EMS Max Strength Journal

I can totally see where your coaches are coming from and I’ll leave it at that.

I don’t know about that, give me Jerry Rice or Ray Lewis lack of speed but great fitness levels. I think there’s enough work in the Boyd Epley program to develop acc and speed esp if you are working with half decent athletes and not dip shits.

Some good news. Ever since I’ve been on the heavy anti-inflammatory, my ROM and strength have almost returned to normal. First off, I’ve been real skeptical about what my surgeon said about this prescription being able to “dissolve” this calcium formation (heterotopic ossification) because there is no research supporting this belief. Although there is still extra bone in my left hip where the TFL muscle/ASIS is at, I actually have noticed less bone in there than before so maybe he does know what he’s doing. I also had a long talk over the phone with him last week and he said that there’s a good chance that this condition won’t affect my ability to return back to sport. It’s not a guarantee that I will have the resection surgery to remove the excess bone. He even says that this shouldn’t affect my strength/function and that there have been athletes who have returned to sport with this condition.

I’ve noticed such an improvement that I’ve worked up to a full back squat of 100kg for reps today and it felt real smooth. I actually do feel my left glute contract a lot harder during everything like I once did. I think it’s safe to say that I can return to sport at a slow/conservative rate now.

I am glad things are starting to improve. Good luck with the rest of your recovery.

Thanks a lot for your help and everyone else’s help from this forum during this process. It was the most frustrating thing I’ve ever dealt with in my life.

Today I went into the local Gold’s gym and snatched 75kgs, and C&J’d 90kgs with ease, full catch, and no pain. It’s time to start training for real again.

Well I’ve been away for a while but I have trained pretty good ever since I last posted… I gave up competing from all sports really after I quickly figured out that the heterotopic ossification in my hip won’t allow me to squat full with a wide stance… BUT I can and have still been pursuing to destroy my genetic barriers while carrying out my career as a sport scientist. Here are a couple videos that I have of me training through my condition:

300lb Hang Power Clean ~175lb BW: https://youtu.be/to6IhUZ2WGM
6308 Newton Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull: https://youtu.be/OpS3ktr4pM0 Had about 16,000 N produced at around 200milli-seconds, which has correlation with vertical jumping and the 2nd Pull of weightlifting. Not too bad and would have put me in the top 5 in terms of explosiveness and relative body strength out of all athletes at my University which was mid level D1 school.
232lb Push Press
I have also military pressed 180lbs which was 5lbs over my bodyweight at the time.

Despite the limitations of my condition, I can still train to have a strong:
1). Hang Power Clean
2). Hang Power Snatch
3). Trap Bar DL w/ Low handles
4). Parallel front/back squat
5). Conventional Deadlift
6). Push Press
7). Jerk
8). All upperbody exercises

So I just finished graduate school and have some time on my hands. I’ve had a lot of logs on this site in the past and don’t want anymore of my training to go unlogged. I will try my best to keep it updated. I have been using EMS mostly just as a recovery tool and some PNF stretching with it but will use it again when I reach more maxS work.

The past three weeks I went on a hypertrophy block of something like this:

Monday: Lowerbody pull
Snatch grip MTP: 4 x 8, 205lbs
Trap Bar DL: 4 x 8, 290lbs
GHR: 4 x 8
SL Glute Bridg: 4 x 8

BTN Press - 4 x 8, 115lbs
Bench - 4 x 8, 170lbs
Thibaudeau Shoulder Blitz - 3 sets

Neutral Grip Pullups - 4 x 8, BW+25
Seated Row machine - 4 x 8, 165lbs
Barbell Curls - 4 x 8
Forearm work

Snatch Grip MTP - 4 x 8, 185
Back Squat - 4 x 8, 275
Hi Step-ups - 4 x 8, 30lb db’s
Seated Leg Curl - 4 x 8, 95

Friday: Same as Tuesday

Saturday: Same as wednesday

Here is the start of the new phase today:

Monday, April 6th 2015
Snatch Grip Hi Pull - 3 x 5, 209lbs, 1 x 5 w 133lbs
Parallel Back Squat - 3 x 5, 290lbs, 1 x 5 w/ 155lbs
Hack Squat machine 31X0 (full ROM, no hip pain): 3 x 5, 135lbs
Back extensions - 4 x 5

Bodyweight is at 182lbs. I have been eating in the range of 3300-4000 kcal per day and have been gaining 2lbs per week the past 3 weeks. My goal is to get to 188-190lbs in the next 2 months before I start a real job. I’m also curious to see where my limits are with the parallel back squat and plan to peak with the exercise towards the end of this cycle and when I do start using EMS MaxS again.

