Footstrike loudness

lol yeah…another GREAT thread by me I know :rolleyes:

Is the loudness of a footstrike when running or jogging(not necessarily sprinting) indicative of any weakness in the lower legs, such as the anterior tibialis?

I’ve read that runners with strong shins will have very quiet foot strikes, even on concrete. However when I run, I can hear all of my footsteps. They’re not exactly thunder loud, but they’re loud enough that I can easily hear them. The only reason I’m even crossing this topic is because of my persistent MTSS, and I’m just looking for causes and solutions.

Anyways…input please :slight_smile:

I’ve read the more elite an athlete is, usually the more quiet he/she is when running or jumping in generally, just better at absorbing forces. I can’t remember the coach, but he said, the noise made by his best athletes in this one group were barely noticeable. Not sure if that even answers anything your asking, thought I’d just add.

well here’s what sub 10 sprinting sounds like.
the shorter the ground contact times, the more of a lightning quick, slapping sound the feet make.

I thought that the footstrike noise was effected by fatigue and hip height. The higher the hip hight the quiter the sound.

hey thanks for the video link ive never seen those HSI videos b4 pretty cool.

an athlete running 10 flat will have less loudness compared to an athlete running 11 flat.difference is GCT and hip height.i heard all the SMTC guys running and i was amazed with carl lewis and the lack of noise.leroy burrell was also exceptional even with his immense mass but mike marsh was brill also.

heard 11 flat guys running and its like a baby elephant.