Dirtyolprorunners training

6’1" 84kg. 100/200m runner

Finished 12 weeks of GPP/ Mid rep (10/15 rep) weights.

2/8 Track - Jog 2 laps, Stretch, Drills Runthrus x 5
4 x 30 (3 min recov.) w/ Split leg start.
10 min
4 x 60 (3 min recov.) 3pt start.

Plyos:- 5 x Dive Ext. w/ 5kg Med ball.
5 x 5 Hurdle bounds.

3/8/04 Gym
10 min Tread mill and stretch
Leg Ext. 2 x 15 W.Up
4 x 10, 10, 10, 6
Leg Curl 1 x W.Up
4 x 10, 10, 10, 6
Leg Ext
4 x 10, 10, 10, 10
Walking Lunge
3 x 10 w/ 5kg Med ball O/H
Hip Machine (fast) 3 x 15
Speed Ball 6 x 1 1/2 min rounds s/s w/ 6 x 50 Cruches

04/08/04 - Tempo/Abs

100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100 (Walkback/around recov.)
super set during recov w/ 10 x 30 Ab movements.

Tempo 1700m
Abs - 300

052/08/04 - Rest/Massage/Stretch

06/08/04 Hills
4 x 150 Hills @ 90% (5 min recov)
Speed Ball 6 x 1 1/2 min rounds w/ 6 x 50 Abs (super set.)

07/08/04 Rest (re. work)

08/08/04 Gym and Tempo
No track access re. work
10 x 30 sec treadmill tempo 1min recov.

Gym - Chins (weighted) 4 x 10, 6, 6, 6, 8 (no weight)
Bent over rows - 3 x 10
Dips (weighted) 4 x 12, 10, 10, 10
Bench - 3 x 6 + 1 x 6 (fast)
Steps ups 3 x 12 (6 kg Med ball o/h)
Push press 3 x 6
S/S Bicep curls 4 x 10 w/ Hypers 4 x 10

Anybody who would like to critique or offer advice, ask questions, please feel welcome…DOPR.

09/08/04 Rest (re. Work)

10/08/04 Speed/Accel

4 x 30 (split start) 3 min recov
5 x 60 (3 point start) 3 min recov.
5 x block starts (1st and 2nd stride)
Warm down and stretch

Leg Ext. 2 x WU
4 x 10, 10, 10, 8
Leg Curl 1 x WU
4 x 10, 10,10,10
Leg Press 4 x 10,10,10,10
Walk Lunge w/ 5kg Med Ball 3 x 10
Hip Machine 3 x 15 each leg s/s with 3 x 6 Close Grip P/downs
Speed Ball 6 x 1 1/2 min rounds s/s with 6 x 50 crunches

9/8/04 Rest day - re. work

10/8/04 Track- Speed
Warm up
4 x 30 (split start) 3 min recov.
10 min recov
5 x 60 (3 pt)
10 min
5 x Block starts
(420 mtrs speed)

Gym - Legs + Speed ball/Abs
SB - 6 x 1 1/2 min super set 6 x 50 Abs


10 x 200 (31-32 sec)
super set 10 x 35 Abs
(Abs - 350)
Tempo - 2000m


14 /08/04
Track - Racing
60m - 100 (bend- training run by self)
100m - 300m
150 (training by self) Speed - 710m

Track - tempo
10 x 120 super set with 10 x 25 Abs

t - 1200m
Abs 250

16/08 Rest re work
17/08 rest re. work

18/08 Gym - Legs

I am working on a Summer season (in Australia), and working on a race carnival in approx. 33 weeks.
Any advice on volumes would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Dirty…

Good to see you are still training hard.

Why do you do 6 x 1.5 min on the speedball in the General Conditioning Phase?

Have you tried the 6 x 3 min with a 1 min rest?


Still working up to JB’s 6 x 3mins.
Not much prev exp. with speed ball, so getting fitness level up as I go, hence the Ab s/set.

19/08 - Track - Accel
4 x 30 (split start) 3min recov
5 x 60 (3 pt) 3 min recov

Speed ball / Abs
6 x 1 1/2 min rounds s/s 6 x 50 crunch
(best round 140 hits L-R = 1 hit)

20/08 - Tempo (grass)
100, 100,100
100, 100, 200, 100
100, 100, 200, 200
100, 100, 200, 100
100, 100, 100
50 m walk b/w rep
100 m walk b/w sets

21/08 Track/Gym (speed/end)
6 x 150 10 min recov. All run by self.

Gym - chins
Bent over rows
HIgh Pulls
Push Press

22/08 Speed Ball 6 x 1 1/2 minute rounds
s/s 6 x 50 Abs

23/08 Tempo (Treadmill re work)

10 x 40 sec Tempo
s/s 10 x 30 Crunch

Arm weights s/s with Abs

24/08 Gym-Legs (light)


Even my new athletes start on 6 x 3 min rounds on the speedball. Admittedly they don’t hit it very fast nor is it continuous, but they build up to the staple 300 hits per round (counting one hand) by starting at say 40 to 50 per minute. Some of the new girls reached the 300 hit mark in the testing week, which was pleasing.

We do 6 weeks on (gym cycle); one week off of testing (chin ups, push ups, sit ups, 1 x 3m speedball, interspersed with some running).

Then a second six week gym cycle followed by another week of testing incorporated with some running.

After 14 weeks of the gym program we are into the first week of the track. (Next week)

Do you train with a group and if so, does this group do the same as you?


