First Years Training

This week was pretty cruddy, I didn’t train on monday cos it was a public holiday and all the tracks were closed, and Wednesday was raining… really heavily, so I got wet and trained with wet feet.

Trained about 30 minutes of stretching and yoga-type exercises. After this we did some coordination exercises, like skipping, some one leg hops-cycling and finished off with some weights.

Incline bench press
Lat Pull downs
leg extensions
and leg flexions (for hamstrings)
added to this some ab work and some hypers.

Today was a pretty nice day, however after my brakfast I felt a little sick. Nausea and a little dizzy on the bus to uni. (probably what I ate for breakfast - 2 minute noodles, a chilean meat pie, a glass of efervescent Vit. C and B complex and a cup of tea with milk).

I skipped my first meal of the day because I felt kinda sick, but I felt better at lunchtime.

Tody I went to the track, jogged, and streched, proceeded to do 3 x 50 mts ascencions, and then headed into the weights room.

Bench Press 4 x 10 x 50kgs
Leg raises 4 x 15 alternated with 10 seconds fast high knees drill.
Leg extensions 4 x 20 x 60 lbs (both legs)
leg flexions (hams) 4 x 20 x 30lbs (one leg at a time)
Full Squats 4 x 12 x 60kgs alternated with depth jumps

And abs in between it all.

Cheers that’s all I gotta go have dinner now


Yesterday was really, really bad, I was sore, really sore, my quads were dead from mondays training. I’d never been so sore before after a training session, I could barely walk.

Today I felt a little better, but still really sore. I trained anyway, today was a good track day.

Jumps onto boxes at 1.5 mts high 5 x 5 with 3 minutes rest in between.
and after that 4 ins and outs slow fast slow fast slow fast (over 120 mts)

I finished up pretty well, since my quads felt better after a jog and a stretch, but they’re still sore and I have to train tomorrow.

Cheers all

Today I finished off my clases at about 5:30. My nutrition today was pretty cruddy, cos I’ve been feeling a little nauseus en the mornings, I think it’s due to my anti-depressive (bupropion, it increases dopamine levels).
Breakfast 6:30 - 2 minute noodles and a fried egg (anti depressant)
Mid morning 10:30 - skipped the meal
Lunch 12:30 - Lasagna
Afternoon snack - rice and chicken chow mein 1 tblspoon of creatine

Training - 6 x 100 mt buildups
1 x 50 - 6.11 sec
1 x 80 - 9.60 sec
1 x 100 - 11.60 sec
1 x 250 - 31.40 secs.

THat’s all I’m off to eat now.


Today I went to the park with my coach and some of the other athletes that are in my coaches group. We jogged for about 35 mins and then stretched.

Today was kinda wierd considering we did something that I’ve never done before, and had heard that it wasn’t good.

Overspeed training!!!

The angle of the ground wasn’t that much, must have been about 2-3° but I felt the diference during the runs. My hips were a lot higher, and I “floated” a lot more. The odd thing was that muscles that normally didn’t get tired were really tired by the end (namely my hams.)

My quads stopped being sore today. That was good.

I ran downhill 3 x 60 mts and another 3 x 100 mts (roughly, the distances were aproximates because there were no measurements on the surface we trained on.

Anyway, I’ll let you guys know how things progress.

Oh and just if you hadn’t noticed on thursday I posted up a new PR in the 100, I pulled it down from 11.85 to 11.61, and this was in cold weather on a really wasted mondo track. I was a little afraid of slipping because the track was covered with dew, and my spikes are a little rounded (I have to replace them) even so, I banged out a NEW PB!!! after which I had a dessert of a nice 250 mts in 31.6. Not good, but not bad either.

Cheers I’ll let you guys know what’s going on mondays training.

congrats! PB is awesome

Today was a cool day on so many levels, I got the new products from my sponsor which means that I’m now running on a protein drink, creatine, anti-oxidants, amino acids and an “energy booster” when I’m a little run down, and the best part is that it’s all free!!! YAY!!!

Today was plyo day (I think)
I jogged from the bus to the track which is about a 6 minute jog but with all my clothes and back-pack I was warmed up by the time I got to the track, so I stretched (I was a running a little late) quickly and got into it.

I took 3 amino acid capsules 30 minutes before training and 3 about 10 minutes after I finished.

