Electroacupuncture and Recovery

Wanted to see if anyone else has ever experimented with using targeted electroacupuncture for recovery/regeneration? I’ve been using it on myself and a few of my athletes to stimulate the parasympathetic with 15-20 minute low frequency work and so far the results have been very promising.

I’ve been monitoring the effects directly using the OmegaWave and have seen a dramatic decrease in sympathetic activity with a concurrent increase in the parasympathetic with an overall impovement in CNS function after each session. In addition, sleep the night of the session is always very good. I’ve tested all sorts of recovery/regeneration techniques and as far as stimulating PNS, this one has certainly been as effective as any.

Has anyone else ever experimented with this technique for recovery? I know the Dr. I learned the protocol from has worked with a variety of well known track athletes and has used it with them, but I’ve never heard of anyone else using it or talking about? I’d be interested if anyone else has any information or has tried it before?

I have had Medical/Acupuncture treatments on a shoulder and lower back injury which has been bothering me for about two years by a therapist trained by Dr. Alejandro Elorriaga. All I can say is the results have been incredible! That treatment combined with ART is very powerful.