Decrease Your 40 Yard Dash Time

They take players without film cause they can’t afford a VCR to watch them.

lol. u r probably right.

ehy UT, who is that guy?maybe i’ve played against him in 2005…best game of the season as a db, before switching back to rb …was he a running back?
Bergamo had some good player, even some former 4th stringer for an nfl team…the best foreign players here can take much more…but is not bad for a payedd holiday…and the level is not bad, especially for the team competing in the european cups…this year in the top division there are 5 foreign born players for each team…if you want some info about joining here…send me a pm:)

I remeber, nothing official, just sideline rumors…the best running back in italy in the last 5 years, seems to gather about the same as velocegatto stated…I think that in germany (GFL) money is much more.

heres one of the germany teams:

Hamburg Blue Devils

Player Benefits
Monthly Salary: 800
Bonuses: 150
Housing: Hotel
Other: Meals, Health Insurance, Transportation

you guys are silly if u think those guys get paid 30,000 thats about how much the cfl gets paid - get serious.

Russelsheim Razorbacks

Player Benefits
Monthly Salary: $1000
Bonuses: game and playoff bonuses
Housing: apartment
Other: Airfare, Health Insurance, Transportation
Players with teaching credentials can earn $28/hr teaching English

Can someone post a link to NFL Combine records?

I 'm aware o fi t, but I simply rweport the rumors in our league…plus, we are talking about the best here, and possibly gathering all the bonuses and housing.

What do people think of snatch grip deadlifts? This exercize is championed in the first post of this thread but what do people think of there impact on maximal sprint speed, (if there’s any impact at all.)
My current view is that the tension in snatch dead’s is at an angle that is not related to sprinting, and by the time the bar gets towards mid-thigh there will be hardly any tension left in the hamies compared to the begining.

Do you feel the same way regarding regular deadlifts?

As Goose points out, the Snatch Grip Dead requires lower poundage, so a weight that can be handled for the lower part of the lift will be inadequate over the final part of the lift. It could be a secondary addition to cleans but, by itself, would be less effective than a regular dead and is certainly not the key to 40y success IMO.

What about an exercise like the revers leg press, more specific to sprint mechanics but can not be loaded like a regular deadlift?

Or a Bulgarian split squat? where might they fit in the program or not at all? If they are used for variation where might they fit into the yearly periodization?

They would appear to be more specific in function, but might not be in stimulus?

so saying all that would it have a place in a sprinters weekly strength training program?

Would the starting position of the snatch deadlift more resemble the start of 40 and utilize the legs and spinal muscular (due to the lower starting position) better than say regular deadlift?

You could say that “a weight that can be handled for the lower part of the lift will be inadequate over the final part of the lift” holds true for the squat too.

I think for the snatch-grip DL or squat, just focusing on moving the load as fast as possible would overcome the “inadequacy” issue.


i agree 100%, almost any lift, lol

I couldnt post you a link, but If I can remember the 40 record is 4.28 and the bench is like 45 reps.

Great question, warrants a thread in itself.

Function V Stimulus.

I’d say snatch grip deads certainly toward the stimulus factor. However;
Muscle tonus & tightness is the flavour of the moment in some sports science circles. Could the snatch grip dead develope a lot of hamstring tone compared to other hammy exercises, and if so, could that help stride function? Or is function based more on the “LAW of accentuation” which states something like and exercise can only develope the qualities in the range of motion used etc…
OR, is “stimulus of suplementary work” more important than “function from supplementary work.” It’s a jigsaw puzzle for me, and I’ve not figured it out. Thoughts?

It could if your programs has enough space in it. There are higher priority lifts.