Dynamic upper body stretching

Some young athletes i’ve met seem to think after 20 minutes of scrorpions,iron crosses and lateral lunges ect, all their upper body needs is a few arm shakes. :rolleyes:

So here’s a great dynamic stretch for the biceps,chest and shoulders:-

1.Roll up a towel and hold it palms down with your hands just outside your hips.

2.Lock out arms and bring the towel over your head and try touch your arse.

3.Repeat back and forth, aim to complete each rep in 2 seconds.

4.Progress by bringing hands closer together.

Warmup/Maintain = 10 - 15 reps
Increase ROM = 20 - 30 reps


Yup! I do this all the time! Try making cirles with rope around the body (very simmilar to exercises you proposed) - right arm leads to the ass, and from there left lead to buttocks and in other direction…

I’m trying to have all my athletes do wheelbarrow walks (handwalks) forward and backwards. It’s great for shoulder and upper body stability and is hard as crap backwards.

Hi Kacz,

Can you describe this exercise? Link, pics etc? Tnx

Sorry, this may have been in the wrong place, as it’s not a stretch, but I do use it as a warm-up drill.

  1. Get in a push-up position
  2. Have Someone grab your ankles and then (have them) stand up.
  3. Now walk forward 30 feet on your hands, keeping your midsection tight.
  4. Once you’ve reached that, now go backwards, back to where you started.

Does this help at all?
If not, I’ll try to get something up describing it better.

It sounds so right,I will include it in my next training!!! :smiley:

Yup! We call it here a CARIOLA (the thing in which workers put bricks and stuco-mortar) :slight_smile: