EMS Max Strength Journal

Not sure about the issues Harvin and Holmes had but was your surgery similar?

I know my surgery was similar to Harvin, but not sure too sure about Holmes. Things have changed a little bit in the way they do the surgery since he had it.

Harvin is expected to be back by week 7-8 of the NFL season, and it will be interesting if he makes it back at that exact time. It takes a good therapist to help you “override” the symptoms of pinching and the labral tear after the surgery from what my new PT says.

Tuesday, 9.17.13
HRV - 98, RHR - 56, white/normal

Seated OHP - 3 x 3 w/ 145, 1x5 w/ 70lbs
Wide Grip Pullup 3013 - 3x3, BW+10lbs

Wednesday, 9.18.13
HRV - 92, RHR - 65

PT - 15min TENS+ Heat, passive ROM, Ice afterwards

Leg Ext - 3x10, 160lbs
Seated Hamstring Curl - 3x10, 40lbs
SL Leg Press N, IR, ER - 3x10
4 way hip raise - 3x10
Monster Walks - 2x20steps
Lateral Shuffle - 2x20steps

Speedcoach lv1
Quads - 67/57
Hamstrings - 37/24
Glutes - 75/55

Spaced the pads farther apart on the hamstrings today, felt a much stronger/equal contraction. PT session went well today

He’s already running.

He either has the right people doing his rehab and really is ahead of schedule or he’s pushing himself too early. Ed Reed is 5 months post op and still isn’t ready. Most PTs don’t know how to properly rehab a hip arthroscopy since it’s still fairly new.

10 Weeks Post Surgery, Thursday, 9.19.13

HRV - 92, RHR - 64, white/normal

PT session - TENS/heat, Passive ROM, lateral shuffle, SL Leg press, Monster walks, ice.

Friday, 9.20.13
HRV - 95, RHR - 61, white/normal

Seated Military Press - 3x3, 125lbs
Wide Grip Pullup 3013 - 3x3, BW

Saturday, 9.21.13
HRV - 97, RHR - 60, white/normal

Lateral Shuffle - 3 x 20yds, red band
Monster Walk - 3 x 20yds, red band
SL Leg Press - 3x10 N +10 ER+10 IR
Leg Ext - 4x10, 175lbs
Leg Curl 30X3 - 4x6, 100lbs

Speedcoach lv1
Quads - 70/60
Hamstrings - 50/30
Glutes - 80/60

Week 1 is in the books with the new PT sessions, I’m real impressed with the new therapist that I’m working with because he knows what he’s doing. In two weeks I should be getting back into squats and lunges safely.

Just saw you PM and replied, sorry for the delay.

What have you been doing with the new therapist?

Thanks for the kinesiotape info, I will ask him about it. He’s been doing mostly just circular motions via passive ROM and some palpation. We’re trying to avoid any pinching so we don’t increase the “neural tone” of the pinch is what I think he said today.

10.5 weeks post surgery, Monday, 9.23.13
HRV - 106, RHR - 49, Green/good recovery +22 change from yesterday (84 HRV after poor sleep)

PT Session - passive ROM, heat, Ice, ultrasound, TENS

Lateral Shuffle - 2 x 20yds
Monster Walk - 2 x 20yds
SL Leg Press - 3x10+10+10 - N, ER, IR
Leg Extensions - 3 x 10, 155lbs
Lying Leg Curls w/ feet outward 3013 - 3x6, 110lbs

Speedcoach lv1
Quads -70/60
Hamstrings - 50/34
Glutes - 80/60

EMS wasn’t bad at all today at these upper intensities. Later this week I should reach all time highs. I also haven’t felt any pins and needles sensations in a long time since I take better care of my pads now.

Tuesday, 9.24.13
HRV - 86, RHR - 65 Orange/Back off, -20

Seated OHP - 3x3, 150lbs
Wide Grip Pullup 3013 - 3x3, BW+20lbs

OHP was just about maximal.

