Decrease Your 40 Yard Dash Time

its one of my many diff strength programs.

Why bench once a week?

i bp twice a week, one max strength on wed and one 225rep bp day. in my gpp program i was during 3 bp days - one max strength, one speed/timed max effort and one 225rep day.

I think you miss-interpreted something on that particular post when I said “most of us agree with you that…”, was actually in response to Charlie Francis who in the past has stated that Deadlifts really fatigue the c.n.s.(I stated that I am in agreement with Charlie on that quote) - but my post must have been a few seconds after your post which must have made it look like That post adressed you. A long winded cross-referance, unless there was something else about my post you didn’t get.

Charlie, I believe you have stated in the past that too much emphases on good mornings and stiff legged deadlifts can weaken the quadratus lumborum muscle. Would snatch grip dead’s also weaken this muscle? (as it is not too disimilar to other deadlifts.)
If so, would including side bridges or side cable pulls make up for it? maintaining strong quadratus lumborum despite 2 to 3 snatch grip dead’s or romanian dead’s sessions each weak?

I didn’t say that. not sure who you’re thinking of. I also don’t think the Dead is any harder on the CNS than a squat or other at equivalent load, I just think it’s riskier at the weigts my people were handling (all over 500lbs)

Maybe another one of the " He said I said" situations. we’ve sure seen em before!

i agree bc with myself i would still be lifting large loads with the dl, once u get up to 500 and 600lbs. no matter what lift u use its gonna be hard on the body.

The quadratus lumborum reference was from the Chiropractic section of training for speed…ie not something charlie said.

Indeed, Charlie has been miss-quoted;

and thankyou both for pointing out that such and such was not said, I’m glad becuase I was allways more of a “puller” than a “squater” and I don’t want to leave out deadlifts from my program.

More ‘Guru’ articles …

This time it’s ‘Structural Balance’

and from the above=>

JC: For those people struggling with their lifts, without having to put on extra lean muscle mass or even get into more complex forms of training, by training their weak muscles they can increase all their lifts?

CP: Correct. You’ll find for example, lets say, the rotator cuff. The rotator cuff should be about 9.8% of what you can do in the bench press. If you don’t match your rotator cuff strength to your bench press you’ll never be able to lift those big weights that you desire.

and i am supposed to figure that how?

So you get your rotator cuff up to 9.8% of your bench and your bench goes up!
But now you’ve created a new ratio and your rotator cuff is now 9.14159% and requires another break to catch it back up.
Give ME a break!
BTW, if you stop benching for a bit for ANY reason, your bench will go up because you’ve just tapered.
Remember also the concept of general strengthening and cross-over effect.
When you work a large group of muscles, there is a carryover to smaller ones but extremely little carryover in reverse.

Yes, the ratios are precise and foolproof. I have “the tables” (bodyweight/speed tables)right here! The info on “the tables” supercedes all other sources of info. such as observation, knowledge, experience, and logic. :wink:


That’s the whole idea man!

You need to (pay) do a Poliquin Certified Balance course to find out!!!

On the up side you do get a Certification!

Are they the “East German Tables” or the “Russian Tables”?

These are the little known, but ever valuable Ethiopian tables. Not many people have ever, outside of Ethiopia, had access to these tables.

From the north or south side of the foothills?

The north of the foothills… which is also where I get this exotic herb (that incidently you can buy from me for $4,500) and you need it to help balance your left serratus anterior’s strcutural strength with your upper right pec minor’s fast twitch fibres… yadda yadda…again like I said I have some of that herb here at a great price …

Poloquin actually wrote a detailed article about this years ago at T-mag. If you do a search using structural balance as the exact phrase in articles then you will find it as well as some further Q&A’s about it.

I’ve heard of the yadda yadda herb as well. where can I get that one?