fastest start i the world?

who is / was the fastest starter in the world? take into consideration who would be the 30m WR holder if there was such a record, also dont just work on reaction times, work on who gets to 30m the fastest!:clap:

No Problem. The tape was actually the victim of watching it several thousand times:) In three yrs some of those races will be 20 yrs old.


Dear Balance
I did get them thanks, though the quality was poor- perhaps the victim of a Customs X-ray. I wasnā€™t sure where the tape came from, as Kate brought it and left it with a friend for me- I thought maybe Jimson had sent it. My apologies!

Originally posted by xlr8

As far as the new rule, I think you are going to see slower starts overall. Think about it this way: if you are the weakest starter in the field, then you should automatically jump everytime to make everyone else sit in the blocks. You donā€™t have much to lose since you donā€™t expect to get much out of the start, but the good starters lose much of their advantage.

Good Point. The new rule gives an incentive to the weaker starters to break purposely to take the ā€˜heatā€™ out of the start. Old rule was better.

In track, I havenā€™t seen anyone get out of the blocks quicker than Andre Cason or Ben Johnson.

Must be Ben Johnson surely?

Surin was faster to 30m in 99wc than Ben was in 88.

donā€™t forget dennis mitchell but BJ by a mile

how about drummond? i dunno about the best but possibly the most consistent best?

You have to judge based on the track surfaces and the starting systems available (the volume of the block speakers themselves affect R/T)
In the past- Ben
Recently- Mo

What do you think of the new false-start rule? What will the impact be on times? Does it encourage false starts- as the initial perpetrator suffers no consequence, as all ā€œon noticeā€ after that?
I personally favour the old rules as long as the starter uses a long hold to prevent guessing.
A sprinter actually peaks his concentration twice in short proximity. The first peak occurs between 1.2 and 1.4 seconds, while the second peak occurs between 2.8 and 3.4 sec. Many American and Latin starters prefer the first peak for starting- but the narrower concentration peaks make guessing easier. The second peak method is the most likely to have everyone at a concentration peak when the gun fires while making guessing harder- and therefore less likely.
Another option is to adopt the NCAA no false start rule- but I think thatā€™s too Draconian!

I donā€™t like the rule. The old rule (correct me please) was 2 breaks per person?

I can understand why they did it, do I agree with it.

The rule has been introduced to all levels of athletics - local meets included.

Swimming has (or use to) if the a break was deemed to be delibrate you where DQ. A friend was DQ in World Champs (I think) for it.

IF the rules is there maybe it should be the third break (total) and your out.

The old rule was one break- second break by the same athlete- he was gone.

Yeah sorry.

Just to continue. I donā€™t understand why the rule was brought univerisally for all IAAF event (or rules). It could mean a kid (child) running for the first time ever. Breaking once and them breaking a second time or being so scared that they miss the start and comes last and quits the sport before they had a chance to prove if they could do the sport.

The rule was brought in to quicken up meets - golden league and others. I guess it is the same reason they have or are giving throwers 4 throws only.

Part of the fun in watching 100m is before the race starts the pre blocks and starts.

should i try to guess the gun?
when the gun has a short pause between set and gun, it is easier to guess. But like the last meet i was at, the gun took forever to go off, there was 5 false starts in a row in the midget boys 100. (it was in that 3.2-4.4 range)
How do you guess the gun when it is a long pause?


Donā€™t guess the gun - react to it.

I think that a drag racerā€™s start would be interestingā€¦have a count down of some number of beeps spaced evenly, after say, the 3rd beep, you go. So effectively you remove reaction time. If you used such a system, then I would make the first false starts a cause for DQ, but everyone should be able to get out pretty much right on the go since you can sync up to the rhythm.

As far as the new rule, I think you are going to see slower starts overall. Think about it this way: if you are the weakest starter in the field, then you should automatically jump everytime to make everyone else sit in the blocks. You donā€™t have much to lose since you donā€™t expect to get much out of the start, but the good starters lose much of their advantage.

i would think he has the fastest start in 100m at the moment, anyone disagree? If so just have a look back at the energizer series last year and this year, he`s at 30m way before anyone else, including gatlin, then he tenses up too much

Re improving R/T
Think about what youā€™re going to do after the gun- not about the gun itself. That way the reaction is automatic- you donā€™t have to think: ā€œYes, that was the gun, now Iā€™ll go!ā€

exactly example is,if someone was to fire a gun unknowingly to yourself-you would automatically jump or move.the same theory should apply to reacting to the gun in a race.the first thing you will do is move,its automatic and purely natural.thinking about it will slow your reaction down big-time due to the fact that you have to process that thought.clear mind = fast reaction because theres nothing blocking the reaction