Wednesday, 9.25.13

AM PT - tens, heat, very aggressive passive ROM

Deeper flexion lateral shuffle - 4 x 20 steps
Monster Walks w/ SL balance - 3x10
SL Leg Press - 3x10+10+10
Leg Ext - 3x10, 150lbs
Leg Curl 3013 - 3x6, 100lbs

Speedcoach lv1
Quads - 75/65
Hamstrings - 52/34
Glutes - 85/65

Left the PT session quite sore today, he says that it’s about time to start pushing the ROM on his part. EMS was quite painful today, sometimes I wonder why I do this to myself. Looking back before surgery, I was barely able to handle the intensities at 20 mA below what I’m doing now.

11 Weeks Post Surgery, Thursday, 9.26.13NO HRV

OFF/soccer game

Friday, 9.27.13

AM physical therapy

Seated OHP - 3x3, 130lbs
Wide Grip Pullup 3013 - 3x3, BW

Saturday, 9.28.13

Monster Walks w/ SL balance - 4x10
Deep flexion lateral shuffle - 4x25 steps

NO EMS - left glute medius is extremely sore from Wednesday’s session. He worked on my extra hard and will continue to do so.

11.5 Weeks Post Surgery, Monday, 9.30.13
HRV - 86, RHR - 69

AM Physical Therapy

Resisted Side Shuffle 3 x 25
Monster Walks with SL Balance - 3 x 25
SL Leg Press - 3x10+10+10, 70lbs. Deeper flexion than normal
Ball Squats - 5x10
Leg extension - 4x10, 170lbs
Seated Leg Curl - 4x6, 110lbs

Speedcoach lv1
Quads - 74/64
Hamstrings - 45/34
Glutes - 80/65

Over the soreness from last week’s PT session. HRV - from now on I will start doing HRV from at least a seated position rather than a lying position. My RHR has gone down significantly for some reason, could be the new climate or elevation that I live in.

Where do you get your replacement EMS pads from?

www.wholesaleelectrotherapy.com used to have good deals on the 5x9cm pads but they stopped selling them, so I’ll have to find a new deal. I could get a good 30 uses out of these, maybe more. I last bought some 5x5cm from LGMedsupply for less than $10 for 12 electrodes and they seem to be working well. Look on Amazon to see if you can find good deals, etc. I’d highly recommend using contact gel, it’s cheap and makes a world of a difference. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0093J2GM4/ref=oh_details_o01_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Later after Monday’s session, I did some light stim+heat on my scar tissue area and all of a sudden it started swelling up to about 3x it’s normal size. Since then I’ve been icing it.

Tuesday, 10.1.13
HRV - 78.5, RHR - 74

Bench - 3x10, 175lbs
Military Press - 3x10, 100lbs, 85lbs, 65lbs

Extremely tough, haven’t done 10’s in a while

Wednesday, 10.2.13
HRV - 79.5, RHR - 78.5

AM PT - tens+ice, ultrasound, light palpation and passive ROM

Med Grip Chin-up - 3x10, BW+10
Leg Extension - 6x10, 170lbs
Seated leg Curl - 6x6, 100lbs
Seated Row Machine - 3x10, 80lbs


The scar tissue swelling is a good sign from what the PT said today. He wants me to back off from everything until it Monday when it should calm down. I can still do leg extension/leg curl and light pedaling on the bike. The goal is to ice 2x per day minimum.

12 Weeks Post Surgery, Thursday, 10.3.13
HRV - 91, RHR - 67


Friday, 10.4.13
HRV - 90, 67


Bench - 3x10, 145lbs
Military Press - 3x10, 85lbs
Leg extension - 3x10, 130lbs
Seated Leg Curl - 3x6, 100lbs
SL Leg Press - 3x10+10+10

Saturday, 10.5.13
HRV - 88, RHR - 67

Med Grip Chin-up - 3x10, BW
Seated Row - 3x10, 90lbs
Machine Curl - 3x10

Scar tissue has calmed down and is less harder than it was but it is still obviously apparent and it seems like there’s more of it now in the same spot. I’ve been icing and heating it like crazy and it doesn’t seem to do anything. On the positive side, my PT has noticed some slight improvement in my IR but he says that my IT Band and TFL are still locked up tight.

