Dan pfaff on 100m components

6:50 - extreme shin angles and toe problems

video is unavailable… :frowning:

Its going now.

Actually the way he put it was extreme shin angles lead to lower leg problems, through flexor hallucis and flexor digitorum to then achilles infiltration.

i could post a video showing it in may at the latest, as ive deleted the videos(still using SD cards with sony cybershot 2011 cam), and it is cold in my land(0 degrees).

Thank you, I’ll look forward to it if you were to record yourself.

Wow…thank you for the video. I always struggle with lower leg problems, and I’m not sure if I’m too low, but this may be why.

You could even try contrast sessions regarding the different starting/initial accel strides.

I’ve done/started with(after warmed up):

2 sets of 3-4reps of 10-20m at 1.45m spacing X 5 markers.

1-2 reps/runs at 30-40m at 1.30m spacing X 3 markers(these will bring you back into faster frequency strides by running conservatively within the smaller spacings for the first 4 strides(foot contacts) but agressively and faster frequency as well).

Then 1-2 reps at the 1.45m X 3 markers at distance of 40-60m. These runs will be combining the initial longer accel strides(1st 4 steps) with the faster frequency steps of the previous 2 runs at 1.3m X 3 marking.

The problem that Charlie pointed out many times is that you don’t want to consciously think about where your feet are landing.

This gets away from the purpose of speed change drills.

I’d basically just use what i showed you as a session to maintain variety to stay out of dynamic stereotype. If you follow a logical path from long initial accel strides(with or without thoughts in head about foot placement) to shorter initial accel strides, and then cycle back n forth, you may reap benefits.

Also regarding the 1.45m X 5 and 1.45m X 3, for what are ‘my personal initial long accel strides’, realistically I only had to reach for the marks on the first session at attempting them. And truthfully it wasn’t really reaching, but extending viciously. The heel recovery looked similar to tyson gay(side view). The arm carriage looked like usain bolt(bent arm nice range to back). I chose to do them on grass(concave perpendicular to direction running). Thereafter I’d just have to extend rhythmically and relaxed to stride over the marks. It was basically going into each run with extension and power in mind rather than flick my wrist with frequency.


-at 1:00 brooks johnson talks about the importance of frequency, ground contact time, and stride length and how we’ve only been concentrating on the first 2 and neglecting stride length.

-at 4:30 he talks about post tetanus potentiation. Basically getting involved in some intense contractions in the morning in the weightroom and then coming onto the track to exert more force. Well the way I see it, training extension/pushing/powerful initial accel strides like asafa in the earlier runs of acceleration development days, and then coming back to faster frequency is probably one of the most specific forms of PTP(post tetanus potentiation).

It’s also all about implementation, by default, what I just offered up as a session was basically a rehearsal/blending/transition of what alot of top speed merchants combine at the start/first 10 metres, whether it be in practice or competition.

tyson gay-20m praccy vid- www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEjIOJ_ICuI

-see tyson, one of the frequency champs, getting in some violent extension 0.25second initial accel strides for the 1st 7 strides(knee raises), blending it into close to a 0.20 second frequency for strides 7-12.

usain bolt-brazil-150mvid - www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxKFKQ1YzOw

-see bolt staying in very close to a 0.25 second frequency for the first 12 strides(knee raises) when it then blends into close to a 0.20 second frequency from strides 12-17.

Actually, something I’ve done as well(just remembered now) was, for the last 1-2 runs, set up a 20m segment from 40-60m or 50-70m where i emphasised my arm stroke to be high frequency feeling of pulling up ‘flicky wrists’ from hip to shoulder. Emphasising the forearms or wrists in this manner won’t matter for the legs, since they’re already exhibiting a nice extension and spiralish elastic contact from the initial accel strides and accompanying flowing increasing frequency from 5metres to 40 or 50m.

Another few tidbits which may help this session work are:

-having at least 3-4 accel development sessions within the prior 3-4 weeks, where you’ve been
working on your own ‘personal initial 0.25 second
accel steps’ for at least the first 7-8 steps at distances of 10-30m(8-12 reps). Basically so you’re acclimated to these ‘pushing/driving/extending steps’ transitioning into upright sprinting.

-having at least 3-4 sessions of upright sprinting sessions within the prior 3-4 weeks, at distances from 80-150m where you’re striding at 0.25 second frequency or greater(0.24,0.23,0.22,0.21) or 85-99% intensity(percentage max) for 6-8 reps.