
What muscles need to be strong to accomplish dorsi-flexing while sprinting.

ARe there any exercises and/or drills I can do at home or on the track to help with dorsi-flexing

I’m sure the shins should be one of them. But there is something else I also wanted to ask. What do you guys say to people who land on their toes. A lot of people really insist on that. I don’t know how to convince them not to do so?

Paralysis by analysis. Unless your sprinter is experiencing a rash of injuries you should not change anything. The correct way to sprint is the way you go fastest.

That is pretty intresting. Does that mean that if someone is wrong wrong ( from my point of view ) but he’s quite happy with the run and not getting any injuries then thats fine? Some how I like the idea but then I guess that there is a limit to this kind of thinking. I mean everyone’s getting a shin splint from that type of running. Do you think thats an injury. I run with my toes tucked and I always wear the proper kind of shoes while doing tempo and I do A LOT of tempo and I get no shin splints. While the others are getting a lot of shin splints all the time while just doing 1/2 or less of my volume. What do you think?

Forgive spelling as I cannot confirm correct whilst at work, but I believe it is the ‘anterior tibullous’ muscle that is primarily responsbile for dorsi flexion. (Runs up outside edge/front shin) This technique element should be trained during A and B drills.

Tibialis Anterior

Everytime I practice the flexion in my drills and I make contact with the ground my foot goes back to normal or i just lsoe the flexion.

How long does it take for someone to incorporate into there race…and how much time does it take off?

A thread posted by ‘The One’ called “Charlie on sprinting” presents some of Charlies great words on sprinting technique. Recommend reading and re-reading. Foot strike should occur with a degree of plantarflexion (big toe up) that pre-stretches the foot complex for a more reactive contact.

I’ve seen many coaches and various descriptions (there are many!) of A and B drills teach dorsiflexion during the recovery phase (I believe in an effort…) to reduce the effective lever of the swing leg…

I prescribe to the dangers of ‘paralysis by analysis’, notwithstanding I’d recommend the most important foot/ankle actions to train would be full triple extension and also plantarflexion (or toe up) pre footstrike.

I thought plantarflexion was pointing the toe and dorsiflexion was “big toe up”.

Yep, sorry for any ambiguity. Full plantarflexion is toes down, ie pointing down with the toes and the ankle extended. Full dorsiflexion is full toes up and foot up. Foot contact prep could be called a ‘toe up plantarflexion’… striking with the ball of the foot with the toes raised for pre-stretch.