Form Critique - What Should I Work On?

Was visiting my gf in Europe (she’s there for school)
I’m free again after this weekend.

send me a note @info and let’s talk once your quarentine is over and maybe we can do a hill session where we filmed GPP.

That would be great.

I don’t know what you mean by @info though.

How’s your winter training going?

It’s been alright, getting better now.

I was working out in an unheated warehouse. Early on in winter I realized that wasn’t going to work, so I spent a lot of time clearing out a vacant office that has been used as storage for 30 years. Cleaned, painted, fixed up the ceiling, then got onto building a platform and rack and other gym equipment. It got to the point where building my gym completely took over my actual training. My personal gym is sweet now though: Platform and half rack, lots of cast iron and bumper plates, lots of different Olympic bars, Concept2 Rower, jump rope, rings, dip and pullup stand, heavy bag …

Then I had a surgery to fix my deviated septum. Two weeks completely off + I got quite sick in there for a few days and lost 10-15 lbs. Anyways I’m back at it now. Haven’t done sprints since the early fall though. I’ve kept jumps and cleans in my program and lots of leg work. Lifting 2-3 times per week (fullbody) and doing boxing/conditioning twice per week.

How’s yours? I’ve checked up on your log a few times. Knee feeling better?

Speed was going great. Knee - only time will tell (good days follow by bad days).