EMS Max Strength Journal

Bad news from Percy camp, he had a little procedure on his hip last week.

I’ve read that he’s had several cortisone shots and they drained his hip since his first comeback game. He’s also had a follow-up MRI as well and they said everything still looks normal structurally, but the biggest problem is the inflammation. Is this the same information you’ve heard?

Log Update (~21 weeks post surgery):
So far I’ve had two sessions of Graston, Chiropractic, and ART and have noticed some good improvements in my hip extension mostly. My gait has returned to normal. The ART was done on my Vastus Lateralis up to my TFL with my hip in extension and knee going into flexion. The graston was done on the IT Band up to the scar tissue/surgical wounds. My biggest problem is still hip flexion and I’m still missing 5 degrees of ROM and can tell in my squats: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihr1lP9wo_E

LAB TEST: Peak Force and RFD of strength asymmetry test

Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull test on Dual Force Plate: mPF was 4,241 Newtons at 16 weeks post surgery with both legs combined.
Right (Good Leg): 2232.95
Left (operated Leg): 2008.43

In summary my right leg is 9% stronger than my left leg, which isn’t a huge deal. Many healthy/normal playing athletes usually have an average of 8% depending on the sport. There have been some female athletes coming from ACL surgery who have up to a 30% asymmetry post surgery. I will do another test at the beginning of next semester to see how far I’ve come.

Here is what my training is roughly looking like, I’m adjusting it to how I feel that day. So far this week I have ditched the squats because my rectus femoris is extremely sore.

Day1: Push
BTN Power Jerk - 5RM, -5, -10
Full FSQ - 3x10, 155lbs
Wide Parallel BSQ - 3x10, 155lbs

Push Press - 3x6, 140lbs
Dips - 3x8, 10lbs
SA NG OHP - 3x7, 30lbs

Day2: Cln Pull
Hip Pwr Cln - 3x5, 95lbs
Cln MTP - 3x5, 155lbs
Explosive Step-ups - 3x10
Cln RDL - 3x10
Pullup Ext set - Wide, Med, Med-Grip Chin, Narrow Grip Chin, 2x

Day3: Push
BTN Power Jerk - 5RM, -5, -10
Full FSQ - 3x10, 155lbs
Wide Parallel BSQ - 3x10, 155lbs

Push Press - 3x6, 140lbs
Dips - 3x8, 10lbs
SA NG OHP - 3x7, 30lbs

Day4: Sn Pull
Hip Pwr Sn - 3x5, 65lbs
Sn MTP - 3x5, 135lbs
Explosive Step-ups - 3x10
Sn RDL - 3x10
Pullup Ext set - Wide, Med, Med-Grip Chin, Narrow Grip Chin, 2x

Yes sir…

5.5 months post surgery, 12.15.13

Finally went back home to see the surgeon and found out what my issue is. I have a condition called Heterotopic ossification in my surgical portals. The rock hard scar tissue that I kept describing in these posts was actually calcium formation. I even saw the X-Rays and it easily showed bone formation in the tissues in my TFL/upper thigh. What’s even worse is that it only has a 6% chance of occurring after a hip surgery. I only have my genetics to blame for this happening… The plan now is to continue doing what I can do, take the prescription, and wait for a few months to see if it dissolves. If it doesn’t then I will have to have a surgery to remove this. Words can’t describe my frustration anymore, but I simply can’t quit. Training for sport is one of the greatest enjoyments in life.

tough draw. good luck…

How did all of this shit happen?

They said that I wasn’t on powerful enough NSAIDs after surgery. It was also caused by them being too rough during the surgery. There really wasn’t anything I could have done to prevent this and all of the graston, ART, massage, stretching, heat, ice, tens, EMS, etc couldn’t have done anything to prevent it. What’s even worse is that this medication they put me on will only prevent more bone from growing and potentially help me train through the pain. It won’t do anything to get rid of the bone. When I move back to TN in a month I will visit Dr. Byrd, the man who invented this surgery to take care of this issue for me.

I mention Boyd Epley in my thread, I can’t remember if it was on here or another forum but there was a ton of Boyd bashing. From your time listening to Boyd speak what’s your thoughts?

His overall template was similar to Stone’s template, but with a volume load multiplied by 20 during the hypertrophy/GPP block. He kept mentioning that GH increase from the high volume load was the key to his players packing on 10-20lbs of muscle when they first come in. During the hypertrophy block, he picks 9-10 different exercises and does 3x10 on all of them, but is real strict on rest period in between sets (never over 60sec). He pretty much just talked about the importance of GPP in early off season and other fundamental periodization info. He also talked about the success of Lawrence Phillips putting on 26lbs during his time at Nebraska. Overall it was hard to go wrong with what he said that day and it all made sense. I liked what he had to say.

I totally agree, I have several of his full programs and have to say they are better then 99.9% of what we see from teams now days. Very similar to some of the bobsled programs we have seen posted on this forum (2 pull/2push days - block of 10’s/5’'s/3’s). Volume load multiplied by 20?

*Winter portion of the off season they only did sets of 10’s - winter program was 6 weeks.

I’d be interested in Epley’s programs; Are they similar to the ones outlined in Complete conditioning for football by Mike Arthur?

Yes similar, the old program had a power phase, after the old days slight changes were made then final changes by Mike Arthur. In the early days the peaking phase was a pure power phase light weight high bar speed and running was slightly different.

Thank you !

What’s your thoughts on the strength and speed programs?

I like the overall idea; I’d increase a bit the recovery on the sprints and hollow sprints, and cut some agility and ladder work.Stregth wise, it seems a pretty good program.

I agree with the rest times for the sprints but I understand the idea and with the ncaa time limits. Also remember most of the sprint work is submax because it’s done on grass/field turf in football cleats… I don’t see any ladder work.

FYI - 60-120sec and several mins btw stations is still more then most American football programs.

I go by memory regarding speed ladders.
I’d always stress quality with a couple of reps less; however, I still believe is an overall very solid plan. ( one thing; I was not happy with some pictures demonstrating speed drills, but have to find the book )

Remember that book is really old, I’m sure they would use better tech on those sprint drills today. Even with all the negatives it’s still better then 99.9% of most football programs. Usc used very similar sprint intervals rest ratios under Pete and same with the Seattle Seahawks, it’s more geared towards speed conditioning for the sport and not track speed etc.

I agree, but still makes me laugh how a 6 second full body effort might need only 60 second rest, and a 90% snatch 3 minutes, according to some coaches:).
For 20-40 yards, having up to 120 sec is plenty enough to be a good stimulus for overall acc/vel developement.
IMHO, there is always a place for developing acc and speed, regardless of conditioning need of sport.Speed reserve has been a key in my philosophy, for football , rugbym, baseball, and off course track. ( even in soccer, but topping 20m)

Eroszag, I too have a great appreciation for speed reserve. I’ve been trying to convince the other coaches in my program to incorporate some speed reserve work with the soccer players that I work with but unfortunately they believe it’s too risky even in the off-season.

Complete conditioning for football was the first book I had ever read about S&C when I was 13 years old. Brings back good memories.