Flo-Jo's splits...again please

I can’t find them anywhere.

Can someone please repost Flo-Jo’s splits from the 100m in Seoul and Indianapolis?
Thanks a million!

These splits were obtained from “Scientific Research Project at the Games of the XXIVth Olympiad - Seoul 1988’’, Bruggemann, G. and Glad, B. (eds), IAAF and Charles University, Prague (1988)”.
RT: 0.131s (round-down to 0.13s), Wind: +3.0m/s.
10m: 2.00w (1.87w)
20m: 3.09w (1.09w)
30m: 4.09w (1.00w)
40m: 5.04w (0.95w)
50m: 5.97w (0.93w)
60m: 6.89w (0.92w)
70m: 7.80w (0.91w)
80m: 8.81w (0.91w)
90m: 9.62w (0.91w)
100m: 10.54w (0.92w)

Fastest 10m Split:
0.91w, 60-70m, 70-80m & 80-90m
50m Split-times: 5.97w/4.57w (10.54w)
60m/40m Split-times: 6.89w/3.65w (10.54w)

10.49 Indianapolis:
PierreJean has mentioned that he recorded each 10m section/segment from 40m onwards for Flo-Jo in;
40-50m: 0.92e
50-60m: 0.90e
60-70m: 0.89e
70-80m: 0.90e
80-90m: 0.90e
90-100m: 0.93e
The splits above indicate a final 40m of 3.62e, 50m of 4.52e for Flo-Jo, and a final 60m of 5.44e for Flo-Jo.