“My God given talent is my ability to stick with training longer than anyone else” - Herschel Walker

Tuesday, 4.7.15

Pause Push Press 20X0 - 3 x 3, 145lbs
BTN Press 20X0 - 3 x 5, 115
DB Bench 42X0 - 3 x 6, 65lbs
Dips 21X0 - 3 x 6
DB Ext Rotation 40X0 - 3 x 6, 20

EMS active recovery - quads and low back

Stayed up later than usual last night hanging out with friends in ATX and felt a bit tired today.

Wednesday, 4.8.15

Snatch Hi Pull - 220 x 5, 185 x 5, 220 x 5, 185 x 5 (wave sets)
Trap Bar DL - 3 x 5, 295lbs
GHR - 3 x 8

BW was 183 this morning… Need to start doing HRV again. Feeling good though.

Thursday, 4.9.15

Pause Push Press 20X0 - 3 x 3, 145
BTN Press - 3 x 5, 110lbs
NG Pullup - 3 x 5, BW+35
Chest Dip 42X0 - 3 x 6, BW

Friday, 4.10.15
Snatch Grip Hi Pull - 3 x 5, 185lbs
Parallel Back Squat - 3 x 5, 275lbs
Hack Squat (full ROM) 41X0 - 3 x 8, 155lbs
Reverse Hyper - 3 x 8

NG Pullup - 3 x 5, BW+25
Reverse fly - 3 x 10,
BB Curl - 3 x 12

BW Hit 184, nice and steady increase. I plan on reaching my goal weight of 185 this week.

Week 2 of 5’s
Monday 4.13.15

Snatch Grip Hi Pull from Blocks - 3 x 5, 220. 1 x 5 w/ 155
1/2 Back Squat - 3x5, 315. real easy
GHR - 3 x 8
Leg extension - 2 x 15

Tuesday, 4.14.15

Pause PP 20X0 - 3 x 3, 155lbs
BTN Press - 3 x 5, 120-125, 1 x 5 w/ 85
NG Pullup - 3 x 5, BW+35
Dips 42X0 - 3 x 6, BW+15

Bodweight has reached 185.6 this morning. I have reached my goal weight. Gained 8-9lbs in 5 weeks. The plan now is to finish this week eating 3300-4000kcal per day. Then the next 2-3 weeks I will eat maintenance or slightly above, this is also when I will transition into MaxS and use EMS again. I feel like most of the weight gained has gone to my shoulders, particularly rear delts.

My hip flared up yesterday because I went too low in the squats. My training partner told me they were below parallel. With this issue that I have (heterotopic ossification), the bone will start digging into the proximal thigh muscles which causes pain. I need to use barriers to limit my depth again. I should be good for friday though.

Do you think for yourself and your own particular pelvis/torso/leg complex/architecture, your muscle imbalance would create constant degradation to the same portion of cartilage(or something along those lines/theory)?

Hey Flettotenko,

I don’t think so because I believe that it was the Cam impingement (aka bone spur on the femoral head) was causing damage to the tissue. This was removed during surgery and since then I have not felt the same type of “pinch”. I think that my weak internal rotation was probably caused by my hip guarding itself from the pinching aka femoral head rubbing against the labrum the wrong way.

Good evening Ku2u#1, its good to hear about you training again and your thought processes regarding your hip.

I believe I may have some minor pathologies with my hips as well, however I just pass it off in my mind as ‘groin strains’ etc. They seem to flair up around ice hockey season(groin strain issues begun at 14), long continuous walks 45-90minutes, or home construction contracting 10hour+ days.

I’m very excited to announce that Ku2u#1 is finally heading up to Toronto for a visit! He’s coming in on Sunday, and staying with me for a week. My top athlete and I are very excited to have Kyle come up and hang out. We’re looking forward to introducing him to everyone at the Metro Track and Field Centre, and are hoping to meet up with Ange for a bit.

He will also (of course!) be coming out to our practices. I am really looking forward to his input on our weights program especially, as he is a helluva lot smarter than I am. I think I will set up a journal on here that we can post to. Hopefully we will have some interesting stuff for everyone.

