EMS Max Strength Journal

I’ve definitely been impacted by this site with my life Ange, it was nice to meet you as well! This site is the first place I go when I have a question training or coaching related. The archives here have answered a lot of questions.

Wednesday, 4.29.15

Snatch Grip Hi Pull - 245 x 3, 205 x 3, 245 x 3, 205 x 3
Trap Bar DL Low Handles - 3 x 3, 365, 1 x 5, 225
-ran out of time to do any assistance lifts

EMS: Speedcoach lv1 session#2
Glutes - 45
Quads - 42
Hamstrings - 31

I started doing some light drills (ie running A’s) again while I was coaching today. I may try to start doing some more running to see how it feels with my hip issue. Weights were kind of tough today. I tried pushing the EMS intensity a bit more, it was brutal. I have found that it’s best to get the glutes out of the way first then do quads and hamstrings. The glutes take the most time to set up, and it is the most uncomfortable given that you have to lay pronated.

Thursday, 4.30.2015

Pause Push Press - 3 x 3, 180lbs
BTN Press - 3 x 3, 130, 1 x 5, 85
Dips 40X0 - 3 x 4, BW+45
Seated Cable ROw - 3 x 3, 180lbs

EMS: Speedcoach lv1
Shoulders - 30
Triceps - 34

Feeling quite strong again.

Friday, 5.1.15

Snatch Grip Hi Pull - 3 x 3, 205lbs
1/2 Back squat - 3 x 3, 335. 1 x 5 w/ 185
Hack Squat 31X0 - 3 x 6, 275
Lying Leg Curl 40X0 - 3 x 4, 150

Pool workout, tried to keep HR in between 115-138.

EMS: Speedcoach lv1
Glutes- 42
QUads - 43
Hamstrings - 31

I should have done the EMS session after the weights but I got caught up in watching the NFL draft. At my last job that I worked at, we had 7 guys get drafted out of the 14 that did the combine training. I’ve completed 3 EMS sessions so far, need to get at least 6-7 more in during this phase since I have a lot of time on my hands now.

Week 2
Monday, 5.4.15

Snatch Grip Hi Pull - 245 x 1, 265 x 1, 3 x 1 w/ 275
1/2 back squat - 3 x 3, 385, 1 x 5 w/ 225
45 degree back hypers - 3 x 6, BW+45
OHB, BLF, PP Throw - 4x each

EMS: Speedcoach lv2
Glutes - 52
Quads - 49
Hamstrings - 33
-took 2.5g arginine afterwards

I’m quite sore this morning from yesterday’s session, I think it’s from the EMS. I may be incorrect, but I think speedcoach lv2 has higher frequency (hertz) than lv1 (Globus hides this info of their product). I think speedcoach lv1 is 80hz and lv2 is 90hz. In the past I have gotten more sore from using higher hz in EMS sessions. Hertz is the number of times per second the motor neurons are excited, therefore the higher the frequency used the higher the force of the muscle contraction.

Another point that I have to add is that I think that EMS really does fill in the gaps that aren’t filled in by voluntary strength training. Since I don’t squat full anymore, I know that I am missing out on getting VMO recruitment from the squats and Olympic lift derivatives that I do. However, my VMOs are always fried after EMS use and are quite sore this morning. This could be quite quite useful for the taller/longer femur athlete that doesn’t get as much VMO activation than the shorter athlete. It could also be useful for the athlete with ACL history that doesn’t get good VMO recruitment at all.

Tuesday, 5.5.15

Pause Push Press - 205 x 1, 5 x 1 w/ 215lbs
BTN Press - 2 x 3 w/ 145, 1 x 3 w/ 150lbs, 1 x 5 w/ 95lbs
Dips - 3 x 4, BW+70lbs
Partial Wide Grip Pullup - 3 x 6

EMS: Speedcoach lv2
Shoulders - 38
Triceps - 43

Puase Push Press today was 93% of my best normal push press. In a couple weeks, I must hit a PR in this lift (235+). EMS for the shoulders is quite awkward, rather than allowing my shoulders to abduct fully during contraction I put a resistance band around my wrists to keep my shoulders/elbows to remain locked closer towards my torso. I may need to take a picture next time if someone is interested.

Wednesday, 5.6.15

Snatch Grip Hi Pull - 275 x 1, 225 x 2, 275 x 1, 225 x 2, 275 x 1, 225 x 2
Trap Bar DL (low handles - 3 x 3, 385, 1 x 5 w/ 225

EMS: Speedcoach lv2
Glutes - 57
Quads - 53
Hamstrings - 41

Tough training session yesterday.

Thursday, 5.7.15

Pause Push Press - 6 x 1, 205lbs
BTN Press - 3 x 3, 135, 1 x 5 w/ 95lbs
Dips - 3 x 4, BW+55lbs
Partial Wide Grip Pullup - 3 x 6

EMS: Speedcoach lv2
Shoulders - 45
Triceps - 55

Friday, 5.8.15

Snatch Grip Hi Pull - 6 x 1, 225
1/2 Back Squat - 3 x 3, 350lbs, 1 x 5 w/ 205
45 Degree Back Hyper - 3 x 6, BW+25

EMS: Speedcoach lv2
Glutes - 60
Quads - 55
Hamstrings - 41

Saturday, 5.9.15

Pool workout:
Running A’s in pool. 2 x 5 x 40sec ON/20sec OFF. 2min rest in between sets. Counted the number of knee lifts, started with 68, ended with 72.

If you aren’t familiar with Speedcoach EMS, it goes through 3 different series of MaxS contractions.

