DBJohn's Lifting & Running Thing

1/22/04 - Lifting (semi-light day)

Power Clean - 195x5, 195x5, 205x5, 225x3, 235x1
Standing Row - 135x10, 135x10 (cheat sets)
Bench Press - 195x5, 200x5, 205x5, 215x3, 225x1 (gettin strength back yes!)
Squat - 235x5 (lower back started hurting alot so stopped)
Stiff Leg Deadlift 2x10 (didnt do it because of back)

Your goals are very realistic and I must admit that it is nice to see someone who cleans more than they bench. My twin cleans 315 and benches the same. In order to improve your 100m time by a substantial amount your going to have to really focus on improving your overall fitness and technique.
Good luck!

thanks man thats encouraging to hear someone say that to me.

well here’s todays workout:

Jerk - 185x3, 195x3, 195x3, 205x3, 205x3
High Pull - 165x5, 165x5
Military - 95x15, 105x10, 115x6
Deadlift - 4x5 (couldnt due to back hurting)
Barbell Lunges - 135x10, 135x10
Curls - 65x15, 75x10, 85x6

Semi-Max Day

3x40y sprints with 2 min rest between. I smoked the guys who run 5 flat by 5 yards. So maybe thats a good thing.

Clean - 205x5 (so easy), 225x3, 235x1, 235x1
Bench - 205x5 (so easy), 225x3, 245x1
Squat - 5-3-1-1-1 couldnt due to lower back
Gluta Ham Raise/Hyper Extensions - 3x15

Thursday we’re timing our 40’s, which absolutely sucks because i havent been feeling fast lately so im hoping to get somewhere in the 4.6 range, but maybe i just feel slow and i’ll hit 4.4! Yea right! And we’re also doing our maxs. Which also sucks because im not even back to where i was. Close but not there. Im also gonna test my vertical jump tomorrow. we’ll see where im really at now.

I was very dissappointed with myself today. When we timed our 40’s I only ran 4.88. Thats all i need to say.

Incline Bench - 155x10, 155x10, 155x10, 155x10
DB Lateral Raises - 15x15, 15x15, 15x15, 15x15
Concentration Curls - 25x10, 25x10, 25x10, 25x10

I just fealt like doing something a little different today.

Power Cleans - 135x10, 185x8, 205x5, 225x3, 235x1
Glute Ham Raise - 2x15

Jerks - 185x3, 185x3, 200x3, 205x3
High Pull - 185x5, 185x5
Deadlift - 275x5, 275x5 (backs feeling pretty good)
Military - 105x10, 105x10, 105x10
Barbell Lunges - 135x10, 155x10

Push Press - 185x3, 195x3, 205x3
High Pull - 185x5, 185x5, 185x5
Military - 115x10, 115x10
Deadlift - 275x5, 275x5, 275x5
Barbell Lunges - 155x10

Power Clean - 165x12, 185x10, 205x5, 225x3
Bench - 155x12, 185x8, 205x5, 215x3
Feeling too fatigued and tired to finish workout.

Do you box squat in any of your workouts? It is a great exercise for explosiveness and strength.
USC had a great strength seminar on Sat Feb 7th. You could have had an oppurtunity to meet Chris Carlisle and seen the staff, even on an anonymous basis. acudave

yea we do box squat but not very much.
today i just wanted to work my shoulders and arms a little. i know this wont help me improve on the track but i like these kinda workouts.

Seated DB Military - 40x15, 50x10, 50x10, 50x10
Standing Alt. DB Curl - 30x10, 30x10, 30x10
DB Side Raise - 15x18, 15x15, 15x12, 15x12
DB Front Raise - 15x12, 15x12, 15x12
Concentration Curl - 30x8, 30x8
Rear Delt Machine - 60x16, 75x12, 100x8, 100x8

Cleans - 205x5, 205x5, 205x5, 205x5 (fealt super good doing these)
Squat - 235x5, 235x5, 235x5, 235x5 (hard to do cause i havent squated in a while)
Bench - 205x5, 205x5, 205x5, 205x5 (this was really hard to complete today)

We also did plyos after our first set of cleans too. then went back to lifting.