I can’t wait for this opportunity finally as I’ve been trying to plan it for years since we used to train together in Austin! Looking forward to helping in any way that I can and I will be glad to share my experience on here.

Flettotenko, a common comparison to FAI is a “groin strain” feeling. Have you tried any hip distraction with jumpstretch bands for relief? Lateral distraction seemed to help temporarily for me. You mention that it flares up during ice hockey… It’s actually very common in Ice Hockey athletes. There was once a study done where 87% of the hockey athletes scanned in the study had hip labral structure damage, but only a handful of them could actually feel the pain. Be careful on your exercise selection I will say. This guy has made some pretty good blog posts on how to train around FAI: http://www.kevinneeld.com/2012/performance-training-adaptations-for-femoroacetabular-impingement-fai

Wednesday, April 15th 2015
Snatch Grip Hi Pull - 230 x 5, 195 x 5, 230 x 5, 195 x 5. Wave Sets
Trap Bar DL (Low handles) - 3 x 5, 315. 1 x 5 w/ 225. 2.5/5 difficulty
Seated Leg Curl - 4 x 6

Trap Bar DL felt easy, I’m starting to use more glute/hamstrings in this exercise it seems.

Thursday, April 16th 2015
Pause Push Press - 3 x 5, 145lbs
BTN Press - 3 x 5, 115. 1 x 5, 75
Seated Cable Row - 3 x 5, 180lbs
Dips 42X1 - 3 x 6, BW +15-25lbs

Back felt a little stiff on right side today. Bodyweight is still staying at a solid 185lbs. I need to do a post body comp with Inbody/skinfolds the next time I gain access to it. Here is what I drink every night about 1.5hrs before bed:
1 cup whole milk - 150cal
2tbsp olive oil - 240cal
1 Banana - 110cal
1 scoop protein powder - 100cal
1/3 cup rice flour or tapioca flour - 140cal
= 740cal.

This is what I did junior year of high school to gain 15lbs that summer. Seems to help now as well as tracking every calorie that goes into my body.

Friday, 4.17.15

Snatch Grip Hi Pull - 3 x 5, 90k, 1 x 5 w/ 60k
Back Squat - 3 x 5, 285lbs
Hack Squat 51X0 - 3 x 6, 185lbs
Lying Leg Curl 40X0 - 3 x 6, 90lbs

BW is still at 185. Training and eating should be interesting this week as I’m traveling.

Spent all of last week in Toronto, very late on updating this log but I have good stuff to talk about.

Monday - took off, didn’t feel 100% because of allergies back at home irritating me and travelling took a toll.

Tuesday, 4.21.15. Trained at Variety Village
Snatch Grip High Pull - 3 x 3, 242lbs
1/2 Back Squat - 3 x 5, 335
Hack Squat 30X0 - 3 x 5, 185lbs
Seated Leg Curl 30X0 - 3 x 6, 110lbs

Wednesday, 4.22.15. Trained at York University
Pause Push Press - 3 x 3, 175lbs
BTN Press - 3 x 5, 130lbs
Dips 42X1 - 3 x 6, BW
Wide Grip Pullup 30X1 - 3 x 6, BW

Thursday, 4.22.15. Trained at York University
Snatch Grip High Pull - 242 x 3, 200 x 3, 242 x 3, 200 x 3
Trap Bar DL Low Handles - 3 x 5, 350lbs
45 degree back hypers - 3 x 12, BW+25
Reverse Leg Press - 3 x 6, 90lbs

Friday, 4.23.15. Trained at Variety Village
Pause Push Press - 3 x 3, 185lbs
BTN Press - 135 x 5, 130 x 5, 125 x 5
Dips 42X1 - 3 x 6, BW+45lbs
Seated Cable Row - 3 x 6, 180lbs

Saturday, 4.24.15. Trained at York University
Snatch Grip Hi Pull - 3 x 3, 200lbs
Back Squat - 3 x 5, 365lbs
45 degree back hyper - 3 x 12, BW+25
Lying Leg Curl 40X0 - 3 x 6, 120lbs

Earlier in the week, I realized that I was being too conservative with the intensities so I pushed the intensities more later in the week. My eating schedule wasn’t the same this week because of travelling, but I was aiming for maintenance calories at most this past week anyways. I will do the same the following week.

