prophet could you organise that for us.92 final…now charlie that was awesome,every time i watch that race its still hair-raising and the buzz in the stadium.WHOO

I’m missing out here. I still haven’t seen Bob hayes run, and I’ll probably become a fan when I do. I’ll have to download “Realplayer”(?). Anybody know anything about Bob hayes training program? I think Charlie has said he followed a general weight training program.

does anyone have an un un un unofficial split time on that run?? I did it and got 8.44, 8.11, 8.07… maybe it’s the drool that’s slowint me down, but the more i watch that run, the better it gets!!

I have tried to time it. I would estimate 8.65secs. What did others get on it?

The slowest I got was 8.56s! And I started the timer as soon as the movie started and made sure he was across the finish line before I stopped it. Truly spectacular!:clap: I know this issubjective but I believe that Bullet Bob was the most talented sprinter ever!

8.6 was the time quoted at the time for Hayes-on dirt!

That run still just blows me away! You are absolutely right Charlie…that was the best anchor leg ever run!

Originally posted by Charlie Francis
Can someone post a vid-clip of Lewis in 1992?

Not to be too picky, but can we get a bigger one at full speed and slo-mo?? We want to get the full effect!

Originally posted by Charlie Francis
Not to be too picky, but can we get a bigger one at full speed and slo-mo?? We want to get the full effect!

Visual quality is sacrificed for size and smoother video motion.

Stepping over!

Notice also the positive vertical displacement. At this speed, the forces are so great that the hip continues to rise after the support foot leaves the ground.

Originally posted by Charlie Francis
Notice also the positive verticle displacement. At this speed, the forces are so great that the hip continues to rise after the support foot leaves the ground.

Charlie. With all that you have discussed with us on this site, it is never more evident than when you see these examples. When I began augmenting these clips for this thread, everything that we have read, studied and attempted to utilize from becomes clearer and more defined.

You are right. The learning process never ends and we can be very thankful for you and this great forum.

To the matter at hand. Why is it that some athletes can sprint like this with a running start as opposed to others that perform better from blocks?

Thanks. There are a number of issues related to relays, from saving energy through smooth acceleration to the savings in energy from not having to raise the CG from the low starting position, and, in most cases, from an even distribution of speed throughout the entire run, as opposed to a short burst of extreme speed followed by deceleration.

I have clicked on the link to see the bob hayes tribute video, and the box comes up as a black/blank screen with scroll bar and not much else. What do i press from here?, to see the video. Can somebody help out a not so computer literate, who needs to see Bob hayes in action?

I have clicked on the link to see the bob hayes tribute video, and the box comes up as a black/blank screen with scroll bar and not much else. What do i press from here?, to see the video. Can somebody help out a not so computer literate, who needs to see Bob hayes in action?

Originally posted by Goose1
I have clicked on the link to see the bob hayes tribute video, and the box comes up as a black/blank screen with scroll bar and not much else. What do i press from here?, to see the video. Can somebody help out a not so computer literate, who needs to see Bob hayes in action?

We don’t seem to have a problem using the link. I assume your system has the required tools installed (e.g. Real player) to run the video?

I don’t have realplayer unfortunately.

As a side note, I have done a search via on Bob hayes and…
Lee Evans, former 400m record holder was talking about training and several athletes of his generation. He said (amongst others), Bob hayes hardly ever lifted a weight."
Not sure how accurate that is. I think it was Charlie who mentioned that Bob followed a basic and general lifting program.
I wonder if that was just when he was with the cowboys after his track years, or during his track years aswell. Any info on Hayes would go down well.:slight_smile:

Hi !

Today I have found some splits :

4x100-Christie-8.89 (1988), Lewis-8,78 (1987), 8,84 (1984), 8,68 (1992), Sangouma-8,92 (1990)

4x200-Lewis-19,2 (1992), Regis-19,1 (1994)

4x400-Johnson-42.98 (1995), Watts-43,2 (1992), James-43,9 (1968 on dirty track!)

That splits are amazing !

Originally posted by pavel
Hi !

Today I have found some splits :

4x100-Christie-8.89 (1988), Lewis-8,78 (1987), 8,84 (1984), 8,68 (1992), Sangouma-8,92 (1990)

4x200-Lewis-19,2 (1992), Regis-19,1 (1994)

4x400-Johnson-42.98 (1995), Watts-43,2 (1992), James-43,9 (1968 on dirty track!)

That splits are amazing !

Lewis never ran an 8.68 or an 8.78, his best ever was an 8.85 in the Barcelona relay. Not sure where u get your information from?
1 37.40 Unites States 1 Barcelona 08.08.1992

                      Michael Marsh                    (10.00)    04.08.67               USA
                      Leroy Burrell                               21.02.67               USA
                      Dennis Mitchell                             20.02.66               USA
                      Carl Lewis                       (8.85)     01.07.61               USA