documentation: "World's fastest Men" --MUST SEE THIS(1h/450MB) with CF,GAT,Ben ....


The video is top quality!! Thanks!!

Guys, download the google video player and watch the video. THEN after you are done watching it, search your hard drive for this file name “World’s Fastest Men.gvi”. That’s the actual video! This is the file that the buffer is dumped into! Find that file and your all set!

Thanks again for the file upload!!!

p.s. Those brains at Google have a compresion algo that shrunk the original mpeg down to roughly 280 megs. Pretty good quality maintained too!

flaF7.temp is the name of the file in your documents and settings/user/local/temp directory

WOW, i found 4 files ( 280mb ) in my pc.
But i already recorded to vhs format using my JVC recorder, a lot of work but worth every centh of second.

move over the king is here