Feature of the year

That’s where I was going with my idea above. The rep system is open to abuse. What tends to happen over time in unmoderated forums is that the crap increases and that drives good posters away. Forum members have to take responsibility for maintaining quality too, both by posting quality and not responding to garbage. IMO, ignoring trolls is the best way to get them to go away, while engaging with them only encourages them.

Members that are misusing ANYTHING here on the site will simply be kicked. Its also my hope that as a community we’ll all use common sense which is the driving factor behind our success. I must add that over time, the community at large has improved greatly and has become more fluid and focused. We don’t run a mickey mouse forum and its not a free for all (this is a key to remember). In a nutshell, just be respectful of others here and be considerate. As for “emotions”, I ask that members simply don’t post when they are upset at something…take a minute to think about what you are saying. Its really that easy no?
