First Years Training

Okay people today I couldn’t complete my training session. Probably the first time I’ve chickened out of training. Iwas set to do: 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 20 and a 300 as dessert.

I chickened out of the 300 because my shin was killing me (i’ve got shin splints again, and again it’s only on my left shin, so I don’t really know what that’s all about, maybe something odd in my movements I really don’t know)

Today my coach said that I was running really well and that I’d progressed heaps since I started in february, and I should be running 11.5 next time I go out.

The only times I got were for the 50 and the 40 and they were 6.06 and 5.15, so hopefully I should run under 11.6 or even 11.5 this weekend (which will be kinda full of track because on saturday morning I’m training with the team from my faculty for the relays and maybe that afternoon I’m running in a competition or on sunday in the 200 but truthfully I don’t know. Hopefully I’ll be selected to run this weekend for the Uni cos I wanna run and pull out a new PB.

8 Days and counting to the ENADEO (national dentistry students meet) This is really a big deal, and I want to come home with three golds around my neck!!!. 100, 400 and 4 x 100

“Dammit woman where is my supersuit?!?!?!”


Ok so today I competed and although I didn’t run the 11.5 I wanted, I did drop my times. (I came out of the blocks really shit) I still ran a PB 11.63, and in the 200 I felt like beating my last time out which was a 23.79 so today I came out and ran the 5th heat (at the beginning it was gonna be me and one other runner but the heat got filled out before I ran) anyway I ripped out a 23.45 BABY!!! and despite that my friends that were watching said that I slowed down 50 mts from the line (probably from my muscles switching energy systems).

I’m so stoked right now!!! so I’m gonna eat something, maybe buy a beer and relax and I’ll write a little more later ok guys?


oh and I’ll tell y’all about my supersuit that’s in the works when I get back

Ok people, I’m starting to get a little jittery cos of the competition on friday. Tomorrow I train, and have a meeting in the afternoon to tell everyone from all the different sports what’s going on with regards to transportation and sleeping arrangements.

Tomorrow I píck up my supersuit and I leave on thursday.

Tomorrow is gonna be so hectic. And thursday is gonna be a killer cos I have to do a root canal on one of my patients before I get on the bus, so I’m gonna be stoked. I hope I don’t kill the poor woman :wink:


Hola Alex!

I’ve been in Chile for a month now and have done some training on the concrete track which comes with the university. There is an other track in Concepción but it’s difficult for me to get information about training schedules etc. Found some information about meets on the Fedachi site. Strange to have another spring for training instead of my normal autumn playing T&F-soccer on the field :wink:

Good luck with your training (we should plan a meet with the Argentinian guy for a showdown ;))

Excellent!!! Welcome to Chile

I actually just ran on Friday against the guy from concepcion “Raul Faundez” He does 100 and HJ. I beat him twice. In the heat and then in the final I ran 11.10 in the heat and 11.21 in the final for a 2nd place finish (1st place ran 11.16) I had just run the 400 in 53 so as not to be too tired but it still took a lot out of me.

We ended up winning in the total tally over the other universities. Made me damn proud to recieve the trophy, fill it with alcohol and drink and give to all the other people from my faculty all screaming and shouting!!!


well done!!!

fill a trophy with alcohol… can’t say i’ve ever seen that one!

Actually it was “Piscola” It’s a Chilean spirit called Pisco (about 35°) with coca cola
and the trophy was pretty big!!!

Congrats man! That’s a great time! By the way, I’m thinking of going to Chile conveniently on a business trip in mid-February and running in one of the indoor meets! So we might be facing off soon :wink: !

Ok people, It’s been a long time since I’ve posted but after a whole bunch of stuff I’m back. TO put you all up to date I ran in the national dentistry meet running the best time in the series and then came in second in the final (DAMN!!!) after that I ran at the University international olympics, I ran in the series 11.53 and then In the Final I ran 11.44 and came in 3rd place, but watching the video and timing it myself I really ran about 11.32.

Anyway, the guys who I ran against are really good.