Jumps onto a 1.4m box 4 x 5
straight leg bounces for height (I don’t really know what theyre called but I just described them pretty well) for 20 seconds and a short sprint after the jumps.

Supposedly this is direct-transfer training?

Tomorrow I have a pretty important test, and I finish up at uni at about 7:30pm (start classes at 8am, which means I’ve gotta be having breakfast by 6:30 cos it’s a 1 hour commute to uni) So that means no training (I can’t make it to the track, and I’m really wasted so… tomorrow is “rest day”.

Kra, thanks, I never thought you’d look at my training journal. I’m surprised… in a good way.

Shouts to all!!!

Stay cool, see ya in 2 days

Ok guys, tomorrow is my interfaculty athletics competition. I’m nervous as hell, I’ve already got butterflies in my stomach and when I think about it adrenaline starts pumping and I start getting hyped. I’m the coordinator for the athletics department at my faculty (at my fac. all the sports coordinators are students) and as such, and having posted some fairly good results in the past (winning long jump in the B series and coming in 6th in the A series in the 100, and running the best leg of the 4 x 100) I feel as though I have an “obligation” not only to myself (I don’t like losing, and I HATE 4th place more than anything) but also towards my team-mates and my faculty, considering all the ruckus I’ve made re-organizing and pushing forwards the athletics dept.

anyway… this means that tomorrow I have to do:
7pm - A series 200 mts
7:45pm - High Jump
8:15 - A Final 200 mts
8:40 - 4 x 400 (anchor leg)

Last year I came in second place in the high jump the guy that one beat my by 3 cms only, so this year I REALLY want to win.

Anyway I’ll tell you all tomorrow night how it all goes.

The obligatory warm up jog, and stretching
Today I trained plyos. Hurdle hops 8 x 8 with 1.5 mins between series and between series a 10 mt acceleration.

Afterwards a cool down jog, some amino acids and home to eat and rest!!

I’m so hyped about tomorrow.

I’ll see you all tomorrow.


Ok so you guys probably know that today I had an interfaculty meet, and all the reeeally good runners were out for various reasons.
Castillo is training for the iberoamerican comp
Bravo and Becerra are at the south american under 23’s
Mayer has to train (and he’s not from my uni so he doesn’ count)
Buchholz is having his maxes measured (he isn’t from my uni either)

So I was in pretty good standing.

I finished class at about 5:15 and headed to my locker, prepared myself a chocolate protein drink, downed my anti-oxidants, my energy pills (carnitine and caffeine mix called GH-27 you can check it out on the scientific body web-site

I left uni at about 5:30 and headed to the track I got there at 6pm It was already really cold. The sky was cloudy and I was hoping it wouldn’t rain.

I am my faculty’s track team captain, so I had to call everyone and energize them during the week to go and compete, I was stoked when 95% ef the team showed up (the highest showing EVER at an interfaculty meet!!)

The events programmed were:
2000 women
2000 with obstacles men
200 men and women
800 men and women
High Jump
and the 4 x 400mts relay.

I was set to participate in the 200, the HJ and the 4 x 400 (anchor leg).

In the 200 a couple of mates of mine who train for the A series (federated athletes) who was the real challenge in the 200 and there were a few guys that were good (within the middle level that we are currently at in Chilean spriniting).

I was in the top 5 favourites, and I was freaking I’d been nervous all yesterday and all day, “performance anxiety” you could call it.

Anyway, the temperatures dropped (5° celcius, it was freezing) and 4 series were set for the men.

I wore a nike speedsuit that a friend gave me, the same speedsuit that Mo wore when he ran 9.79.

I ran in the second series, and in the first series 2 of the top guys ran, a friend who used to beat me last year before i started training and another guy (studying to be a veterinarian), they ran 1 and 2 with my mate in 2nd.
I got lane 2, a young guy (under 18) who is also really fast got lane 1.
I had absolutely no adrenaline, all that I’d felt yesterday and earlier in the day was gone. I was really calm and concentrated.

