Decrease Your 40 Yard Dash Time

I just want to make it clear that I am not against having the front foot further behind the line, bc for many years I have ran fast 40’s with having the front foot close to the line but the more I spoke to world class track coaches they all told me the same thing move that front foot back. I’m saying we can’t knock the guys who teach the close stance bc even though it’s not correct from a biomechanics stand point we can’t overlook the big picture which is RESULTS.

But what are the results when the vast majority getting timed buy into what they’re told about a close stance? BTW, how do you feel about the long first step idea?

The deference to logic in this thread is uncanny! :stuck_out_tongue:

college strength coaches that have spoken to or learn under track coaches understand the front foot shouldnt be close to the line for example usc strength coach lots about speed training under vince anderson while at univ of tenn and he teach all of his athletes to get at least 1 shoe length behind the line. i think the long first step is shit, causes too many other problems - overstriding - standing right up etc.

hey cf we have someone on board posting stuff on other sites, i would love to know who this monty chick is.

Sounds like Charlie misses Barry…at least according this latest log!

Originally Posted by utfootball4
lol. spoke to barry ross couple months ago for about 10hrs in a couple days and boy he love cf training system.

He had a lot of posts here in the archives. Wish he’d come back on as he shakes things up! (posted by Charlie Francis, 11/16/06)

Nope, I went to the combine in 2004, the times I posted recently are 2006. And yes I did smoke the other tests except bench. 37inch vert, 4.18 20 yard shuttle, but only 7 reps for bench. Some may say I am weak, but I went in weighing 182lbs. at 6’. My agility and vertical have been more of my strongpoint than anything. BTW, all the DB’s that ran 4.4-4.5 I smoked during the pass drills because of my agility.

The kicker was that I have never played football before in my life, and while several DB’s asked what college I went to, I had to tell them I have never played a single game in my life, nor been on a team.

I went to the combine on a bet, and mostly to prove to myself that I could do it. Before you question my times, consider that I would gain nothing by fabricating a 10.8 100m time. I am a very obsessive compulsive person, and I would only fabricate sub 10.3 if I were to lie at all. Point is, I don’t half ass anything.

Don’t play my success off as lying, I work harder and smarter than most, so please don’t insult me. You never know, I may be in your next race…

P.S. In regards to the foot close to the line, it shouldn’t even be argued. Torque can only be developed with a lever arm. And a 5’ lever arm will never develop the torque that say a 12’ lever arm will.

That’s like asking someone to loosen a bolt off of a wheel rim and just giving them the head fit without the socket wrench! If you argue that the results show success, I argue that the success should have been .05-.10s less due to a detrimental stance.

i hope u r in my next race, it would make my job much easier lol. so u went to a combine on bet, was that the only reason. wish u the best and u hit 10.3 one day, that would be kool. also are u saying that ur 100 times was faster when u went to the combine?? how can were running 12.8 but had a 37in vj? lol

Lol, U, the 12.5 was from my first 100m ever in 2001. That was 5+ years ago.

Thanks about the good wishes. I love to ruffle feathers with you guys. It’s all in fun though.

It wasn’t a bet that I lost, just something that a couple guys in my gym didn’t think I could do. So, I had to have a shot at it. All in all, it was a crazy experience. One of the best times I have ever had. James Taylor (Jets) went to my combine and he was a beast. 4.37-40yrd., 40somthing vert, 18 reps, 3.92 20 yrd. shuttle.

One of the best all around performances I have ever seen. Also, another DB hit a 46" legit vertical which was just jaw dropping. He easily cleared everyone by 6". I thought I was a good athlete till I went to the combine, the NFL however thinks I am only better than 76% of the guys who show up.

Pitty though, I was only 4% from going to the Indianapolis Scout camp. The took the top 80%. Was thinking about trying it again, but I like track more.

did anyone sign u

Yes, there are freaks in the NFL these days. 46" Vert, crazy! Look at Vernon Davis stats in last years combine, unbelievable.

lol. no comment.

I’d much rather be on this site than dealing with Yessis :slight_smile: .

Somehow, it’s not hard to imagine it, Bear!

Yea seriously I can’t make heads or tails out of that argument. Too many quotes, rebuttals, questions, etc. It’s like a debate with the main weapon being confusion and the use of the maximum number of words possible.

Nope, no one signed me because they didn’t post videos into the database unless you were >80 percentile. I did 76%tile so my routes weren’t even posted. It kinda pissed me off because even the other Db’s and WR’s were impressed with my performance.

If someone had seen my videos I probably could have at least went to AFL or CFL. I was offered a spot on a startup european team, but it only paid 30,000 USD/year and you would have to assist in coaching besides that. Having never played football before, and being in a relationship made me think twice about going to europe.

I am not upset that I didn’t take the opportunity though. I am in love with track and the injury possibilities made me really weigh the pros and cons.

So you have never played a league of football ever? You also mentioned that you didnt start training until 21, so that is amazing. How old were you during these combines?

theres no euro league that pays 30,000. without game film most teams wont even take u serious, my friend went to a tryout with ottawa and run 4.36 on grass and 11’2 slj and still didnt make it, it take more then a ok workout.

Thats interesting your getting I guess its semi pro offers without film.

Back in high school my combine results were similiar to what you had with a faster 40 and the only offers I were getting were a lot of d3 schools and some d1 AA stuff. Part of it I guess is your bigger size wise.

But the people I know playing semi pro are local high school standouts who went to small d1 schools and they are only making a couple hundred bucks a game.

So I would say 30k would be a good offer for your situation.

lol, semi pro players dont get paid anything. dude if nfl europe players only get paid 13,000-30,000 why do u think some uni level euro team will pay him 30,000, those teams only pay for ur room, food, and small amt of cash per month 200-1000.

here is something my friend just sent to me from a euro team he played for 2yrs ago.

Bergamo Lions

Player Benefits
Monthly Salary: $700
Housing: free apartment
Other: Airfare, Health Insurance, Transportation