The story really goes along the lines that I got to the stadium in time to put my suit on and put my name on the list for the heats. Basically I didn’t warm up, so I didn’t really push all out when I ran the heat, even so I qualified with the third fastest time. And in the final I ran in 3rd place. Even though my biomechanics are WAY off. I’m contacting the ground with my heels pointing inwards and my knees slightly outward (i think it’s because my hips are too low)

Anyway, because I’m a little on the freaky side I had a speed suit made by my sponsor for the national dentistry meet, and I have to admit that I looked pretty good. It’s just like the team USA speed suit, I’ll post it up

I haven’t trained since last thursday, so this week was a holiday unloading week to get back into training on monday and busting my hump big time.

Anyway here’s a foto of me in my funky speed suit.


C’mon guys two weeks have passed and no one has anything to say???

Congratulations Alex !!
Finally you got it !
Could you post the times for the heats and the final ?
Any video ?

What about the 200m ?
Did you competed “the curve” ?

Btw, nice bodysuit,
when comes mine ?

Yeah man, I don’t have the times for the university olympics but I do have them for the interfaculty.

And I have the video but it weighs 4 megs and the good quality one weighs 11 megs

You know that I’ve got one for you man!!!

Oops, almost forgot… no 200 metres this time but for the next interfaculty there is 200 mts!!!

I’ll let you know when I have to run!!! look me up on messenger!!! I’ll send you the video

Great job man! A summer of serious training and you’ll be around 11! BTW very cool speedsuit! Oh yeah, did you see the National cup of clubs in Chile? Man I’m shocked with the 200m. results, 21.09 and 21.19 by two 19 year olds … those times are no joke.

yeah, the guy on the far left of my standing picture is Kael Becerra the 19 year old who ran that 21.09!!! the kid is out of this world!!! I really don’t know what he’s on!!! but he’s fast… really fast

Wow, he doesn’t look that developed muscularly, he must have some serious potential. Or is his strength training based on jumps mostly (looking at his shoulder he obviously does no OL’s)? By the way is that the National Stadium? That track looks real fast.

Yeah you’re right about that, the kid’s got some speed. As far as muscularity goes, he’s not that built up top, apparently his coach didn’t want him dooing too much weight training before he finished growing. As for the OL’s not many people here in chile do a lot of OL’s.
He does have some freaky big legs in comparison to the rest of us mere mortals, but I’ll catch up soon even if it means oatmeal enemas (doesn’t that sound lovely :stuck_out_tongue: )

You’re right spotting the national stadiumn track, Aln. I don’t know iof it’s “fast” it’s not THAT hard, compared to other tracks I’ve run on and there are nicer, newer tracks I’ve been to, but it’s the only track I’ve seen a 10.21 run here in chile. (by andre da silva at this years orlando guaita)

Yesterday (monday) was a public holiday so I trained at home, jogged for about 15 minutes, stretched and did 4 100 mt build ups (ascentions) and after that I did 200 crunches (various kinds) and at.

Maybe it’s just me, but I was wasted after that short training session (maybe not training last week was bad i dunno, but today I feel sore-ish, like I really worked hard)

I haven’t been sleeping too well though, I keep waking up in the middle of the night, I can’t achieve a very good deep sleep cycle, and now I feel tired.

Anyway, I gotta get to class and see my patients.

Cheers and drop me a line… please!!!

I wanna talk to people!!!


But do you really say they thief you 0.12 of a second? What kind of timing they did at the meeting?

It was manual timing and the person that timed it wasn’t a coach, so I trust the video timing a bit better.

Today was a really odd day weather wise. It was cold in the morning and in the afternoon when I got to the track it was actually quite warm… until I finished training and It got chilly again.

Anyway, today was pretty cool. I jogged with my mate Felipe and stretched, did a few coordination drills and watched as the year guys were working on their cheerleading (not in the classical sense) basically just dancing around and stuff (really funny though)

4 x 100 mts with 8 minutes rest

the good thing was that my coach asked me what I preferred, straight or curve, so I said curve, I feel that my curve on the 200 could be improved, so I worked on that.

1st 100 - 12.00
2nd 100 - 12.09
3rd 100 - 12.15
last 100 - 11.77 (this was taken by another coach, so It could be different, however in my opinion I was better rested on the last rep than on the others.

By my calculations, I should with these times be running a fairly decent low 23s 200, so I can’t wait for the next competition to find out!!!

Cheers. Drop me a line

Oh, is it just me or does my ass look HUGE in the finish line photo??? Kra??? I’m feeling a little self conscious here!!!