First Years Training

Great job! The 200 times are really dropping nicely. I hope you’re able to train well these next few months, we could see another half a second or second improvement by the end of the year.

Today I did strength 1 again.

Squats, Bench and Deads, this week the weights were at the same percentages as last week, but they felt a little lighter.

Other than that, what can I say???
I got new clothes!!! yay!!! new silver nike swift tights (like the ones on also the nike swift half zip top, so now I have new clothes that go with my new spikes (I bought them on e-bay about 2 weeks ago, silver, red and black demolishers).

I’m not only gonna be fast, I’m gonna look good doin it to :wink:

There people that take improvements from 100m to 200m
there people that take improvements from 200m to 100m
we can see clearly that this guy is the first one.

gluck man, keep up the hard work, through hard training u can shave off much more of those times if u really put urself into it. keep pushing hard. dont stop!

YAY!!! THanks for the support guys!!! Now I feel really good. They say that at the top it’s lonely, I doubt that’ll be true, cos you guys are gonna all be there or will have been there already!!.

Today I did plyos.
single jump legs together 10 reps
triples 10 reps
quintuples (5 jumps) 10 reps
decuples (10 jumps) 10 reps

after this I did some upper body weights, some pull downs, incline benches, flyes and tonight before bed I’ll do some ab work.

do you take some benefit from this days of train where you do track and then upper body ?
have you tried track and lower body at same day ?

Today I competed in the 100, and I was going to run 200 but to be perfectly honest, I really didn’t feel like it, because in the 100… I DESTROYED IT!!!

I ran the 100 in 11.79!!! yeah baby!!!

I’ll write a little more later when the olympics replay is finished

Today was the sports day for my faculty, and I was going to run the 100, 200, 400 and the LJ, but because of time restrictions the 200 and 400 were dropped.

In the morning I was walking to the car and stepped on a bad piece of cement, and twisted my ankle pretty badly. I thought It was divine intervention, because my closest rival was also kinda injured. I iced my ankle and took an antiinflamatory, and bandaged my ankle.

Anyway to make a long story short, I jumped way beyond my previous record of 5.37 (I jumped 6.14mts today)

In the 100 mts I thought I was favourite going in but this kid in first year told me he used to run in 11.5 and my PB was 11.79, so I doubted for a second, but then I remembered that I went into that meet to impose my supremacy as king of the track from my faculty.

Point is I ran in the third series in a nice easy 11.33 HT looking to my left and to my right at about 80 mts and running from 85-100 with both my arms open.

For the final I decided to run seriously, and so I didn’t raise my arms, I just ran!!! and I ran in 11.00 HT!!! A new meet record!!! and this was on an ash track, so I know it was at least an 11.50 FAT (Which means I’ve hit a new level to run at. Much more comfortable, much more powerful!!!)

This makes me very happy cos I should be running sub 11 HT at the national dentistry meet in october.

I keep you all posted.

I’ll probably train if my swollen ankle doesn’t hurt too much, but for now… shower and sleep!!!


well done!!!

take it from me, the girl who ran on a f-cked up ankle… take even better care of it than you think you need to! hot and cold baths will help with the swelling- i’m sure you know what you’re doing for treatment. :slight_smile:

Congratulations Alex !!!
Sometimes happens things like this maybe to test our will,
and as we saw here, your will is getting stronger each day.
Nice times btw, i guess you´re deep in Olympic Feelings :wink:
Congratulations buddy.

Thanks guys and yeah, I’m probably really pumped from the olympics, and I want more than ever to train and run better and get to Beijing 2008!!! So hopefully I’ll be in conditions to run well enough to qualify within the next 2 years of training (as in good enough for a south american champs or ibero-american champs by 2007!!

Thanks guys

It’s been a while since I’ve posted, mainly due to PC probs. I didn’t have one for a while there so I was off. Good news is that the interfaculty meet was on thursday, and I ran in the 100 and 4 x 100. I got really pissed off at the 4 x 100 I feel kinda like rick say. We should’ve won, but our exchanges were CRAPPPPPP!!! so we came in third. I started the last leg basically standing cos the guy running the third leg couldn’t keep his speed, so I “got away from him” and was left with one meter before the exchange area ran out so I had to stop, it was really shitty anyway, I made up about 10 metres that I lost on the guy who came in second.

In the 100 there were some really good guys who used to reaaaaally kick my ass, but not on thursday, I ran third with an 11.44!!!YAY!!! new PB!!! almost forgot, but this puts me in a good position to get on the University’s 4 x 100 for the National University meet in November, and it also puts me in N° 1 ranking for the national dentistry meet in october. So I’m gonna keep my laces tied and my spikes on the ground training and pushing myself beyond everything I’ve ever thought!!!

