Wondering what our members think of a forum based shopping system. It would essentially allow you to get FREE stuff based on the quality of your posts. What do you all think?
Wondering what our members think of a forum based shopping system. It would essentially allow you to get FREE stuff based on the quality of your posts. What do you all think?
everyone loves FREE stuff no matter who you are! think before you ink
So long as it isn’t pointless posting I guess its a good idea.
I think that could be a very good (innovative idea).
Would really encourage memebers to post quality posts.
Would you intend using the peer points system (which I think might be open to abuse) we have at the minute or would you, Charlie and other moderators review posts every month and pick the best contributions?
The way the system would work would see “cf dollars” being awarded to quality posts and “cf dollars” being deducted for crap.
It would be my hope that members would keep that in mind, moderators would simply flag a bad post thus causing the posters balance to be negatively impacted (or similar).
I’m still thinking about it but thats where my mind is at right now.
It would be awesome assuming some people didnt go overboard into spam fests
cool, but what is a quality post for example?
Things like vids, statistics and so, i guess
So the moderators would be responsible for managing the whole thing, awarding and deducting cf$?
I hope it hasn’t already started and this is classified as a crap post :o
OK, I think I’ve got this right. I give points to whoever posts on the 400m and deduct from everyone else :eek:
Yeah KK now your talking…
The only issue I see with that system, is that there are different opinions on everything. So, what one person finds as “crap”, others may find as a good post. Maybe just use awards and not punishment.
How about if the mods alone have authority to add/subtract cf dollars?
that was what I was trying to get clarified above.
The Mods would just be ensuring that no blind posts are occuring. This system wouldn’t award Charlie Bucks to quantity but quality. The upside of Moderators awarding the points or taking this is that this would shield members that take time to make quality contributions and vice versa.
I am for the mods making the calls, but again, there are differences in opinion’s, even between moderators. So, again, how would you be able to guarantee fairness between different opinions between people? What one person finds as “crap”, another person may find as a good post. Thats why I feel there should only be rewards, not punishments.
A “fair” post could be seen as a post that is not redundant or useless. A question for example wouldn’t be awarded points unless it started a discussion. Answers are what will be getting CF bucks!
I think a point system of any sort would be hard to implement properly, I feel that the current system has allowed for many great debates and topics for discussion, while still allowing for easy navigation and few poor posts.
My fear is that with a point based system quanity will start to take presidence over quality even with a quality based system, and therefore making it harder to find quality responses.
In any case if the point system does go into place, I would hope you could find a method to retroactively reward some top posters who have made invaluable contributions to this site and my own knowledge of sprint training.
While we’re on the subject of post quality, what about “knucklehead points” that could be given, with people being suspended from posting for getting too many? I’m kind of kidding about that, but maybe there should be something like that . . .?
There is, you just need to hit the scales of justice above any post and either approve or disapprove.
That will effectively kill a reputation of a poster or make him/her a forum all-star.
I think the system has positives and negatives. Some concerns I have about this system is that people’s emotions will almost surely affect their judgement and posters will receive negative points for simply disagreeing with another poster, regardless of how valid his or her post was. Another possible problem is that cliques could start forming on the boards, and they could use the power of their numbers to terrorize other members who disagree with their views, discouraging posts and ultimately discouraging members who have different views to join. Those are a couple of negatives that I hope will be addressed with this system, but overall I like the idea of the rating system as the quality of the forums, outside of a few threads, have greatly declined since the forums began. “We are like a big fish, who having been snatched from the sea, is struggling to find its way back. The fish does not ask where its next flip or flop takes it, it only realizes that its present condition is intolerable and a change must be made.”