Series 1: 3sec ON/20sec OFF
Series 2: 5sec ON/25sec OFF
Series 3: 10sec ON/50sec OFF

I’ve noticed that by the time I get to series 3, my muscles reach so much fatigue to where they start to relax and not fire when the electrodes fire. This could be a mechanism such as increases of Ca++ efflux that is producing the fatigue… I end up having to crank the milli-Amps even higher to compensate for this, but not sure if this is a good thing to do or not.

Monday, 5.11.15

Snatch Grip Hi Pull - 225 x 1, 255 x 1, 265 x 1, 3 x 1 w/ 275
Half Back Squat - 3x2, 405lbs
45 degree back hypers - 3 x 6, BW+35

No EMS. Had to be up real early the next day. Missed a rep with the snatch grip hi pull because I tore a strap, good thing I didn’t injure myself.

Tuesday, 5.12.15.
Pause Push Press - 205 x 1, 215 x 1, 5 x 1 w/ 225lbs (97%)
BTN Press - 3x2, 160lbs
Weighed Dips - 3 x 3, BW+80lbs

EMS: Speedcoach lv3
Shoulders - 45
Triceps - 50

My upperbody seems to be getting stronger, It’s really hard to tell how effective EMS is during this process. I’m using a lot of new exercises that I’m not familiar with, so I could be getting stronger just because I’m new to the lifts and because I have practiced them.

Wednesday, 5.13.15

Snatch Grip Hi Pul - 275 x 1, 225 x 2, 275 x 1, 225 x 2, 275 x 1, 225 x 2
Trap Bar DL - 3 x 2, 405lbs, 1 x 5 w/ 225lbs

EMS: Speedcoach lv3
Glutes (Last set was seated)- 64
Quads - 56
Hamstrings (from GM position) - 34

I’ve been unsatisfied with what I’ve been feeling with EMS lately, mainly with the hamstrings and glutes contractions. I don’t feel like it’s doing anything really. SO I decided to change some things. I remember back in 2011 when I had a foot injury and couldn’t do any sprinting, I used EMS on the hamstrings only (had a cheap unit). I wound up putting on 30-40lbs to my back squat and broke a PR in the 30m after not sprinting for 4 months.

So tonight I decided to go back to that. When stimming the glutes, I sat on a chair with my hips flexed at ~90 degrees. I’ll warn you, EMS is so powerful that it will force you to almost stand up. So I held onto the base of the chair in between my legs to make sure I stayed grounded. When stimming the hamstrings, I went back to getting into the RDL/GM position. Hips were flexed around 80-90 degrees, and knees were slightly bent. This time I also did the cross pad placement with the hamstrings. I also felt more equal between both sides of the hamstrings. Usually I have my left hamstring 5-10mA higher than my right side. Regarding the quads, I’ve always kepth my knees at 90 degrees by putting myself in a cheap ab bench that I bought. I need to make some video of all of these notes to provide visual references.

This morning I am sore in my glutes and hamstrings and I’m sure it’s from the change in EMS positioning. Not only did I feel better contractions, but it was more comfortable contractions. I really can’t stand lying pronated while getting fried by EMS because breathing is much more uncomfortable lying pronated for me. The notes that I’ve written in today’s session have led me to believe that there is a specificity component in positioning of using EMS. When I squat/trap bar DL, my hips are positioned at 90 degrees flexion. Why not stim the muscles into similar positioning? I’m quite skeptical that I got much out of EMS from doing the past 6 sessions of just lying pronated.

Thursday, 5.14.15

Pause Push Press - 6 x 1, 205lbs
BTN Press - 3x2, 145lbs
Weighted Dips - 3 x 3, BW+70lbs

Friday, 5.15.15
Hang Power Snatch - worked up to an easy 85kgs
Snatch Grip Hi PUll - 2x2, 225lbs
1/2 Back Squat - 3x2, 365lbs

Saturday, 5.16.15

Pool Recovery Workout
3 x 5 x 40sec ON/20sec OFF. Alternated between running A’s and jump squats in pool. Aimed to do 36 jump squats and 70-80 running A’s during every interval. Took a contrash shower afterwards

I ditched EMS after Wednesday because I had major DOMS still. I’d say it’s a 6 out of 10. It’s from the change of positioning of Wednesday’s EMS session.

CAD Week 1
Monday, 5.18.15

Depth Jump - 4 x 4 ~15" box
BB Jump Squat - 4 x 8, 85lbs (20% of estimated 1RM BSQ)
Hang Power Snatch - 4 x 3, 145lbs (70% of 1RM Hang Power SN)
1/2 Back Squat - 4 x 6, 330lbs

EMS Speedcoach lv4
Glutes - 65
Quads - 57
Hamstrings - 40

Tuesday, 5.19.15

Depth Pushup - 4 x 4 (stacked 3 x 25lb plates on ground)
MB CP - 4 x 8, 12lb ball
Power Jerk - 4 x 3, 185lbs
Military Press - 3x6 w/ 135lbs, 1 x 6 w/ 125

EMS: Speedcoach lv4

Shoulders - 34
Triceps - 55

I decided to do CAD to develop speed/power qualities. I’m also going to make myself do two days per week of active recovery/aerobic like training sessions because I feel quite beat up at this point. My desire to train isn’t the greatest either, which is a sign to pay attention to. The DOMS subsided prior to Monday’s workout, however it is now Wednesday today and I have DOMS again from the EMS sesson on Monday. I’m not sure if it was the greatest idea to switch positions of using EMS this late in a training block. This will be the last week that I use EMS MaxS because I will be getting real busy next week.

Happy Birthday buddy