Well you said you were angry about rich people not paying their taxes after mentioning 10 million people didn’t pay taxes, which is a pretty obvious insinuation or at least misstatement.
Not sure what you define as “cheating” on taxes–there’s no doubt people take advantage of the system and some legitimately cheat the system, but it’s not as-if most of them aren’t paying huge amounts already (as-if income tax is legitimate in the first place). Rich people also get hit in a lot more areas–higher property taxes, high inheritance taxes, capital gains tax, etc.–than people that aren’t “rich.” (however you define being rich)
Charlie, I have no problem with taxes being raised for the infrastructure. (My complaint and Dr Sprint can verify Using Massachusetts Big Dig debacle as a perfect example.) Is far to often the money used is wasted, misspent, or improperly spent. There is literally no oversight and once a major construction project is started it just can’t be shut down. So what happens more and more taxpayer money has to be dropped into a bottomless pit.
Also in the USA the poor pay no federal tax they actually recieve money. Where they get hit is on all of the state taxes, fees and fines, gas taxes,sales tax things like these. If the Dems have their way pretty much everything would be subject to some sort of tax.
To get back on subject I very much agree with you that our reliability on oil must be curtailed. This is a finite resource. The causes of our current situation are several. One of the main problems is that the worlds economy has been growing at an enormous pace over the last 20 years. China and India the worlds most populous countries are leading the charge.
Most oil producing nations have hit peak production. They are having a hard time keeping pace. Saudi Arabia has drilled over 300thousand test holes in the last 10 years. They only found one medium producing field.
Heres a scary thought for you. In the USA there is 70 cars per 100 people. In China there is less than 20 per 100. Take a guess at what Chinas automobile ownership will be in 10 years,and how many autos will be on Chinas roads.
Dr Sprint Did you know that The man that never saw a tax he didn’t like Sen T Kennedy is one of the biggest tax evaders out there. He has manouversd most of his money into trust funds,off shore accounts and used other loop hole in such a way that he pays almost no taxes.
There is no difference between the dems and republicans, because they come from the same monster: the rich elite.
Your comparing the big dig to raising taxes for infrastracture. The big dig was way more complex than what your saying. Dirty deals from corrupt policitians and the mob made it turn out the way it did. (The same people that are now defending themselves in court). And partially because of that moron Mitt Romney (a republican).
You mention “T.Kennedy” as if this is someone I admire. TK is nothing but a socialist and was probably the “greatest” socialite ever to serve in public office.
This is what I am saying: Tax the rich, prosecute the rich. And make sure the money goes back to the US instead of sending it to foreign countries. Make sure this money is spent wisely. Lets start putting money back into America to make this country great again.
To a great extent I agree with both CF and Dr Sprint.
I think the solution to the tax problem is that we need to make it harder for people to avoid paying their taxes.Close the loop holes.
I’m not against the rich. I only know a few rich people and they were incredibley hard workers, who put their sweat and labor into their bussiness. They earned every dime of their wealth. They have many people who work for them, those people support their families with the wages they are paid from the owner.To demonize them or somehow think they should be responsible for taking care of the people who have not had the same success as them is just plain jealousy.
I’m not going to condemn rich people for making money or creating a great economy in which we all benefit. I fully understand many are ruthless disreputable, people who live in a world totally foreign to the one in which I and most others inhabit.Yet If it were not for the rich there would be a hell of alot less taxes being paid. There would also be unemployment through the roof. Don’t forget it is the rich who create the jobs for the working stiffs like myself.
If Americans are so worried about gas prices then stop buying 400$ cell phones, 600$ video game systems, and 100,000dollar gas -guzzling cars.
Think about it.
Gas isnt even the most expensive thing. I read in Hawaii OJ’s going for 8 bucks per carton. Imagine buying a gallon of nestea or soda at convience store prices. Your looking at 8 bucks per gallon, much more expensive than gas. And since we consume the most soda, we should all be outraged.
Too early to tell now. what will be the effect of:
1: The departure of Bush/Cheney and their ability to manipulate prices up.
2: The further downturn in the economy which drives prices down.
3: The tax break feulled erosion of the USDollar which drives the dollar price up might change with a new administration.
4: Removal of the CAFE exemption for SUVs and the 100% tax write-off on vehicles above 6000lbs (read lawyers in Escalades) might drastically improve overall feul consumption.