Decrease Your 40 Yard Dash Time

hey cf what do u think about drew front foot placement?

I think he’s a bit too close but it’s hard to get a handle on his position without a direct side-on shot to judge how far over he’s leaning. I will say that I see no delay getting out. what is his official time? He looked faster than the unofficial time they announced.

4.39… how fast does he look to you, he didnt look very fas there. he bsq 600, 9’7 slj.

This is correct. You can learn about these “secrets” as well as many others by purchasing part II of my advanced structural integrity/athletic advancement/olympic champion inspired training manual which is currently on sale for only $999.95. Act now because your competitors might just beat you to it, and I knew I had to keep it at an affordable price for anything over $1000 would be simply outrageous.

And of course if you paid any less than $999.95 people might think they were not getting value for money.

Do you do any “special offers” with that? If I buy now, can you throw in a yoga matt or a stability ball?

Yes, if they were to pay a reasonable/affordable price for this super product, they would not be fully aware of just what an incredible purchase they had made. More $ spent=customer satisfaction(at least until the product is recieved by the customer).

I have a new stability ball covered with a yoga mat so you can perform unstable yoga on it.

I can send you that or 1/2 lb. of the aforementioned exotic herb to keep cortisol levels in check that I can send to you for just an additional $1999.95(note:this offer is available only to those customers who purchase my new manual-so consider yourself incredibly fortunate to have received such an offer). I’ll not be, I mean you’ll not be disappointed.

What if you put the herbs under the mat? Do you still need the stability ball? When do I get the secret stability tables?

RE: people still needing the stability ball(BTW great idea- herbs under the mat), I don’t know if anyone actually needs it but let’s just say that I need you to have it/buy it. As for the secret stability tables I’m surprised, outside of my inner circle, that anyone knew about the tables- due to it being a secret of course.

Better absorbtion …

Well, I don’t think he would be very happy about it! But perhaps you could convince him in the name of progress :slight_smile:

Oh…you wrote “herbs” not “Herb”…sorry.

Equally effective.