
I agree. Even with RDL’s there comes a point for some where your ability to grip the bar and hold onto it for multiple reps might give out before you can provide an overload to the hams/glutes/erectors.

I advise my athletes to go without straps until they are truly necessary but not before-the same for various pulls: mid-thigh, counter movement shrugs, or clean pulls (usually not necessary due to the intra-set RI/cluster). For those who have even a month or two of such experience with RDL’s they know when they need them. Over time, they begin to try to go without them for even heavier loads but eventually there is usually a point where they are needed.

What weight are you lifting? My grip gives out before my hams.

I never use straps man up?
My best squat was 400lbs
need to look up my dead lift but it was good for a 130lb female athlete
that I know for sure
I aint no man but I always used straps
Man up?
shut up works when you dont know what you are talking about.
no offence
or just dont say stupid crap or sexist retard stuff
hate it
Merlene Ottey barely lifted.
she is 50 and still running
should she man up?
she dont need no man I can tell you that.
most of them no doubt cant keep up.

LOL: Ange telling it like it is. Love it. :cool:

straps or no straps
come on right KitKat…
you dont want to discourage anyone who wants to use straps.

Same here. I can deadlift more than 3x bodyweight with a strap-free alternate grip, but need straps to do a decent set of RDLs using an overhand grip.

Well Angela i was refering to a man not a woman dont bite my head off??? Imo straps are like belts for squatting. Not needed. Takes away from grip strength. Didnt know I said something sexist??? And what does merlene have to do with it??? As for me I prefer chalk to straps. Once I get passed 350 I need to chalk up. The straps just get in my way. I like to feel the bar. But if u like straps then go for it. Rainy my max is 530 at 173 pounds. Once again this is just my opinion.

Yea, I agree, I know for me, anything after about 400lbs the bar would start slipping out my hand.

Straps were a must for me when I was doing heavy triples or heavy rack work. Regardless, I don’t deadlift anymore, it’s too much on my CNS apposed to squatting.

a strong man has strong hands and a strong core


But what role does strong hands/grip play in sprinting?.

I like the idea of not using straps, just asking?.

though im not entirely sure strong hands would be very relevant in sprinting…

Am I correct in thinking, No straps = Even higher CNS fatigue levels?.

Yes I read that very recently, can’t remember where though…
It does make sense of course, as grip strength is a moderately good way of monitoring CNS fatigue

So having no straps would relate to a burden?, Or does the sprinter in some way see some benefit for lifting loads, strapless?.

Not only do I lift for sprinting purposes… but I also lift for general strength. Just in case I need to wrap someone up in a fight I can. I lift to be strong in any situation that may arise. One never knows when a gorilla grip will come in handy. But this is just me.

I agree 100 percent!

Not only do I lift for sprinting purposes… but I also lift for general strength. Just in case I need to wrap someone up in a fight I can. I lift to be strong in any situation that may arise. One never knows when a gorilla grip will come in handy. But this is just me.

I have never dropped the baton. This all makes sense now (I don’t use straps).

Now I’ve seen the light. Them 1lb batons are hella heavy.

I’m thinking of forearm hypertrophy though. Are strapless deads good for that?. Even more so than with the use of straps.

With heavy weights I like the straps, for strong grip try the captains of crush

You bring up a good point, a strong grip and strong forearms are good for nothing in sprinting. I think even Charlie says you don’t want to train your forearms and calf muscles to got to big because it will get in the way of sprinting.