I’ve been planning to make a trip up to Toronto for a few years now and the timing finally worked out. T-Slow was kind enough to introduce me to some very knowledgeable people at York U such as his coach Kerry, Troy Dos Santos (whom studied under Waldemar), and Angella Taylor Issajenko. I’m also kind of sentimental so it was very cool to lift the same weights that Ben Johnson lifted at York U. Being there, I heard a lot of stories about Charlie’s legacy. It was great to finally get a visual perspective of everything that I’ve ever read or watched in Charlie’s materials.

The biggest highlight of the week was getting the chance the meet Ange Coon, who runs this site. She came to two training sessions to help out Tyrone’s top 400m athlete. Ange is full of positive energy and is very quick and decisive when it comes to making training decisions. The second day Tyrone had a long warm-up and a big circuit planned. Ange suggested that he cut the rest intervals and make the runs slower because of the weather being a bit cold. I also was able to do some of the med ball drills with Ange during the second training session. Tyrone, Ange, and I later grabbed some dinner and it was very nice again to listen to more wisdom about world of high performance. She offered me great advice regarding the future steps of my career and shared some great stories of Charlie’s life.

Tyrone took me to get an Omegawave test on Friday. I’ll briefly try to summarize my results.
-Cardiac system reasonably ready for any level of activity
-CNS shows good resistance to physical and psychological stress
-Training intensity zones - ANAEROBIC (172-188bpm), AEROBIC (145-175bpm), RECOVERY (118-145bpm), RECUPERATION (103-120bpm)
-Resting HR - 78bpm.

*Scale 1-7
Stress index - 4, moderate
Fatigue - 7, complete recovery
Adaptation Reserves - 5, moderate
CNS - 6, Normal
Gas Exchange - 4, moderate hypofunction
Detoxification system - 7, normal funcitoning
Hormonal system - 3, moderate hypofunction
Aerobic status - 123, High
Anaerobic status - 124, Low
Sympathetic dominant overall

The biggest things to be concerned about are the resting heart rate, gas exchange, anaerobic status, and hormonal system. I have hardly completed any aerobic activity in 2 years which could be a problem. Although my goal is to be as strong as possible, I’m likely missing out on the benefits of low intensity training that Charlie has always talked about. I’m also not ok with my resting heart rate being 78bpm, this was even without taking any stimulants that morning. With gas exchange, there aren’t any strong recommendations as of yet. With the hormonal system, this could be related to the training volume at which I’ve recently put myself through. T:C ratio falls during periods of high volume, which I completed a month ago. I expect it to improve as the intensity gets higher and volume gets lower this next phase. However, I do not have a way of how to measure if this is improving unfortunately.

Week 1 of phase 3
Monday, 4.27.15

Snatch Grip Hi Pull - 3 x 3, 245, 1 x 5 w/ 165
1/2 back squat - 3 x 3, 375lbs
Hack Squat 41X0 - 3 x 6, 225
Lying Leg Curl - 3 x 4, 150lbs

EMS: Speedcoach lv1
Glutes - 42
Quads - 39
Hamstrings - 25
-Took ~82min

BW - 182.5

Starting EMS again. This time I’m experimenting with different pad placement. I’m using 4 50x100mm pads on the glute placement. With the quads, I am still seated with knees at 90 degrees, except this time I’m crossing the wires in the “X” pattern. I do feel like this elicits more force than the parallel placement. I’m hoping to get 9 toal sessions in the next 3 weeks.

Tuesday, 4.28.15

Pause Push Press - 3 x 2, 198lbs
BTN Press - 3 x 3, 140
Dips - 3 x 4, BW+55
Lat Pulldown - 3 x 6, 150

EMS: Speedcoach lv1
Shoulders/delts - 24
Triceps - 30

Pause Push Press become much harder than usual, this is probably because the stretch shortening cycle isn’t used like in a regular push press. Everything else wasn’t too bad.

This is the first time that I’ve ever used EMS on the upperbody. With my goal of increasing upperbody strength, I’m hoping EMS can assist the process. So far I am not sore from using EMS yesterday which is unusual. This could be because I haven’t reached near the milli-amps threshold that I have used in the past. My muscles do feel more dense/harder than usual.

It was a pleasure meeting you and I enjoyed hanging out with you and T-Slow.
Thank you for your contributions here on the site as well. I know it’s interesting for others to learn when someone is willing to share their info.
I really enjoy meeting people who have been impacted by the information here.
It’s especially cool that you joined the site at 14 years old and have stuck around and been working on qualifying yourself to go out and make a difference with your interests.