Drummond photo secquence

Yeah man,I would like Charlie comment that

Caballo,not bad at all but just a few things which will help you immensely.your head-try to keep it in natural alignment with your back.your front block seems good as it is approx 90* but i will like to see your back block pushed backed maybe 2spaces to allow you to get more of an angle on the back leg allowing for more room.by doing so you can easily get the hips higher with less effort.But so far you look fine so just try these settings out

Well this pictures were taken just a few hours ago,and all the starts that I have done in this past afternoon have been better than all the previous (well I´ve practiced starts at a very low intesity level because of the coming meet)

Reading what you´ve posted I can only say THANKS for true,all your advices seems good and tomorrow in the previous warm-up I will try them.(if I get a new PB tomorrow you can consider yourself authomatically invited to visit my country and my home man!!! :slight_smile: )

It´s difficult to me to express it,but now I have a enormous sensation of prove myself with lot of new feelings running across my whole body…I need that tomorrow comes soon :slight_smile:

Will you two lovebirds please keep this kind of talk among yourselves…


LOL jejeejejejejejeje lol jejejejejeejeje I just was joking jejejejejeejejeje :smiley: please don´t get confused jejejejejejejeje LOL :slight_smile:

jealousy is a Bit**. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: caballo go get your pb

we are all a big family here at cf.com.this is what makes the site so successful

in actual fact i helped thor not to long ago with his set-up and he posted before and after photos

thor any chance of you posting them!!

Well after my first meet all that I can say is that it´s ended now :frowning:

I ´ve got a 7.9 official PB.I know that I´ve ran pretty much quick in training sessions but that don´t satisfy me at all.

I have to say that there were a little things that should have been working against a novice sprinter like me.The athlete on my right side got fall down in the first 10 meters and I had to be concious of that to get not hurt himself cause he got into my front.To add that the organization didn´t work well,and give all us a so little time to adjust blocks…anyway that is only to say excuses :frowning: and I know I can run faster for the next time so I hope I will do it better :o

Anyway lot of thanks to all of you that have help me since I´ve joint the forum.I´ve got to work lot more :o