diet and performance

i dont understand this part, can you elaborate further?

First thing, you obviously do not respond well to carbs and are almost assuredly a protein/fat type of person. Thus, protein and fats should be the majority (not all!) of your food consumption.

Secondly, you notice you don’t respond well to many carbohydrate choices, why continue to eat them?

In few words, if you don’t eat properly for your body, you’ll cannot have a good performance!

@Maris: yes, I know the metabolic type diet.

i didnt have problems with high carb before the diet, now i have problems. LIke my body forgot hwo to digest them. I know one thing that i get bloated like crazy unless i eat rice.

I really dont know what foods to eat that have high protein and fats other then cheese and meats. I"m used to have nice filler foods that are high carbs. I’m gonna have to figure some things out.

Damn man 1000kcals no wonder you ran like shit.

You need more kcals than that just to maintain your BMR!!

Clean eating/frequent eating should adjust your body comp to where it should be if you’re training hard…

Good fat options: Olive oil, fish oil, coconut oil, avocado, coconut milk, almond/peanut butter, some cheese, etc etc etc… just to name a few.
Also red meat and some fish already have fairly high fat content as well in them…

Post a sample daily diet and maybe we’d be able to tweak it to suit your needs so you’re able to perform without feeling like shit.

so i’m eating like crazy, still not recovering as well as i would like, seems teh damage is going to take awhile. I wil up the food intake to 3000kcals if necessary. i dont care if i get back to 17% i just wnat to perform good again.

psychologically i felt fine on the diet, i didnt feel like shit, i feel like shit now cause i know how slow i’m running, but fuck i feel faster, might have more leg frequency or something. Shit, i knew this was gonna happen.

you ran 1 race…

does not matter, as of yet since my performance is so shit, if i run good this week it will be odd.

strange training is going fine, even up and deloaded abit, yet i am still half a second slower in anything i run whether its 50m or 150m or 120m everything is .5 seconds slower. Damn i wonder if their might have been some damage to the nervous system or something.

Lol bro you’re starting to get into paralysis by analysis with this diet thing. What about the big picture? How is your training? Sleep? Lifestyle? Work? Stress?

i sleep less but wake up fine, i sleep 4-6 hours. I dont stress very little, eating is fine i’m eating at a caloric surplus so i’m gaining weight, i already gained back over 12 lbs. Skin is not pale anymore, gained back its color. I have small muscle twitches at night when i go to sleep, that and my peformance doesnt improve. My 100m technique is good, i’m stretching, i do the same as i did last year where i improved. After the diet eating normally, nothing is changing. There will be a race this week so will see what happens. I hope your right.