I took my lane, and leaned a little further forward than usual in the set position (usually I’m too balanced in the blocks) the gun went off and I exploded out of the blocks, as I started on the curve I saw how everyone on my right started to disappear and fall behind, by the 40mt mark I was ahead of everyone, I came off the curve in the lead and kept it til 30mts out from the line when my butt cramped up!!! (both my glutes cramped up!!! I stumbled a step) The kid in lane 1 who I could hear his steps as we ran must have made me tense up, and he took the chance he got and took the lead from me. I ended up in 2nd place, but well ahead of 3rd, and since he isn’t a student from my uni his run didn’t count so I won in 24.43 secs FAT.

For me that’s a new PB.!!!

Anyway I got 2nd in the HJ (missed on one attempt more than my opponent even though we both failed at the same height)

The 4 x 400 was another thing. We came in 4th but the 1st team doesn’t count. Our first runner (samuel, my mate who got 3rd in the 200) didn’t go out and run, I think he jogged the 400, he led the first 200 mts and then ended up in 5th place for the first exchange, the other 2 runners maintained the position, but lost a bit of distance so when it was my turn to wrap up the run I was 25-30 mts behind the other guy. I’d closed the gap to 10 mts before the the first 100 and drawn even with him by the 200 mark, I passed him easily on the curve and finished up the 400 15-20 mts ahead of him and in 4th place, translating into a 3rd place finish.

I was stoked and my coach felt proud (I think, but I know he now expects more from me, I can’t wait to get back to training!!! unfortunately monday is a public holiday, so we’ll have to see what he comes up with)


I’ll try to post the foto of the track team as soon as I get the foto’s sent to me.

Good job! And sounds like you had an excellent SE2 day.

congrats! cramps or not, a PR is a PR :cool:

thanks, although I think that it must have looked funny though. And I’ve never had my ass cramp up on me before.

Today I got to the track a little later than usual. Uni stuff. Anyway, today my diet was… beans, and I felt them at the track!!!

Today we did block starts. 4 x 10 mts from blocks and then another 4 x 10mts from blocks. All of these came out about 1.42 not bad, but not good enough. Starting next to a 10.7 sprinter, I got to the 10 mt mark about 40-50 cms back. I need more power!!!

For dessert my coach gave me a 150. I pulled it hard and fast, really good frequency, and my 10.7 mate next to me all the way, he wasn’t even pushing. 17.9 not good at all considering the last 2 weeks I’ve been pulling 17.5s

My coach said that my problem isn’t strength, or SE, my problem lies in my not passing the power from my strides into the ground. I don’t really know how to get this power into the clawing action. Another training partner said that the 10.7 guy looked slow next to me, that I looked fast, but I’m not moving forward fast enough. It was almost one of his strides for 2 of mine. THAT is REALLY FRUSTRATING. I know what’s wrong but I don’t know how to fix it?!?!?!?.

B back tomorrow!!!

It’s funny that one’s first few months or years of training one tries to get more power, more power, more power delivered to the ground. Then something happens and things change completely, you suddenly notice that you want more relaxation, that the medium to get power to the ground is not pushing into it and trying to power yourself forward, but relaxing and just letting yourself move forward effortlessly. At least that’s how it happened to me and it sounds like you are in a similar situation, you’re fast naturally but you’re just trying too hard. You need to relax … training with a faster partner won’t permit that. I know if I was still training in a group I’d be running stiff like a statue. Just some thoughts. Oh yeah, by the way, don’t forget to stretch those glutes well next time :rolleyes: , we don’t want to hear about any more ass cramps! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I think aln that you got it right on. However I still feel that I can develop more power. Which wouldn’t be bad.

Today I trained accels, since tomorrow I might compete in the indoor comp. in 60 mts. No option for winning, but it will be a good training session and help me get used to the pressure of competition.

Today we did block starts on curve.
4 x 20mts from blocks
and then 3 x 30 mts from blocks.

My coach said that I was getting stuch in the blocks and not exploding, not pushing off well. So I’ve got to train on that.

For dessert we had to run 150mts.
Just to surprise us, it was cold (it’s been cold everyday for the las month and a half, tonight must have been around 6-7° celcius.)
Out of the whole group who ran, I ran the fastes time. (we ran alone so that we wouldn’t feel pressured) I ran in 17.5 with the next fastest time being 17.9 (all guys who have been training longer than I have, so I felt pretty good. motivated to train tomorrow. So now I’ve gotten home, I’m starving and I’m gonna eat steak and rice!!! yum.