I’d never run like that, so today I’m going to the meet and I’m gonna see if my coach tells me to run. if he does then I’ll run but if he doesn’t then I’ll just jog and stretch.

CHeers all!

I´m very proud of you Alex,
this remind me “someone” talking couple months ago,
I´m not improving in 100m… :frowning:
Just my 200´s are getting better… :o
And now, i believe,
you changed your thoughts right ? :wink:
Our wilfulness is a very positive thing.

Keep it up !!

well done!!! i had been wondering what you’d been up to lately

Well I ran again today, the 200, just for the fun of it, and I felt like running sub 24, so I told my coach and he replied “if you don’t run sub 24 you’re gonna buy the beers!!!” and he drinks like… I dunno, he’s got beer capacity I’ll just leave it at that.

So I ran… 23.79 FAT YEAH BABY my first sub 24 and I won my heat so I know I can go faster and better.

Cheers all

I just realized that yesterday I oficially busted into the 1 second improvemente in the 200 in less than 1 year of training. Since I started training track in Feb. I’ve dropped from 24.79 to 23.79 I reckon I can go even faster!!! so push it baby!!!

Today I restarted training after doing absolutely nothing last week, and I had epigastritis. Basically it’s an abdominal pain when you put pressure against the abdominal wall near the solar plexus (just under where the ribs finish) probably due to too much beer, bad food and no sleep last night.

Obviously… I trained anyway.

5 x 100s on the curve.

The first one felt awesome. No set recovery time between runs, and no timing the runs. The others felt different. Anyway I noticed something, on the curve I can’t fully “bounce” my feet off the track because my body is angled in, so all I can do is “pull”, whereas hitting the straight I can “bounce” my stride (these are all just descriptive terms for what I feel during the stride) and It feels a lot more smooth, however it does require some degree of coordination to feel at which point coming out of the curve I change so as to maintain smoothness.

I’ll probably have to run this weekend so I’m gonna go to bed now
bye all

Today I jogged 10 minutes, and then ran a 300 in 40.09 secs and 4 minutes later a 200 in 24.0.

I was wasted after that. I’ve realized that my weakest link is my ass. My glutes are always wasted after 100-150mts, so I think that maybe I should start working on my glutes to improve their strenght resistance etc… who knows. Any suggestions??

Tomorrow I’m training with the Faculty sprint team for the first time, we’re getting ready for the National Dentistry meet on the 9th of october and the interfaculty on the 13th of october and one last interfaculty not sure when.

Hopefully we’ll run a lot better than the 46 something we ran the other day, with the only sub 12 run being mine. (damn!!!)


Today was a fairly easy training session we trained the faculty mens relay team. Currently there’s only 3 of us because our 4th is recovering. He fractured his tibia about 3 months ago, and now he’s fine, coming out of rehab and he really wants to run, so he probably can’t train with us until one week before the meet, so we set him up as our startes so all he has to do is handoff.

We set it up with 23 footlengths between the other runners. I run the last leg, and we initially set up the distance for me at 20 footlengths, but ended up having to reduce the distance to 18 footlengths otherwise the other runner couldn’t catch me within the exchange area.

The relay is starting to look pretty good, hopefully in the next two weeks we can run the relay completely and time it.

Today I was kinda low on energy because I disn’t sleep well. I haven’t been sleeping well lately, a night time insomnia and daytime somnolescence.

Today I did 3 x 150mts pulled the first one hard, the second one nice and smooth and the last one was probably at about 85-90% of my maximum (otherwise I probably would have puked and that means food lost, nutrition lost, etc…) ran them in 17.3, 18, and 19.6

Gonna try to get some good sleep tonight and rest tomorrow so on wednesday I can bang out another good session and thursday as well before competing on saturday to try and qualify for the national university meet the last week of october, hopefully I can run under or close to 11.5 and 23.5 and qualify.

Also next friday is the National Dentistry Students meet, 7 universities are competing, and last year with no trainin I ran in 4tn place. This year I wanna come home with 3 golds around my neck: 100, 400 (even though it’s not my evento I think I can run a 52) and the 4 x 100 (which I anchor)

On the Wednesday after next friday, the University Internal Olympics. Basically its an interfaculty meet, but you get all the medals and stuff on the day. Last time I left with two silver, this year… I want three medals or at least a gold.

Cheers, I’ll keep y’all up to date