Dietrich Buchenholz aka DB Hammer

…but anyone who has read CT’s stuff and then goes to read this manuscript will get a shock.

Agreed :smiley:

Thankfully we have Kelly Baggett, check out his article in the articles section at Inno Sport.

I just finished one microcycle for lower body today - 4 weeks. Today was the

  • 10% fatigue dropoff toleration day - OUCH!!! Workout took 3 hours cause I have too much ISO squat work capacity - 8 sets :slight_smile:
    Plus I did some olys before. Not a biggy as I have found in DB’s system workout time is irrelevant Autoreg takes care of all. I just sip my whey and carb drink to keep me fueled
    I rest a week and see where my squat goes after, I figure I’ll be full squatting over 405lbs no probs, up from 365-385 :cool:

Since I am neuro-Magnitude dominant, no problems blasting up squats etc, I concentrated on Nuero-duration. Lots of ISOs and OIs, the essence of pure pain :smiley:

in the 5 workouts - about 3 weeks and a bit - I suspect an even bigger jump after today’s 10% dropoff and a weeks rest, another 10-30lbs ontop the figures below is not out of the question

Oly Squat ISO Hold at Sticking point- in Oly Shoes - RAW
255lbs x 9secs to 315lbs x 8secs (+60lbs)

Clean Deadlift ISO Hold an inch above floor - in Oly Shoes - HookGrip -RAW
263lbs x 30secs to 306lbs x 26secs - grip problems ( +43lbs)

Lat Machine Situp ISO Hold, Torso around Parallel, Dumbell on Chest
25lbs x 30secs to 50lbs x 40secs (+25lbs, could have used 55lbs)

Spinal erectors, hamstrings and abs have blown up as you’d expect! Probbaly added a good inch on the waist measurement :eek:
Upperbody lifts wise, I am doing a hybrid of his methods, gains are good as well, but it will be another few weeks before I finish the cycle.

Not that big a deal IMO, but I’m a geek though :stuck_out_tongue:

Interesting enough OIs are talked about in the Supertraining book under isometrics :slight_smile:

Col from what I recall you train alone, how do you time the reps?

I’ve seen an egg-timer in a gym once!!!

on the 9 sec stuff, I just count in my head, usually ends up be 1-2 sec fast :slight_smile:

The longer stuff like the deadlifts - I put the stop watch in front of me on a bench so I can see it, for the abs etc I get someone at the gym to time me or use a setable countdown timer + alarm I bought from Rebel Sports for $20AUD :slight_smile:

Translate a version for me Col … :smiley:

My wife and I tried to buy one of those a couple of years ago, tried evreywhere couldn’t get one. :confused:

Col thanks for the tips :smiley:

LOL. Thanks. I do have CT’s book that i just downloaded it the other day. i think I’ll finish it first before I even think about paying 45 bucks for DB’s book that would take months to get through. :slight_smile:

Maybe I’ll ask for this book for my birthday which is next month. That way I’d feel that I didn’t feel like I wasted $$$ if i ended up burning it in my fireplace. LOL. BTW, I do have a degree in kinesiology and am CSCS so that should help me some when I try to figure out what he’s saying. just a tad better…

A workout very similar to the one Colin is doing is translated and explained at the end of the basics article I wrote on DB’s site. I don’t know how to directly link to it but it’s under the article section and Inno-sport exclusives. Here’s the site address

Interestingly enough my CNS is fine today, none of that smashed feeling I used to get if I ever went over an hour training “normally”, but yet I did 3 hours of some heavy straining!

I don’t know why the difference though ? :confused:
Maybe my work capacity has already improved that much in the 3-4 weeks

I copied and pasted kellys article to a word doc…it was somthing like 17 pages…maybe 15 with some formating :slight_smile:


just read kellys article…then looked over coolj last workout it makes much more sense now…now ill read all the other articles that I just put in a folder…

dosent seem so hard as people say…

very intresting stuff

It couldn’t hurt for DB Hammer to redo his website. They hurt my eyes with the black background and colored fonts when I try to read stuff. :rolleyes:

The font is way to small on my computer at 1600x1200.

CCJ, do you only perform the iso’s in the extreme stretched position of the lift? If so do you find that this has a carryover to the entire range of motion of the lift? And how have OI’s worked out for you? improved RFD? The same questions about upper body lifts as well…


That was a great article…it cleared up a lot of questions I had.

I’m still not clear on the Neuro-Magnitude test though. When you say “The initiation of contact must be made within 5-9 cm (2-3.5 inches) from the chest”, does that mean after letting go of the bar and retracting your hands, you catch the bar 2-3.5 inches from the chest? And this quote, “The braking phase, or the distance the bar travels after the initial hand to bar contact to zero acceleration, must not exceed 4 cm (1.5 inches) to count as a successful attempt”, does this mean when you catch the bar it can’t descend more than 1.5 inches?



saxon-yes and yes