Dan Pfaff General Strength Protocols

After all it’s all about W’s and longevity in the field something that Rad has done - btw he’s a great guy…

This is also corroborated by Charlie’s story about Heikki Dreschler in Seoul in 1988. Her coaches used the snatch to prep her for your 100m final and she ended up hurting her back. The risk to reward ratio may be leaning toward the risk side of the equation – particularly given that less complicated preparatory work can be done the day before the game.

I don’t believe we are questioning Radcliffe’s experience and longevity. I met him in 1997 and he is a very nice guy. However, there may be safer ways to accomplish the same goal. (And, has the strength coach or Uncle Phil had more influence on Oregon Football’s success as of late?)

Isn’t that the key to training as a whole?

I would sooner, someone under train and get 11 months consistent training, then someone get injured after 3 months and spend 2 months getting back into the sport etc…

I don’t know him and this is not directed at him; however, the infrastructure of the industry is built upon anything but a meritocracy and, as a result, this easily provides for coaches to experience long careers, be associated with a multitude of wins, and be ‘great’ individuals- all the while being absolutely incompetent.

I also know Dan liked to have a few very specific warm ups that he curtailed to different styles of athletes with different pre-race nerve tendencies. I have a lot of his stuff and it seems they are mostly referred to as “Warm up T”, Warm up U" and “Warm up V”. Anyone have any of them?