First Years Training

Big time recap… I don’t really remember what I did this week, however I do remember that I didn’t make it to the competition. And I also started my 2 weeks holidays on friday, so here come 2 weeks hardcore training.!!!

Monday 12th
Warm up Jog
Standing long Jumps 5
Duplas (like standing triple jump but 2 steps and jump off the 2nd)
Cuadruples (four steps jump off 4th)
Decuples (10 steps, jup of the 10th)

Tuesday 13th
Raining on tuesday so all we did was indoor work.
Measured our vert I got the most kickass number out of the group 69cm vert (nobody beat me!!! hahahahahahaha beat all the guys that run faster than me, but then again… I wanna run faster!!!)
Technique training high knees, half legs.
Accel Dev. Sprint accel out to 15 mts (roughly half a bbal court.)

Wednesday 14th
Yesterday I did again Accel Dev.
3 x 30mts from 3 point stance all of these in 4.2, 4.2 and 4.1
1 x 130mts with spikes in 15.15
1 x 130mts in flats more relaxed in 15.79

Thursday 15th TODAY!!! (Yay I got my PC back, it’s still not working properly but at least I have it)
5 starts from blocks out to 10-15 mts
3 x 150s with 2 minutes rest between in 18, 18 and 20 these had me almost puking from the lactic buildup (oh… did I mention that I have to compete tomorrow in the last winter indoor???)

Ever since last thursday my left shoulder’s been killing me, along the portion that joins the anterior delt to the pec. I went to the doctor on saturday and got x-rays, no fracture, he said tendinitis of the long bicep tendon in the bicipital sulcus (don’t know if it’s called that in english) anyway. point is I was supposed to inmobilize 3 days til monday, and I have a checkup on monday, but it hurts really bad and I can’t sleep in my usual position because of the pain, so I’m gonna head out to the doctors after dinner to se what the story is, since I’m competing tomorrow.

I’ll try to sleep well, read CFTS (review it tomorrow) and get an appointment for a full body chechup. My parents are worried cos a stack of kids here in Chile have just dropped dead from aneurisms and heart attacks, and I’m talkin’ about 15 year old’s during physical activity, so my parents are pretty worried about a 25 year old.

Today I ran in the indoor and I trained.

Ran the 60 in 7.62 I think its a new PB electronic. I didn’t make it into the finals though.

So I trained… I think I’m starting a new strength phase I had to do “strength 1” as my coach calls it.

1/2 Squats 12(50%) 10(60%) 8(70%) 6(70%) = 80kg, 95kg, 110kg, 110kgs
Bench Press 12(50%) 10(60%) 8(70%) 6(70%) = 40kg, 50, 55, 55 (bailed out at 4 on the last series)
Deadlift 12(50%) 10(60%) 8(70%) 6(70%) = 50kg, 60kg, 70kg, 70kg

Tomorrow I don’t compete in the outdoor, but I do have to train:
2 x 4 x 60mts with 2 and 8 minutes rest between.

I’ll let you know how it goes.


Today I didn’t train. Instead I competed, mainly because a mate of mine was running and there was no one else to run there were only 5 competitors.

So I ran in the series 12.03 and in the final I twitched in the blocks and thought I’d caused a false start, and I ahdn’t so when the gun went off a few hundreths after my twitch I didn’t really push thinking they were going to recall us. No such luck, I ran for a 12.06 which really frustrated me cos It felt better than the first run.

Oh well, I’ll just have to keep training for the national dentistry meet in october and go sub 12 there!!!

Another thing is how incredibly sore I am (from the weights yesterday, cos it’s been ages since the last time that I didi weights so it really took a heap out of me).

I just wanna get better, and stop being sore for training on monday

Today was a lazy day. My coach is out of town, so all the group got together at 11am (everyone’s on holidays) at the track, and we all had plyos, so after a jog, we stretched, but since it’s winter here, and usually very cold, we were like lazy cats lying in the sun, and we talked and jumped.

hurdle hops 10 x 10

It was good, only that it made my shoulder flare up a bit, and I realized how unco I am in the air.

In the afternoon I went to the doctor to the check up and he sent me to a physical therapist for 5 sessions of ultrasound, parafin bath and massage therapy (deep or superficial) so that should be cool, I’ve never had PT before.

My shoulder really hurts now, and I can’t really let it relax unconcsiously (I have to think, and realize that I’m tensing up my shoulder) because of the posture of the arm here at home. I’ll try some heat rub and infrared heat before bed.

I’ll tell you all what I trained tomorrow when I get home after training.


Today was cloudy but warm, and It will probably start raining soon. Luckily I already trained.

Today I did 3 x 100 and was supposed to do a 300, but I didn’t do the 300 because my sacrum was really tight, as in painful. It had never happened to me before.

So today I have my first therapy session booked at 6pm so, I’m gonna ask the guy or girl to also give me a hand with my sacrum. I’ts really odd. I’ts a crippling pain, probably from tight glutes? I don’t know. like when your spine is compressed, but just above my coccys.

I’ll give you the low down after the therapy, cool??

I have MAJOR problems with my sacrum- in my case it is not only a tight back but also tight piriformis. PIGEON POSE!

Okay I went to therapy, It was actually really good!! I was surprised, but the pain decreased significantly, range of motion increased inmediately also.

I almost forgot to mention, I ran the 100 fairly relaxed in 12.x and then 11.8 and 11.7

Today I had to train accel dev.
3 x 20 mts 3 x 40 and 3 x 60 mts

I ran the 20’s and the first 40 ok, but after that my sacrum tightened painfully, and last night, while I was sitting on the couchI felt as though my right hip, had sort of popped forward, and usually I stand up and it sort of clicks back, last night it didn’t click back. So today I was not only running with a tight sacrum but also a sore hip, I think it’s some sort of pressure from the rectus femoris against the joint capsule or something.

