I start here my own Trainingsjournal to have a summary of what i do…
I am training for Track and Field, everything from 100 to 400 meters.
Current stats:
Backsquat(atg):165Kilo(my Bodyweight)
Snatch Grip Deadlift:160-65Kilo
narrow Benchpress:160Kilo
The Snatch: I’m learning this one at the moment…
My Benchpres is actually better than my (Front)squats because i couldn’t squat for a long time but i work at this one…
My Goals:
Become better at the 100 to 400 Meter distances( I have no ongoing time because i was injured a few times and couldn’t run in competitions)
To Jump higher and further
improve Hams and Gluts
Backsquat:97,5Kilo(1,5times my bodyweight)
Snatch Grip Dead:97,5Kilo
narrow Bench:80Kilo
Pullups:30 in a row,140Kilo+Bodyweight
Dips:35 in a row,140Kilo+Bodyweight
The Snatch:50Kilo
My Strength routine:
Track and Field:4-5 times a week
Upperbody:2 times a week
Lowerboy:2-3times a week
Abs:5times a week
Lowerbody schedule1:
Snatch Grip Dead:44
Glute ham raise(like this):45(negatives)
Adductor work…
and an exercise which kitkat1 explained here for ham injury preperation
Good luck! Maybe try not to focus too much on weights, you’re very young, you have tons of room to first develop basics rather then concentrating on weightlifting.
at first when I started track I got damn often injured since I have started to workout with weights it got better and better but you’re right it’s a bit to much .Now it’s gettin colder and i don’t have lot of possibilities to train outside so I focus to improve my strength skills.
Hey check out Istavan Javorek’s work outs. He’s one of the best and you will get faster stronger, more cut, jump higher etc. etc. Without putting much weight on, its the right way to train. But i warn you it can be pretty intense.
TO answer senri, no complex I is not the only thing i did to get gaines. I’m a collegiate runner so i have a entire programe from preseason to the end of the racing season. And to answer dynomittom, no its with different weights, and yes you can use a barbell but if you get a full programe of some kind he will have plenty of different exercises with the barbell. Its really a very dynamic programe in which your body is always having to adapt (the way the body grows/gets better), contact him about getting a plan and see what he has to really offer for yourself.
one armed dumbellshoulderpress standing:15Kilo12reps
4sets of curls
6sets of griptraining and 3 sets of shoulder stabilisation
-Pullups:115-20(bodyweight),110+weight added,110+weight added,16-8+weight added
-narrow Benchpress:4sets-12/10/8/6reps
-Barbell Bent-over Row:3sets-10/10/10reps superset with Dips(bodyweight):around20/20/10treps
-Shrugs(light):2sets of 15-20reps
-scap push-up:3sets:15-20reps
-Pullups:115-20(bodyweight),36+weight added after every set of 6pullups 3non weighted explosiv ones
-Dips:1around20reps,36-8reps+weight added after every set of 6-8Dips 3non weighted explosiv ones
Barbell Bent-over Row:3*10 superset with Pushups on Gymnastic Ball:3sets of 20-30or more reps
-one armmed shoulder press standing:3sets of 8-12reps
-Face Pulls:3sets of 10-15reps
-L-Flys(light):2sets of 15reps