25/08 Day off re, work

26/08 Tempo - Treadmill

10 x 45 sec tempo s/s 10 x 30 Abs

27/08 Speed - Grass ( 1/2 session)

3 x 30 3 min recov
5 min
3 x 60 3 min recov
speed ball 6 x 2min rounds 2 min recov

28/08 Gym - 1/2 session

29/08 - Trial

2 x 30 3 min rec
5 min
2 x 60 4 min rec
10 min
1 x 150
10 min
1 x 300


Just came across this thread and would like to wish you all the best from an ex-DOPR in Scotland. Hope you are not doing too much of that machine work on your legs, esp. if it is working the hip flexor. Pretty much the same with hamstring curls (I know from painful experience). I agree with Paul on speedball. When we finished with the three minute rounds we did 30s flat out in sets of six with 30-60s rec. I see a vid of Stawell every year - all credit to you Aussies! Good to see Josh Ross doing well in Athens. Nick Smith, who won the New Year Sprint here two or three years ago, was a reserve on the GB 4x100m team.

yeah man i would also say to take it easy on those machines as they ultimately hurt ankels, chins, kness watever is a weakness to you. running naturally is much better. as of gpp i would like to add in a few other points

  1. u can use a weighted vest in ur workout as means of sport loading,. it helps develop acceleration

  2. towing a sled can also be useful in a different way, teaches forward lean and a proper drive

  3. i advise to not exceed 50m in gpp as ur main emphasis is on acceleration and not top speed so 60m runs are pretty much not that specific as of yet

  4. i like the way u look after ur core strength BUT what about deadlifts? reverse hypers? lower back basically (its very important dont ignore it)

  5. hills are very useful for acceleration development, if not available stadium stairs can serve the same purpose.

  6. plyometrics and bounds im sure u can fit somewhere in your program to maximise training benefits

hope been of any help
gluck and keep it going

Pretty much training by myself as my coach is interstate, and also as I travel weekly interstate with work, I tend to have to structure my training around what capital city I am in that particular day.
I am working up to the 6 x 3 min rounds, but am working on speed and consistancy 1st. Speed wise I’m hitting the ball around 320 - 350 hits per 2 min, so the speed is coming together OK.
I guess I’m taking some of the older scottish principals and incorporating them with some modern scientific principals, and so far I have been reasonably successful.
Big plans for the next few years.

30/08 & 31/08 Days off re. work

1/08 - Gym

Jog / Warm up / Stretch
Warm Up Leg Ext & Leg Curl 2 x 15
Leg Fress 6 x 3
Power Cleans 4 x 3
Walk Lunge (with O/H Med Ball) 3 x 10
O/H Squat 3 x 10
Hip Machine 4 x 12
Swiss Ball Abs

Sled? Sleds are useless and do nothing to help sprinters and in fact probably are a hindrance as pulling a sled detrimentally affects one’s technique. As far as I know there is no scientific or anecdotal evidence to suggest that sleds will ultimately assist a person to sprint faster.

As Jim Bradley (And Ferg Speakman - trainer of 5 Stawell Gift winners) would say, you must have fast conditions to run fast.

Develop your power and strength in the gym then apply that strength in your track work (unhindered) by employing a sound and efficient technique while you are running.

50m ONLY for acceleration? Most athletes are still accelerating at 50m, particularly Gift runners & quarter milers. GPP still involves general conditioning including max V and running over 50m ONLY is restricting acceleration development. In GPP an athlete should use a range of distances up to 60m and beyond to learn to run relaxed and hold the speed.

Stadium Steps? If it is pissing raining and you cannot categorically use the track then maybe the stadium steps might be an option. But again, there is no hard evidence to suggest that running up stairs will enhance acceleration. In stepping from one stair to the next, an athlete would be using slower leg movements than in the normal running action. If you want to practice acceleration do it in a natural environment – on the track. Perfect practice makes perfect.

take a look at www.atoboldon.com video section and see what coach john smith applies to stadium stairs. Apparently helps and aids the drive phase and staying in it. I have done them for last two months here in vic and have put on 3 cm girth around my hips…apart from lunge walking (three stairs at a time) up and making sure you activate ur glutes we also bound up at a fair crack

25/08 Day off re. work
26/08 Tempo (treadmill)
10 x 45 sec super set w/ 10 x 30 Crunches
27/08 Speed (Grass- 1/2 Session)
3 x 30 3 min
5 min
3 x 60 3 min
Speed Ball 6 x 2 min rounds

28/08 Gym
Bend ov rows
High Pull
Push press
Bi Curl

29/08 - Time Trial
2 x 30 3min
2 x 60 5 min
10 min
1 x 150
10 min
1 x 300 )

30/08 REst
31/08 Day off re. work
1/09 Gym
Warm up Leg ex and Leg Curl
Leg Press 6 x 3 P/Clean 4 x 3 Walk Lunge w/ 5kg Med Ball 3 x 10
Hip Mach 4 x 12 (Fast)
Swiss Ball Abs

2/09 - Speed

3 x 30 2 min
5 min
4 x 40 2 min
5 min
3 x 60 )

3/09 Day off re work
4/09 Day off re work
5/09 Day off re work

6/09 Speed -
3 x 30 2 min
5 min
4 x 40 2 min
5 min
3 x 60

Plyo - Calf bound (Stairs)
9 x 10

7/09 - Gym
Warm up Leg ex and Leg Curl
Leg Press 6 x 3
P/Clean 4 x 3
Walk Lunge w/ 5kg Med Ball 3 x 10
Hip Mach 4 x 12 (Fast)
Swiss Ball Abs

8/09 - Tempo
100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100
Speed Ball 6 x 2min (1 min)
Abs 300