exp. with lifting chains


Go to http://www.elitefts.com

They will have articles on band set ups.

Originally posted by Noshe
When using the bands, how do you set them up on the squat and bench or other lifts where you can use them? Meaning where does the path of the band travel (i.e. deadlifts- wraps around each end of the bar after the weights, the band would travel from end to the other going under you feet, soyou are stand ing on it while performing the lift: I am not saying this is the way to do, just saying for example). Pictures would help, I am visual learner.

There are many ways to do it. You can loop em within themselves around dumbells, bottom of power rack, safety pins or plates like me. But you to figure out how much tension you want and wher eyou want the bands to kick in, sometiems you may have to double up the bands or, wrap around bigger plates or more dumbells to get the right tension

I put the bands on first on the smooth area where the plates are. You want to line up the bands in line with the bar on squats and bench. Since they pull, if they are pulling off line, you will get extra resistance from that angle, which can be useful.

With deadlifts there are many ways, you can double em up and stand on the bands - with the bands drapping over the bar at the centre, or loop em around your weight belt. You can use 2 bands, one on each end of the bar anchored with dumbells, or better yet get a Jumpstretch deadlift frame where you can hook up the bands to a small frame - you standing on this frame.

attached is how I setup my bands for my full squat