functional anatomy + biomechanics

looking to get into coaching jumps + throws, if know my “functional anatomy” & “biomechanics” inside & out, am i being naive in thinking i could coach effectively?


No, as long as you understand functional relationships. If I were you, check out Strength, Speed, and Power by Everett Aaberg. It serves as a good bridge between biomechanics and performance enhancement. From there, it’s application, application, application… GOOD LUCK!

evert aaberg,i met this guy while in he still lecturing in academy of health/fitness dallas.his work is pretty good but as a sprint mechanics coach he wouldn’t be up to par with leaders and i’m not sure whether he understands the proceedure of sprint set-up.good literature though

You’re absolutely right. Brilliant in biomechanics, program design, etc. (basically personal training) but not a sprint or performance coach. He is a new co-owner of Telos Performance Center (, formerly the north dallas athletic club. I have used everett and tom purvis’s (, resistance training specialist courses) work in biomechanics as the foundation for my career as far as the analysis of structure and function. Everett’s been a strong mentor to me in my career. Strength, Speed, and Power is an outstanding book though. You’re right though, X-Man. Mike Boyle’s work is excellent as well as far as “common sense” training for athletes. I don’t like his unstable training philosophies though.


speed is that the book you get when attending the cooper academy in dallas.i got my hands on this specific book from one of his students and has good details but not rocket science.good for the usual strenght training for the joe-soap

Did you read the whole book? It has excellent information on stability and mobility relationships and it’s not really “strength and conditioning”. Gives good information about structure and ROM relationships as well. I’d say it’s far from the typical “strength & conditioning” book. How many strength & conditioning books cover the anterior oblique subsystem, the posterior oblique subsystem, the deep longitudinal system, the lateral subsystem, the thoracolumbar fascia and gamma and alpha motor neurons and pathways. Yeah, you get the book for the course “optimal performance training”, but what they don’t tell the silly rabbits that take the course is everett offers advanced courses for almost 200 dollars cheaper that last a bloody weekend, and you spend almost 10 hours a day working and talking with him to answer the question “Why?”!! They don’t cover that stuff at the cooper institute. for example, most people can tell you that in his courses he says to use 90-degrees as the range of motion for a chest press, and the reason for that is “active insufficiency” but that’s not even close to the real answer, but we don’t have to get into that now, it’s a different subject entirely. It must be nice to be a critic and just sit around criticizing books. If you sat down and read one of charlie’s books and “assumed” that that was all he knows you would be absolutely incorrect. His books would tell you all you know on his book, but that doesn’t mean it’s all “he” knows! I hate to be argumentative, but the guy is extremely intelligent and if you’ve ever had the opportunity to talk to him personally, you’d realize why he has clients who keep him on retainer at $150 dollars an hour, still works 55 hours in a week of “pure” training and why he is one of the most sought-after international speakers around. His teachings are far from “joe soap” if you don’t mind me saying so.

Is this the same person selling bowflex training videos on his site…

I don’t think so, but check: or . The guy is all-business and a great personal trainer. I’ve never defended him as a sprint coach, simply a brilliant biomechanics expert and trainer. All I said was I think if someone will talk negatively about his work, show me yours. That’s the bottom line, until they come up with a job called “Coach Critic” where everyone can just criticize people and never have to do anything for themselves.

yeah you have a point there and its hard to judge someone by 1 book.i did get the chance to talk to him in '99 through a close friend of his whom i knew and he has good points but the scapular retraction while benching and butt down while doing dreaded h/s curls puzzle me but he could explain in great detail why these retractions are necessary.nice person and helpful

Good points, X-Man. He caught a lot of slack for always teaching scapular retraction, but he’s fixed it. He teaches normal scapular-humeral rhythm for any scapular movement (pressing, pulling, etc.) but still stresses at time scapular retraction on chest presses to aid in pectoralis hypertrophy. This does interfere with the normal rhythm but is a decent tool for those who would like a big ol’ chest. Everett’s a bodybuilder but also a sports nut and has some good takes. I have used many of his teachings and discarded others but always with good reason. Sorry if I came off a little mean, I just know everett personally and I know he’s a good coach.