
Did you get this idea from new CF product? I am not so sure does detox really work (too much of commercial stuff with that detox), but sometimes I actually feel the need to detox whatever that means… more fruits and water and avoid animal products… maybe even starving a day or two, drinking only water, herbal tea or fresh juice. Believe it or not, I had some mental issues in high school (don’t know what was it, maybe it was only adolescence lol), yet after a 3-4 days water starvation I managed to cool my brain and relax.

That idea of drinking warm water and lemon in the morning comes from Ayurveda, Ancient Indian Medicine… Don’t know exactly how it works, but I was reading couple of books on the subject and there they say it clears mala, or the food left in your gut… Don’t know does this really works and all that stuff about detox, but sometimes my body really needs ‘cleaning’…

Please keep us informed… good luck