Cheers all see you tomorrow.!!!

Today was the Indoor Competition.

I wasn’t really expecting much, and I wasn’t even really sure If I was going to run because there was a required 11.2 sec 100 minimun to run, and only two athletes not filling that time were allowed per club.

In the end there was no 11.2 requirement, and I ran. Figuring I’d run and then train. I was put in the 4th series, along with Felipe (my 10.7) training partner. I ran third in that series with a 7.63 (which is a new FAT record for me over 60mts) After I ran I was talking to my coach about what I had to do, he said, today you’re gonna train weights, 4 x 10 jump squats, linges and step ups with 30 kgs and 4 x 10 bench with 40 kgs, all of a sudden as I’m walking away the names of the competitors for the finals were announced. I was the last competitor in the B final!!!

I was surprised and so was my coach. (This is because not that many people showed up I think, in february there were 12 series yesterday there were only 5)

Anyway in the final I came in last (3rd) with 7.65 I started really poorly, I didn’t accelerate as I normaly do and my start from the blocks was really poor, I didn’t feel any power, just stepping.

I finished and did my core work (200 abs and 100 hypers) and then went home. I did what I probably shouldn’t do anymore and enjoyed a nice beer and then went out on the town with some mates.

Today (saturday) I woke up at 3pm, and I should fall asleep in about 20-30 minutes, and try to get up at about 10.

Talking to Flying on messenger we were analyzing our progressions and were coming to a strange realization. That I haven’t improved much in terms of the 100 mts. In Feb I ran 12.01 a month ago I ran 12.06 and ran a horrid 12.25 in between. When putting the perspective towrds the 200 mts
-In FEB My first 200 was in 24.79, the second was in 24.64, compared to last week at the intefaculties meet I ran 24.43. thats a 0.3 sec improvemt

Hand time improved in the 150 from 18.7 - 18.5 in feb to 17.9 to 17.3 to 16.74 and themn to 17.5 where it stuck until last week, wednesday I ran 17.9, and then the next day I brought it down to 17.5.

From this I can see how my progressions are in the order of the 200 mts and not so much in the 100 or in the 60, but I’ll keep on going to training and se what sort of a beast I become…

a pure power beast - 60 mts star
A power- speed beast - 100 mts star
a speed -resistant beast - 200 mts star
or a resistant fast beast - 400 mts star

Ignore some of this stuff it it’s wierd, it’s just the medications I’m on that’s kicking its effect in all the way.


and g’night

i really hope that you became a
speed -resistant beast - 200 mts star

because, under 200m distances , i´ll be the beast. :wink:

Today was a nice easy two run day… easy (what a load)

1 x 130 in 14.9 and 1 x 300 in 39.29 (new pb) brought the 300 down from 43 and the 130 down from 15.3 so I know I’m improving. Just not in the 100 yet. Anyway indoor is on friday again and I have two more training sessions before then.

I’m at uni but I’m really tired so I’m gonna try and have a nap before I have to see my patients.

Cheers all

Today I did accel dev. Blocks day

4 x 10 from blocks
6 x 30 from blocks.

My coach adjusted my foot position on the blocks, since as I pushed off, my heel kept going back and I was losing stacks of push. After that all better, ran the 30 from blocks in 4.13 so a calculated 11.3-11.4 (I hope. That’s what I wanna run at the National Dentistry Comp in October. I wanna kill everyone there in the 100, 400 and in the 4 x 100 or whatever else there is that I can run!!!) But at Uni I wanna run well in the 100 and get sub 12 times FAT. So far I’ve run really well in training managing an 11.6 HT with really cold weather. So I should be able to pull of a sub 12. But we all know that competition is a whole different scenario.

Tomorrow I’m gonna take a day off since I have to study for the final test on friday before my winter holidays.

On friday I run in the indoors again and there’s probably gonna be a lot more runners, so I hope that I can make the finals this time as well. (there’s only 4 lanes so there’s only 8 finalists, Final A and Final B) Also last time I ran 7.63 and 7.65 so I should also by these times be running an 11.9 or 11.8 in the 100.

After friday I have 2 weeks to train, and recover until the next semester.

I’ll let you all know how I go on friday, but I’ll check this before if anyone wants to send me a message.


So ? How was your “competência” my friend ?