Dietrich Buchenholz aka DB Hammer

what about holding a med ball and leting it go just before imapact?

increasing the the height will not increase the speed as much as bands.

That will increase the force of the landing, but not the velocity (Newton…)

I don’t think that is true. Theoretically, you could raise the height enough to achieve any velocity (up to the terminal velocity you would reach due to wind resistance from, say, jumping out of an airplane :slight_smile:

If you let go of the bands as soon as you contact the ground, I can’t discern any difference between raising the height and using bands. Any physicists out there to prove me wrong?

Your still being pulled by the force of gravity, no matter how high you go

The bands slingshot you downwards, thus multiplying the force of gravity, which is supposed to fudge you brain/CNS just like hypergravity loading :slight_smile:

that’s what his article says on on AMT jumps

The reasons for this devastating return in performance are fruitful. However, instead of throwing superfluous science your way, I will opt to explain it in terms that we can all understand. Virtually anyone that was taken from this earth and placed on the moon could jump clear over an 18-wheel truck. The reason that we can achieve this is not completely applicable to earth since it is the same reason why we stay afloat- gravity (manipulations in gravitational forces). However, the speed of the bands create an augmented intra-neural-perception of the gravitational forces, the required response necessary to support and overcome this action upon ground contact, so a heightened arousal is found. The release of the bands at contact is critical since this action won’t remove the intra-sensations that our system has experienced- which is good since output will be appropriate to warrant the results that you are looking for. If the bands weren’t removed as anchored then the training effect would be lost since elastic-driven acceleration will be lost at toe-off, due to the band resistance, and frictional components will be brought in to assist movement. This is not advantageous for those seeking power via elastic function since frictional elements have been found to interfere with movement efficiency when programmed wrongfully, or manipulated in the short-term inappropriately (such as the effect that leaving the bands anchored would produce; i.e. loss in power production).

The bands increases the accelleration towards the ground while holding a medball increases one’s mass (the accelleration is just gravity). More accelleration could effect the strain rate (lengthing rate) of the tendons differently. I can do the math if someone wants…(including some strain rate stuff).

Anyways, with that exercise in particular, i would be worried about getting the whipped by the bands being released :slight_smile:

What’s the big diff? Money. Jumping off a box is free.

Except that you are supposed to release the bands “just as the athlete makes ground contact.” So at that point, the bands become irrelevant (acceleration due to the bands = 0, total acceleration = gravity = 9.8m/s^2) and the only thing you need to look at is the instantaneous velocity, mass and acceleration of the body.

do the math :slight_smile:

I was really interested in deciphering his writings at elite when I ran into the same quandry. In the end AMT’s end up being exaggerated depth jumps. I cannot see the difference with his AMT’s and jumping off a 20ft box. In the end to increase depth jump force to match amt you just increase box height, this can be done infinitely.

“Complexity is the language of simple minds.”

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.”
Albert Einstein

Those two quotes sum up my opinion on his writings.

Personally I don’t care how great he is, or how successful. If you have to learn a whole new language to interpret his writings then it feels like he is just tooting his own “I’m smarter than you” horn. Since we already have a working knowledge of kinesiological/biomechanical language then he should write in that language.

Just as I was suspecting. Guess I will continue with depth jumps. Although the gains DB talks about (18 percent increase in vj after your first session) would be nice :slight_smile:

Does anyone really believe that he got a guy squatting 635 lb to increase his lift by 180 lb in 60 days?

Unless they train in an antigravity chamber…

Yet DB writes:

Powering Your System to Perform Better

Recently I was directed to check out a few popular sports training catalogs on the Internet by one of my associates that lives in the United States. If you want to know what presses a coach’s patience quicker than anything else on the face of this planet, look no further than what I saw on that day. It is the deterioration that sports preparation has seen ever since crafty sales-teams (big business) have wedged their sly, self-serving feet into the fitness and competition arena. They are stepping on everything once reasonable with a shade of high profiteering that has undoubtedly surrendered us to performance enhancement decay via propaganda of pertinent preparation.

I saw three main classes of products: (1) unstable objects; (2) resistive bands; and (3) unstable objects with resistive bands pre-attached. The marketing campaign is geared towards all sports, all athletes, and all levels of health. That’s right, NOW you can use the same program and equipment to train for upper level performance enhancement as you did for post-surgery rehabilitation. If nothing else, it seems a bit too convenient to be trusted!

