July 25, 05- 193 lbs.
No running times available for hill work- Wife will help me with that.
35 minute warm up
used med ball throws during 8oo meter jog to escape bordom of just jogging.
Hill is at good incline, not too steep
45 sec- 2 minute rests btwn runs, 4 min rest btwn sets.
Remembering to concentrate on “stepping over” instead of increasing contact time by pushing off…
10x 10 meters
10x 20 meters
10x 30 meters
cool down: 400 meter walk, stretch and self-massage.
Flat bench:
3 warm ups and rotate shoulders between sets-
1x15 reps 95 pounds
1x10 reps 95 pounds
1x5 reps 125 pounds
1x3 reps 275 pounds- 2.5 min rest
1x4 reps 305 pounds- 3-4 min rest
1x2 reps 335 pounds
1x10 reps 135 lbs
1x8 reps 275- 3 min rest
1x5 reps 315
Stiff leg deads:
1x10 reps 135 lbs
1x10 reps 225 lbs- 3min rest
1x8 reps 315 lbs
Rev leg press machine
1x10 reps 150 lbs
self rub down.