Anyway, I have a PT session today, so I’ll talk to the PT today and ask him to decompress my sacrum, and help me get my hip back in place.


Man, i perceived something interesting about the relaxed runs.
When we run relaxed our body can´t “talk” properly to the mind, i mean,
we feel a sensation of control and rest while running but the true is that
the body is working much more than usual, but the brain isn´t telling to stop.
So, the “injuries” here, seems more common, and the soreness are always present.
I can say when i didn´t a good relaxed session, when i feel my muscles during the train but not after train,
i know when i did a good relaxed session when i don´t feel my muscles during trains but i feel soreness for 1 or 2 days after the relaxed train.

Today was Plyo day.
2 x 6 x 1 jump
6 x 2 step jump
6 x 4 step jump
4 x 10 step jump

I felt my sacrum, but I figured out that it’s probably due to my not stretching enough.

Also did some weights… bench press, military press and biceps and triceps (summer muscle training :wink: )

Had PT again on my shoulder. Rehab specialist gave me the ok on my shoulder.

My holidays are over. I go back to class on monday. :frowning: No more full time training. No more full time results.

Yesterday I didn’t train. Off day, rest. did nothing.

Today I was supposed to do weights. Stregth 1 (squat, bench and deads) but the national high performance centre was closed for training cos some retards decided that because there was a handball competition on, they had to close off the rest of the centre, and handicap the athletes in other sports.

So instead I jogged for 5 minutes and did some stretching.

That’s it.

End of holiday, I’m back at uni, and honestly… I miss the full time athlete lifestyle.

Today was supposed to be 2 x 2 x 150. (rest: 8 and 12)
instead (because of time factor to get to PT on time) I only did 3 x 150 with 8 rest. No one was timing me, so I just ran, however the last run I got a kid to time me, so I don’t know how accurate it was he said 18 flat.

who knows.

Tomorrow I start eating right, but I don’t train.


Today I got a call at 9:30 from my coach. Obviously I was asleep. “Track N°2 11am”… (I went to bed last night at about 2-3am)

I didn’t train all week after monday, just did some light weights for the beach muscles here at home and some ab work.

Today I jogged, stretched, and did 3 ascentions (build ups) over 100 mts. These actually winded me more than I expected.
My coach said… today just 1 x 300… but at 100%.
I could already feel the lactic buildup, and breakfast today was a protein shake, 4.3 grs of BCAA’s and 10grs creatine.

I ran the first 100 nice, at about 80mt mark a friend of mine shouted out to me that I was sitting back, so I pushed “leaned forward” and entered the curve, It was all good on the curve, and I felt strong on the straight up until 40 mts out, where I felt my glutes just give in… they had no more energy in them, and I pushed into the line.

My coach said “how long did you take?” I said “…38.9??” (this was a rough estimate considering my prevous best of 39.12… “Nope” he answered “37.62!!!” he came over and congratulated me.

I felt like puking for about… 15 minutes. I went to the toilets, drank a bit of water and wet my head, and felt better, but I was dead after the 300… really really wasted!!! my muscles wouldn’t move, my butt was really really sore, I couldn’t walk for a while.
But I got a new PB!!! 300 - 37.62 secs !!! YEAH BABY!!!

Great job, that’s a great time, you must be in shape to run mid 23 in 200m. now. Haha and congrats for your first real experience with lactic :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: I remember when I ran my first 400 in late 2002 with barely 3 months of training, I couldn’t understand what the hell was happening to me in the last 100m. I had never even done SE so I had no idea that there was a point where your body won’t advance anymore despite your best will do so!! Actually I didn’t feel the lactic that bad because I think I had so much adrenaline I couldn’t feel anything else, but it was this dead feeling, like my muscles weren’t responding any more.

hahaha too true man too true. Although it’s not my first approximation to lactic. First time was 5 x 100 with 1 minute walkback rest.

Damn… It’s odd but you feel ok to have “achieved” something better.

Ok guys, good news!!! My coach reckons I should be able to run 11.4 electronic by the end of the year the way my 200 and 300 times have been dropping.

Today was gonna be weights and short distance day (my coach is sort of gonna follow what I planned. It’s on another thread) but since it was raining all I did was weights.
Strength 1
Squats, Bench and Deads
50-60-70-80% of max
12-10-8-6 reps
with a 160 kg max squat, an 80kg max bench, and a 100kg max dead, you can work out the weights.

tomorrow I rest, and on wednesday I train again, so I’ll let you know how it goes.


Yeah baby!!!
I didn’t train on thursday, since I had this oral-B shindig at night and didn’t sleep much wednesday night, and on friday I had a test, so I skipped thursday’s training and competed today.

Despite running last in my series, I ran my new PB in the 100, shaving 0.11 secs off my previous PB. I ran 11.90 (starting finally to see improvement!!!)

However, in the 200 I blasted my previous PB!!! my previous was the 24.43 at the interfaculty meet, today I ran in 24.01 out of lane 5 on a 6 lane track!!!, I led the race for 170 mts and then gave up the first and second spot in the last 30.

SO I FEEL GREAT. Despite the fact that yesterday I was feeling really down, and had 2 cans of beer. (Women are really complicated, or at least I never got the instruction booklet :stuck_out_tongue: )

anyway, gonna have to celebrate today!!! yummy!!! brownies!!!

I’ll try to get the photo’s up from the meet in a while

well done!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

we are not really so complicated…

You aren’t… others… damn I just don’t get it… (sigh)

let the results speak for yourself