Extreme fitness

If you go to crossfit.com they are an elite group of atheletes. They have a new training method that stems off of alot of training.

Basically they do workouts of a few exercises at a certain weight as many times as they can in a circuit. For example, squats 30 secs, push ups, 30 secs, cleans 30 secs, and repeat those three as much as possible.

I would imagine that this would increase endurance greatly, but it would also increase strength since the exercise are done at a very fast rate (strength endurance).

What are you thoughts about this. It sounds like it would be great for a growth phase when you first start training like for a training regime. I would switch from this at the begining to my actualy training later on like in the season

Extreme dumbness.
If anyone is seriously doing free oly style weights (cleans etc) for as many reps as possible in 30sec over and over they aren’t elite and even if they were when they started, they wouldn’t be for long. Injury is just a matter of time.
This is just like the Tabata weights crap we saw before.
Darwin’s law in action.

The opposite is true in fact. The fact that they cross-train so many different skills alone tells you that they are not elite by any category (except the fact that they are “crossfit” elite, which only exists by their standards). Oly lifts to failure is the single dumbest idea I have heard in my short career. The bad habits you form would deteriorate training way beyond any possible benefit.

How timely… I just had a crossfit guy come to my weight room to tell me about the benefits of this type of training. When he asked me if I ever did the following workout with my elite sprinters:

  • 30 clean and jerks, followed by a sprint, followed by 20 pull-ups, then a sprint, then… Anyways, you get the idea.

I started laughing at him and falling over. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I offended him.

I’m sure Charles Manson is looking for a workout program - perhaps the Cross-fit cult will be to his liking.

It’s amazing how physical fitness training seems to be getting worse - were do the sports scientists fit in in this conspiracy.

This group of “elite athletes”, sadly, are not the dumbest fucks out there. They are just the dumbest fucks to date! Stay tuned. No matter how low you set the morono-meter, there’s always someone or some group that manages to move the training bar even lower.

I’ve just lowered the setting on the morono-meter. This bunch are hosting “cross-fit Olympic weightlifting seminars” - and they’re sold out. Oh God! They’re cloning themselves like the bodysnatchers…

Hahaha… First one to 30 clean-and-jerk reps is a rotten egg.

It reminds me of that guy who is looking for more stupid “Guiness Book of World Records” records to break.


This dude must be a frickin’ crossfit god.

They’d be better off with 30 “jerk-offs” than 30 “clean-and-jerks”.
I wonder if their are 30 clean shirts the group.

what do u guys think about power clean 50sets for 2 reps? One of the major acc teams use this test at the end of the summer.

Since they’re sold out for their seminars, they may well be more than 30 jerkoffs

Ironically Charlie they have you on “crossfit friends list”.

You would think the program must be elite when some of these guys can powerclean over 500 lbs, But it looks like they actually want to get weaker and increase the chances of injuring themselves. Maybe when I get stronger, forget how to periodze, and not care about my body then I could join the crossfit culture. Who is with me.

Powerclean 500lbs? I would love to see the supposed 500lb powerclean that few world champion throwers could do and few olympic weightlifters (outside of SHW). Sounds like a load of bs. Look at some of the youtube videos of these clowns. These are the same guys who brag about being able to do 30 cheat/kip pull-ups when they cannot even do 10 strict pull-ups.

its a nice workout, u really should give it a try.

“Are you training, or just working out?”

“Any coach can make an athlete tired. It takes a good coach to make an athlete better.”


I think for some sports this style of training can work aka fighters. what do you think?

If you are doing this with Oly lifts, it’s just a matter of time till you’re toast.
Circuit training is fine as long as the circuits don’t put you at risk.

I too would like to see the guys who are pc ing 500 lbs and especially in such a program. Maybe they got some former weight lifters to take some cash to get in their little group of cross-fitters just so they could include his exploits among their results.

Mike Burgener (National Olympic Coach) has a lot of his people do their “fitness” work crossfit style and he has several nationally ranked lifters. They didn’t get that way via Crossfit though.

What did Casey c & j? Wasn’t he around 200kg or something simlilar. Again, like you said, he(nor anyone else for that matter) did not achieve high level w.l. performances via the cross fit protocols.