DB hammer method

kellyb, or anyone who uses db’s method. can you guys help me with this. i want to use his method but there are somethings i still dont know. for example in the training basics article, what does N mean? “Nx 5-6 sec”. and i cant find what HF stands for? so how would you perform OI HF Squat? and do u do the next session on the following day?
im gonna devise my own plan, do u think this it too much work, i dont know how many reps i should do yet?

session 1:

PIM Bench
REA Squat
OI Back Extension

session 2:

ISO Bench
ISO Squat
ISO Deadlift

im kinda new to this so critiques and advice would be nice, tahnks again

It sounds like you know very little about DB’s system…why do want to use it? How can you even know if it is appropriate if you don’t even know the basic principles?

im thinking about using it because it seems as if i had hit a plateau. and yes i know very little about it, thats why im asking for help =X

It’s official folks DB Hammer is the next big thing

Read the training basics article by Kelly Bagget on the site

N stands for the max load you can use for 5-6 secs in this case.

HF = Hip Flexion

OI HF Squat = Oscillatory Isometric Hip Flexion squat or Bulgarian Splitsquat Squat :slight_smile:

You need to read more, and watch the videos on the site

You don’t have enough of an understanding to utilise the system IMO.

thanks, ive been reading it thoroughly and i udnerstand more now. i have a few more questiosn about the abbr though. whats AW?

also, are OI exercises considered as neuro rate work or neuro mag? i just want wait till dec 1st, when they are finally gonna put up the forum

Appropriate Weight - that’s where you factor in the bodyweight as % of the training load. ie when you squat you also squat 85-90% of your bodyweight as well. Again this was talked about in detail in one of the Q&As —> gotta read more, but those have been removed it seems in favour of a forum…

Pity as there was a lot of good info in em, especially with regards to testing reactivity defiencies etc

I have all the Q&As zipped up though here for a short time - grab em and read em :slight_smile:


OI are strength endurance usually. So basicly duration with an elastic/mag component. But they are usually done for duration qualities. They can be considered “speed” work for a rate dominant lifter or a strength athlete or strnegth work for a speed athlete. Just depends…

thanks, that really helps a lot. anyways this is what i came up with after everything. what do you guys think:

Session 1a:

PIM Bench Press @ 94% 1RM
N x 6 sec

OI Triceps
N x 30 sec

OI Bicep
Nx 30 sec

PIM Military Press @ 94% 1RM
N x 6 sec

Session 2a:
REA Squat @ 50% 1RM
N x 6 sec

OI Glute Ham Raise
N x 25 sec

N x 1 rep

Session 1b:

OI Bench Press
Nx 10 sec

ISO Bicep
N x 25-40 sec

ISO Tricep
Nx 25-40 sec

ISO Military Press
N x 25-40 sec

Session 2b:

OI HF Squat
N x 25-40 sec

N x 25-40 sec

ISO Good Mornigs
N x 15 sec

Read Kelly B’s article on the innosport site. You may have to go through it a few times (I did), but it is a huge help when understanding DB’s philosophy.

I just viewed the video on the inno-sport site and I have to say the lifting technique of some of the participates is poor at best. I also have to say that some of the exercises have a high risk to benefit ratio.

You have to stop and think that quick accelerating and deccelerating of a load will have its toll on your joints. Wasn’t this the attack on partial squats? Deccelerating and accelerating a load at a poor joint angle?

Do these methods create that great of strength increases or PB’s that other methods of training cannot?

You won’t catch me having any of my athletes performing many of those exercises. I can see the look on an agents face when I have one of his athletes catching and throwing a loaded barbell over his face. Save the injuries for the field not the weightroom. At least get paid when you get hurt.

I feel the same way. I saw 2 lifter projecting a barbell at one another one was doing a pull over the other would catch it and toss it back to him. My thought is why not use a heavy medicine ball.

Look at some of the squat videos. If these exercises are innovative, (they’ve been around forever, just with new names now), that’s terrific.
But if those are my athletes, I’d make sure they can squat correctly first before I have them jump, land with loads and use bands first.

A couple of questions (KellyB, others):

  1. What’s the difference between FDA and REA squats?

  2. KellyB gave an example program a while back where sprints were integrated into autoregulation system. How’s this for a jumper:

Session 1 (4% drop off):

  • ADA (into squat) from +30inch x3
  • REA depth jump from 18inch x3
  • 5 alternate bounds from 4-6 steps

Session 2:
AM (2% drop off):

  • PIM squats 3-5 x 74-94% AW
  • FDA squats 3-5 x 51-74% AW (is this 51-74% AW of PIM squat max?)
  • REA RDL staggered 5-9s
    PM (2% drop off):
  • flying 20m
  1. If I understood correctly there should be 3 days rest between these workouts, correct? Can I do some low intensity training on rest days (core)?

  2. Obviously I also want upper body strength so how do I go about including bench press (or push-ups in session 1 so that weights wouldn’t be needed on that day) and bent-over rows to this program? What methods, reps, weights, etc?


Do you actually understand the training system? You can’t just look at what they are doing and say “oohh! that looks dangerous!”. It’s about as dangerous as playing sports. What DB is trying to do is prepare athlete’s body for the rigorous activity of the sports. Just doing regular lifting isn’t enough… Get the book and read it over and over till you know every single word and read DB’s Q&A and you’ll see why DB designed this way. Once you get past the terminology, it gets easier from there.

What’s your point? I put in time and effort in figuring this system out and i’m glad i did it. Just because it’s too complicated, it doesn’t mean it’s crap. There are some things that I would definetly use for my training. I can see why DB wrote this way. It isn’t meant for lazy asses that would only use ineffective cookie cutter programs.

That’s what specific skill training is for. Leave that out of the weight room.

What’s your point? I put in time and effort in figuring this system out and i’m glad i did it. Just because it’s too complicated, it doesn’t mean it’s crap. There are some things that I would definetly use for my training. I can see why DB wrote this way. It isn’t meant for lazy asses that would only use ineffective cookie cutter programs.

It’s also needlessly overcomplicated. Simplicity can be a virtue in this field.

You can’t just look at what they are doing and say “oohh! that looks dangerous!”.

In my opinion, throwing and catching a loaded barbell over your face is dangerous. Certainly there is another, safer alternative that has nearly the same benefit that that exercise ostensibly supplies.

It’s about as dangerous as playing sports.

Should not be. You’re going to create injuries in preparation for the sport your going to play? Why get hurt in the weightroom? The scoreboard is what counts!

What DB is trying to do is prepare athlete’s body for the rigorous activity of the sports.

In a previous post I discussed the “weight training can fix it all mentality”.
Playing the sport, training the subqualities of the sport, traiining the segments of the sport will make the athlete better at the sport. Nothing, I repeat Nothing you can do in the weightroom will duplicate what happens on the field.

Just doing regular lifting isn’t enough


How did athletes train and became successful before DB?

OI HF Squat = Oscillatory Isometric Hip Flexion squat or Bulgarian split squat

Make things as simple as possible, but not simpler.

I won’t disagree that the terminology, claims, and delivery are unnecessary. However, plenty of people use oly lifts and de work for rfd, while “specificity” would be throwing the ball or sprinting.

Cost:Benefit is an important idea, but there’s cost:benefit for DE bench and snatches as well. Bench throws and what not are supposed to be done after years of prep. I don’t know anyone who’s had bad results from doing this stuff, so if they want to overcomplicate then who cares? All I know is that Archuleta’s combine #s were significantly different then everyone else keeping it simple.

Why not DB’s athletes ? One dot does not prove a line of success.