 0.141
7 HARVEY Jacques JAM 10.14 0.151
8 VICAUT Jimmy FRA 10.28 0.173
Interesting year for the 100m and 200m: Bolt, Blake, Powell, Gay, Gatlin, Dix
Can’t wait!!!
Better quality -
anyone know what’s happening with carter and gay?
did gay competed at all since his surgery?
Gay said he wants to save his body as much as possible.
I bet asafa like " not this shit again"
I wonder if they’re working on slightly different race modeling. There’s all the psychological stuff that Charlie hated but Asafa himself admitted to at times. He got nailed by Gatlin but not by much in a time that, wind adjusted, is faster than Bolt ran.
If you have Powell’s power output, one way of dealing with the “panic” thing is to simply go out as hard as possible right from the gun, and make everybody else try to catch you.
Looks like Asafa kind of died at the end, but I’d love to know what his 60 split was.
Looks that way to me. As this was his first 100…it was still a hell of a run
Time will tell how much this first race really means. We can suggest that you will need to be well under sub 10 to just final at the OG’s this year.
How many races will each be looking for going into the Games? Hopefully many of them cross paths in the lead up!
It is interesting that Gatlin’s arm action at the start mimics Gay’s. He fully extends his arm, leaving him at a mechanical disadvantage while trying to quickly establish the frequency of his cadence. It might not be a big deal, but starts are not the strong suit of either of these guys. You don’t see this sort of indulgent movement from either Bolt and Powell (just a fantastic starter). They both use their arms to quickly establish rhythm. Where they allow for exaggeration is with keeping the feet low over the first couple of driving steps out of the blocks and almost dragging the trailing leg after push-off. Great contrast in technique.
Seagrave advocates that arm mechanics! Stating it deliberately slows to the frequency to allowa greater more powerful range of motion…
And I agree
I thought Gatlin is now being coached by Brooks Johnson (not Seagrave)?
in an interview from yesterday he stated that dennis mitchell was now coaching him
heres the link
Gatlin was running 10.2 with Seagrave. I saw Seagrave speak at a Toronto conference a couple of years back. Didn’t sound like Gatlin and him saw eye to eye on too many things even when they were still working together.
That is correct. Dennis Mitchell is now coaching Gatlin.
Fair enough regarding who is current coach
But philosophy can be shared as I now coach the same mechanics to my guys after speaking with Seagrave last year n the reviewing video data with my athletes
Jimson and I visited coaches and athletes at the Clermont and ESPN tracks several weeks ago. Brooks mentioned in one of the discussions that Gatlin had used as many as five techniques in previous races. The comments are here at the 1:45 mark (yours truly holding the camera)
why did gatlin change from brooks to mitchell so quick? i see hes wearing adidas also…
Both gatlin and the gay camp are training in clermont. I wonder if they get together for some super fast practices.