The video used to be there…I did find the link sometime last year, and the video is not there anymore…sorry…

Prob isn’t active on the NFL site any more. We’re looking for links and hosting now for films.

Correct me if i’m wrong but doesn’t Glenroy Gilbert own the fastest 2nd leg of a 4x100 in history not bernard williams?
Ican’t remember if it was in 96 or 97 but I beleive he owns it
doesn’t he?
anyone have any info on the splits from those 2 races?

I can’t seem to find the video of Hayes’ 4x1 anchor on the link that X King posted. Has that site changed, or can I just not see it? If someone could post a direct link to the video or point me in the right direction, I’d appreciate it.

Bump for the video

The missing video.

What was Arrons split in the amazing last leg she did ? European Champs, that must be up there with the all time great legs, comparative of course for the obvious male/female time differences.

She did 9.66, only Marion in Sydney ran faster, about a tenth faster.

Wow, that was unbelievable! It looks like he was still accelerating at the end!

cuz nobody else was approaching his speed.

ive been timing the carl lewis and bob hayes runs. if you do it from the time they get the baton, they both run around 8.9 or 9.0, but if you time a little looser ive gotten hayes at 8.5 and lewis at 8.6. the times arent that consistent though. simply incredible runs.