Cleans - 215x5, 215x5, 215x5, 225x3 (fealt great today)
St. Row - 115x10, 115x10
Jerks - 185x3, 185x3, 195x3
Stiff Leg Deadlift - 135x10, 155x10

we also some light plyos after our first set of cleans. tommorrow our real track training starts. at 1:40 the sprinters meet at the track until 2:30. then we lift until about 3:30.

well we were gonna do track work today but its raining so all we did was lift.

Bench - 205x5, 210x5, 210x5, 220x3, 235x1
Squat - 235x5, 245x5, 255x5, 275x1, 295x1 (fealt really good today)
Military - 115x10, 120x10
Barbell Lunges - 135x10 soooo easy

today we had our first real sprint workout and i must say that it is not going to help us get faster! here it is:

4xflying 30’s
2xflying 60’s
5x10y starts
4x25y sprints
10 stardiums

looks good right? ALL DONE WITH ONLY 30-45 SEC REST IN BETWEEN!!!
i told my coahc that we need alot more rest to get faster but he wasnt gonna hear it. i dont know what to do. i wanna just see if i can do my own sprint workout. that was really taxing to try and do with that little rest. but we’ll see what happens. im gonna ask if i could just do the same workout with more rest.

Today was better than yesterday but it was hard cause im pretty out of shape.

500mx2 w/ about 3-5 min rest
300mx2 w about 3-5 min rest
100mx2 w/ about 2-3 min rest

My calves were so tense after this workout. then we went to the weight room.

Bench - 205x5, 205x5, 205x5, 225x1, 235x1 (i dont know why but this was pretty hard to do for some reason)
Squat - 225x5, 225x5, 235x5 (hard to do cause my legs were soooo dead!)
Barbell Lunges - 135x10, 135x10 (these were hard to do also)

My coach told us not to do the squats after all cause he oculd tell our legs were so dead but i had already started my first set so i just did 3 instead of 5.

been away for a while

2/23 - monday - weights
Cleans - 215x5, 225x3, 225x3, 225x3, 245x1(miss)
Bench - 21-x5, 220x3, 220x3, 225x3(almost), 235x1
Squat - 245x5, 275x2(tried to do 3 but couldnt so i stopped)
Stiff Leg Deadlift - 135x10, 155x10

2/24 - tuesday - track
started with agilities and such
5x10y 3-point starts
4xflying 30’s
2xflying 60’s
4x40y sprints
4x20y rope pulls

2/25 - wednesday - weights
Clean & Jerk - 225x3+1, 225x3+1, 225x3+1, 185x1+3, 185x1+3
Military - 120x10, 130x5, 135x3
Deadlift - 275x5, 290x3, 315x1
Lunges - 155x10, 155x10

2/27 - friday - weights/track
Cleans - 220x5, 230x3, 230x3, 235x3(almost got the last one), 250x1(almost)
Bench - 210x5, 220x3, 225x3, 225x3, 245x1
An awesome day for cleans. after we went to the track.
6x15-20y block starts
long jump drill and some very light plyos.

My coach said that my starts were awesome and that i was have a GREAT reaction. but on the last one i stumbled and almost fell on my face.

Today I went to an All-Comers meet at Huntington Beach High School. I only ran the 100m and they kept delaying it so much i had to warm-up and stretch 4 times. I actually feel like I overstrectched a little. Anyways, i fealt really stale in my warm-ups today and i knew i wasnt gonna have a good race. I got lane 3. and i popped right up at the start. i was so self concious about falling on my face that i did horrible. anyways. i managed 4th place with a time of only 12.05. i do understand that iv ojnly been training for 2 weeks and i have been getting over 3 serious hamstring injuries in the past year but i still though i would do a hell of alot better. but i have till may to get my shit together. i only wrote down 11.9 for my PR anyways so that was ok.