12 Week Surgery Update - I’ve now reached the time period that the surgeon said that I would be completely back to normal. Am I back to normal? No, I’m far from it. It deeply saddens me to say this, but I think it’s time for me to forget about my dreams of competing at a high level for my own enjoyment anymore. Even with good PT, I’m just not seeing any light at the end of the tunnel and I think that my condition is too complicated for anyone to fix. I feel no different now than I did back in week 7. My hip bone spur/cam impingement was removed, my labrum was sowed back up, and now it leaves me to question what else could be causing the impingement in my hip? I’m going to still continue taking my rehab seriously and patiently as it may take as long as a year to get back to normal. From now on, I don’t want to waste anyone else’s time reading this journal so I’ll only post if anything nice happens.

Don’t quit keep working hard. Harvin had surgery August 01, 2013, he will start dry land running today. He should make his return to the field soon.

He’s definitely farther along that I am, there’s no doubt that he got the best treatment after his surgery.

So yesterday was the 14th week mark. It wasn’t until a couple days ago where I actually noticed some changes from the surgery. I can bodyweight squat full now without any pinching with a feet to shoulder width stance. This is pretty nice because I haven’t seen any real changes since week 8. I’m still a ways off though and will probably have to consider getting a cortisone injection in the hip because the scar tissue is only getting bigger. It is the size of a golf ball and is really bulging out of my TFL. If I were to guess, I think I’ll be back to normal training in 4-6 weeks.

EMS has been real miss lately because of how busy I’ve been, I just don’t have 2hrs out of my day to use it anymore. Sleep is more important right now.

16 Week Post Surgery Update, 10.31.13

I finally have some decent news to update. The best news is that the scar tissue size in my TFL has gone from a full golfball size to half the size of a golf ball. I’ve automatically noticed an increase in strength and mobility of the left hip. I’m assuming that I will no longer need an injection anymore. The PT is now progressing to manual/passive exercises that specifically stress the anterior labrum so we can toughen it up. He is also doing posterior glide distraction that should help position the femoral head in the right position. The manual therapy is the most painful experience that I’ve had to go through so far and could have been avoided if I had some consistent scar tissue treatment early on.

As far as exercise goes, I’m doing some light to moderately heavy bilateral leg press and full bodyweight squats with feet narrower than shoulder width. I will slowly progress to squatting with the feet at shoulder width apart which is the recommended cutoff point by my PT. The wider my squat stance, the bigger risk I put my labrum at risk. If I ever do return to Olympic lifting, this may be a disadvantage when catching the snatch lift.

I know that I should have been completely back to training for sports by now, but I’m quite happy that I’ve made it this far. I’m finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

19.5 weeks post surgery update, 11.18.13

Front Squat - 3x10, 95lbs
Back Squat - 3x10, 95lbs
DB RDL - 3x10, 40’s

First squat workout in almost a year and had no pinching whatsoever like I used to have. I’m going to progress up to heavier weights each week from here on out. The only limiting factor I’m still having is the scar tissue from the surgical wounds. My surgeon and PT are having some disagreements as far as my recovery goes. My surgeon believes that I should just continue to train around my scar tissue and believes that it will be there for the rest of my life. My PT on the other hand thinks that he can still make it disappear and thinks it should disappear before I get fully cleared.

A couple of days ago, I received some Graston, ART, and Chiropractic treatment. He said that my pelvis was extremely rotated which makes sense because I’ve been walking with slightly abnormal gait for a while now. He really dug into my left IT band with graston and I didn’t notice any change in scar tissue appearance, but did notice that I have better hip extension ROM now and am walking normally. Graston really wasn’t all that painful like most people complain about. The ART that he did was on my VL and psoas for the most part and it wasn’t painful. He said that it’s going to take at least 3 more treatments to see a significant change in the scar tissue. I’m going to continue to give this treatment a try before I go back home for the holidays. I’m also still going to PT 1-2x per week, but mostly just to give a weekly checkup. I really don’t think there’s much that he can do for me anymore.

I’m going to continue to increase the squat weight by 20lbs each workout. So far I’m doing pretty good with the wider stances (feet to shoulder width), but I’m still not mobile enough to return to OL yet. I’m extremely stiff at parallel, but want to feel comfortable squatting to full depth. I’m using EMS active recovery and massage settings to make sure my TFL and glute medius stay loose during this process.

Percy Harvin returned and played a decent NFL game last week and he had surgery 3 weeks later than I did. It’s safe to say that he made a pretty fast recovery from this surgery at 13-14 weeks in comparison to me.

Harvin was squatting pretty fast.