everyone falling apart?

So what’s up with all the great camps/coaches?

MVP, HSI, Clyde Hart…people way off.

Powell injured. Where’s Frater? Sherone Simpson? Leonard Scott 7th. Sanya 4th, Darold didn’t make it either. That’s just the surface.

Just one guy but Darold has a different coach now. I read that he and JW do train together some but they don’t have the same program now. I don’t know if his coach is a Hart disciple, though.

Doesn’t 'splain why Sanya, Asafa, Sherone, Frater, Scott, Mo, (every other HSI male), and others aren’t doing so hot at the moment compared to their bests… and a couple are down for the count most likely.

I wasn’t trying to explain the poor performances of others(which is why I said “just one guy”) just pointing out that about DW since he was included among guys in certain camps/coaches.

Its good to see Angelo Taylor back, though. With all the off-track shit he’s been through. And go J-Wariner for getting up to 4th in the 200m…

What about Andrew Rock? Leonard Scott fucked out, but why?? Shawn Crawford?? What’s with Michael Frater?