Eqi periodizazion

Is correst periodizazion with EQI?

O-4 weeks Static and Dynamic Stretching
5-8 w. EQI and Dynamic Stretching


O-4 Static and Dynamic
5-8 PNF and Dynamic
9-12 EQI and Dynamic Stretching?

If using EQIs only as a stretching method, you may not need to periodize as you aren’t looking for specific performance increases in this method.

O-4 weeks Static and Dynamic Stretching
5-8 w. EQI and Dynamic Stretching


O-4 Static and Dynamic
5-8 PNF and Dynamic
9-12 EQI and Dynamic Stretching?

Are good for bodybuilder in last phase before the contest?

I have already answered your question.

goes well the EQI for a beginner with the weights?

Yes, it is particularly good for a beginner due to their other benefits.

I’m still not clear on the protocol. For lower body workouts, would you start with a set weight like 135 and hold a RDL for a set amount of time and gradually increase time?

The possible applications of EQIs are great. The way in which they are applied depends on what you are hoping to gain by incorporating them into your training. Give me some more details about your goals and how you think EQIs can help you to achieve these goals.

Well I really don’t know much about EQI’s so I’m not sure how they’d apply. If you could go a little into what possible applications could be, that’d help me determine if they’re useful.

Goals are pretty general- Get explosive strength and get bigger. Lift for basketball/football.

Mr. Schwarz,
could extreme range isometric holds for prolonged time cause in themselves disturbancies in skills and technical patterns of a Specific Sport (Swimming),or it is more of a stress-volume management/correct integration matter?
If so, would You maybe expand on some key points of the latter?


When you use EQIs correctly you will learn to generate force throughout a greater range of motion. This will undoubtedly alter motor programs for the worse in the beginning. However, as you learn to incorporate your new capacity to generate force through a greater range of motion, the end result will be a much more effective skill.

High intensity work can disturb the learning of new techniques, while higher volume work can disturb even those techniques that are already well-learned. This is the reason for the incorporation of different amounts of skill work at different phases of the athlete’s training.

Thanks, Mr. Scwarz,for insightful and enlightening answer.

Mr. Schwarz, you mention using eqi’s correctly will enable athlete to generate force through a greater range of motion and that this may be somewhat detrimental in the beginning. But after the incorporation of different amounts of work the athlete is able to benefit from his more effective motor programs. My question is what are some examples of these “different amounts of skill work at different phases”? Would it something like mixing in the actual lift itself in with the eqi? For example eqi for the upper body like extreme pushups and incorporating high intesity single benches with that? How do you gauge when to incorporate the technical skills? After the desired adaptation has taken place? Thanks.

This is a very broad topic, much beyond the scope of anything I could cover here.

A good example of the different amounts of skill work at different phases is Verkhoshansky’s model of concentrated loading. In this model, technique work is lowered during the high volume strength phase and increased during the recovery phase (when the delayed training effect is realized).

Incorporating changes in skill is an ongoing process. You should not wait until adaptations are complete before working on the skill. For an athlete, skill work should be a constant. It is never eliminated from the training. The difference is in the amount and intensity of the skill work.

You can alternate the use of the EQI and the desired skill. We sometimes use this to eliminate contracture of the muscles during high intensity work. This is especially true with the use of max eccentrics, where muscle cramps are common.

We would do something like this:
A1) Bench Press movement (95-100%+)
A2) EQI Push-up or EQI Cambered-bar Bench (30-50 seconds; maximal contraction)

WHERE CAN I LEARN ABOUT EQI’S??? are these “static contractions”? your are using them at difffrents points in movement to strengthen overall movement (that strength training movement)or to specifically strengthen a dynamic movement “running”? sounds interesting

EQI is a new training method that is discussed in my new book “Theory and Application…”. The chapter is by Tony Schwartz