I am going to cut against the grain, myself, on this one and boldly state that I would never recommend buying a single product from those catalogs- ever! They have anything but the athletes’ interest in mind, and that is revolting! And, if they do actually have the athletes as their first priority then they, obviously, aren’t competent enough to entrust doing business with- period!

Resistive bands?? AMT use of resistive bands?

I thought this at first but, the purpose of the bands is to trick your mind into thinking that you are gonna slam into the ground hard and it apparently reacts accordingly giving you more reactive strength on landing.

The reasons for this devastating return in performance are fruitful. However, instead of throwing superfluous science your way, I will opt to explain it in terms that we can all understand. Virtually anyone that was taken from this earth and placed on the moon could jump clear over an 18-wheel truck. The reason that we can achieve this is not completely applicable to earth since it is the same reason why we stay afloat- gravity (manipulations in gravitational forces). However, the speed of the bands create an augmented intra-neural-perception of the gravitational forces, the required response necessary to support and overcome this action upon ground contact, so a heightened arousal is found. The release of the bands at contact is critical since this action won’t remove the intra-sensations that our system has experienced- which is good since output will be appropriate to warrant the results that you are looking for. If the bands weren’t removed as anchored then the training effect would be lost since elastic-driven acceleration will be lost at toe-off, due to the band resistance, and frictional components will be brought in to assist movement. This is not advantageous for those seeking power via elastic function since frictional elements have been found to interfere with movement efficiency when programmed wrongfully, or manipulated in the short-term inappropriately (such as the effect that leaving the bands anchored would produce; i.e. loss in power production).


Acooper; have you tested AMT yourself?

Acooper; have you tested AMT yourself?

No, i hadn’t heard of DB before this thread. His training methods do sound interesting though if you ignore all his seemingly unbelievable claims and i am planning on trialing some of them when i’ve got my head round his ideas a bit better.

Sounds good and please post your opinions of his methods after testing them. I think many of us here on this forum would be interested in how they work.

I agree with those two quotes, but after digging into DBs writings a bit more, I think I understand why he has developed a unique jargon for his system.

First, there actually are some different exercises (or at least ways of performing exercises) that do not have established/accepted terminology. For example, if you have a handful of different ways to perform the bench press, then you need a way to distinguish them. Ian King does this to some extent with his number system (3-3-1 Bench) to describe the time for each phase of the lift. DB calls a “regular” bench press a PIM bench press which stands for Plio-Iso-Miometric to “appreciate each contraction phase, in working order, involved.” This new termonology wouldn’t be necessary except that there are other kinds of bench presses within his system and he needs to have a way to talk about each one of them discretly.

Secondly, while there are cases where he creates new terminology for an established exercise, I think this is because he is trying to make the terminology within his system self-consistent. For example, if in one place I call something an eccentric contraction, another I call it a negative and in another I call it plyometric, but they are all refering to a lengthening contraction, then that is inconsistent and confusing in and of itself. So, DB has gone and tried to use consistent terms for all of his exercises (plio, iso and mio) This necessitates changing some accepted terminology.

Lastly, I think that he has developed his jargon because it reinforces the important aspects of his system. Language helps to express our view of the world, but it also has the power to effect how we view the world. Every system has its own jargon. Westside has max effort and dynamic effort days and those mean specific things to people who understand the system. CFTS has GPP, SPP, triple periodization, tempo, 3-1-3 max strength etc and those mean different things within his system than they would to someone within a long to short system. DBs jargon is a bit more complex, but once you get a handle on it, it holds together. Personally, I have a little note card that helps me with the translation :slight_smile: I never was very good with foreign languages!

I’ve got to agree with him there! (I suspect he’s referring to the bands people hook to their legs etc. I was subjected to the “resistive band dance routines” created by one of these charlatins when I did an analysis on his training program created for a pro team)

so the bands are stretched out before you step down as to do a depth jump…

if you set them up so that when you are actually on the flor they have no tension…and remain that way for say 5 cm or whatever…

you would already be of the ground before they start tensing again right??

and its not like your aplying any force once your of the ground…

so what is the point of releasing them if you set them up like this??