
any reviews on the fundmentals dvd?

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TC’s review

So at least one person knows what my initials stand for! I loved that cartoon as a kid!

i read the review where would u guys rank this dvd to other cf dvds?


The fundamentals series is based on real-life athlete/coach scenerios. We cover topics such as rehab, speed development, weight training and much more accross both F1,F2 respectively.

GPP Essentials is “the” GPP program as Charlie Francis delivers it.

Our workouts are shorter films (28minutes) each and are more compartmentilzed (e.g. our med ball workout film with Scott Leckie).

The Vancouver Series is from 2004, it is similar to 2003 but features Charlie in a classroom setting covering off more advanced subject material.

Jane Project is another “project” film where the viewer can see first hand what goes into the training and conditioning of an individual athlete.

Conceptually, once you have seen all our films you should have a better understanding of your own training realities (Coach or Athlete). This is based on the first person approach with all our movies.

Hope that helps


This is true, I misunderstood the CF philosophy towards conditioning and wrongly thought that all conditioning, tempo, circuits etc were to be avioded at all costs, and it would impair speed. Seriously it was only when I bought/downloaded GPP, Vancouver 2004, Speed Strength and Fundamentals that I realised that this kind of work must be included also.

When you see the girl doing her tempo on the training field, you realise that tempo is hard work, but of low enough intensity so you can recover from it relatively quickly.

p.s. I am not employed/paid by CF!

is it instant download?

I’m pretty sure all the films are instant download now.

no i placed a order bout 4hrs ago.

just got it, gonna watch once i get done training.

hey cf why pnf strecthing before sprinting, i thought it < power input?

This has been covered before and in the forum reviews ebook. Simply put you need to be loose and flexible to run fast (especially when you are running at WR level). Also you use the static stretching to check your flexability day to day rather than to increase ROM. Its as simple as that.

no need for any kind of strecthing, perform a good dym warmup, builds, 6slj and lets sprint.

Well, good luck to you. if you’re already loose no problem, if not you better do somethig about it.

Tell that to Ben! Seriously though, you need to do whatever is necessary to get loose- likely much more during the early to middle part of a training period as you get looser close to the competition period. These stretches are not aggressive.

i think all this goes back to my fb days, we didnt have 45mins to get warmup bc of the ncaa 8hr work week.

here is one of our summer warmup we did before our agility circuits and conditioning days:

askip 2x20
tall shuffle 2x30
high knee carioka 2x20
back run 2x50
bear crawl 2x20
knee hugs 1x20
str leg march 1x20
side lunge 1x20
spiderman lunge 1x0
60yd builds 2x

then move to develpment work > agility stations > conditioning work.

Again that is fine so long as you have full ROM etc. If you don’t have it your training in sprints is compromised because your hips won’t roll properly. Why would you practice running with a self induced shorter stride length?

With some of the vibration protocols you can warm up in say 10min. Almost no need for stretching what so ever but then again you need to practice without because you can’t always take these bits of kit to a meet.

I definitely don’t think pre workout stretching/flexibility is something to be categorical about (i.e. only dynamic flex etc). Perhaps I’m wrong, but the studies about decreased power output due to static stretching aren’t always representative for t&f training. The actual testing appears to be done at exercises that generally don’t need that much stretching anyhow. Moreover, the stretching protocols in those tests are usually way more extensive than in normal pre workout routines. Basically, I have the feeling that scientific evidence regarding this is somewhat questionable (in terms of validity to t&f).