Currently I am in the midst of a GPP that will run for approx 8 weeks.
My workouts go as follows:
Mon: Speed:
Warm up jog b/w 400 and 600m (skipping included sometimes)
Dynamic stretching (approx 10 diff stretches)
Drills (2-4 diff drills w/2-4 reps for each)
2-4 reps of 30-60m build ups
(warm up/stretching takes approx 30mins)
Accel work b/w 10-12 reps or 350m MAX volume (currently doing reps of 10-20m)
200-400m cool down walk/jog
static stretching
2hr break
Warm up jog b/w 400 and 600m (skipping included sometimes)
Dynamic stretching (approx 10 diff stretches)
Drills (2 drills w/2-3 reps each)
2 reps of 30-60m build ups
Tempo: Extensive tempo w/2500m Max volume (This is my high volume tempo day)
200-400m cool down
static stretching
Warm up jog b/w 400 and 600m (skipping included sometimes)
Dynamic stretching (approx 10 diff stretches)
Drills (2-4 diff drills w/2-4 reps for each)
2-4 reps of 30-60m build ups
Speed: Hills- 5-8 reps of 20-30m (currently doing 5x20m w/4-5min rest b/w ea)
200-400m cool down
static stretching
2hr break
Thur: Tempo:
Warm up jog b/w 400 and 600m (skipping included sometimes)
Dynamic stretching (approx 10 diff stretches)
Drills (2 drills w/2-3 reps each
2 reps of 30-60m build ups
Extensive tempo w/1500 m MAX volume (Low volume day)
200-400m cool down
static stretching
Fri: Speed:
Warm up jog b/w 400 and 600m (skipping included sometimes)
Dynamic stretching (approx 10 diff stretches)
Drills (2-4 diff drills w/2-4 reps for each)
2-4 reps of 30-60m build ups
speed dev/spec end- 3-5 reps of 60-120m (currently doing 3 reps of 80m)
200-400m cool down
static stretching
2hr break
Sat: Active Recovery
*I’m considering adding in some light plyo work, maybe 2-4 exercises on mon and fri *
I’d appreciate some critiquing of my current gpp and encourage comments on things you would change, etc…
I think you’ll find that many of us have a combined accel/max v workout, where the one of these you wish to emphasize in the present phase goes first. Early in the year, you do the accel part first, and you do some max v workouts for technique, but you don’t emphasize the max v part until acceleration is in place. This type of thing would go in your monday workout.
For me, last week’s speed workout was this:
6 X 30 + 2 X 60
The 60’s are accel for 30 + maintain for 30, to limit the top speed, per CF.
Later in the season (emphasizing max V), the speed workout will be more like this:
Looks similar to what I do and what is generally recommended. In my GPP, I start off in the first few weeks with more hill sessions (3) and then gradually decrease that to 2 and then 1x week toward the end, adding a day of acceleration work on the track, and then later some speed endurance to replace another day of hills and finally a max speed day and no hills in the last week of GPP. So it’s just more of a gradual transition from hill work to track work, getting strength and acceleration in place first. It also offers me some variety. I think I’d get tired of seven or eight weeks of the same thing.
That sounds logical going from loaded hill accel work (3x per wk) to dropping down to 1x. I’ve been doing this workout for about 3 wks now, but I wanted to do an extended GPP w/emphasis on acceleration anyway, so I think I’ll start next week w/2 hill days and 1 sled day in the middle to break up the monotony.
How does this look for the accel workout only:
mon: 3x20m hills w/4min rest b/w ea
10 min rec
3x20m hills w/4min rest b/w ea
wed: 3x20m (35lb)sled pulls w/4min rest b/w ea
10min rec
3x25m (35lb)sled pulls w/5min rest b/w ea
fri: 3x20m hills w/4min rest b/w ea
10 min rec
3x25m hills w/5min rest b/w ea
Tue and Thur would be extensive tempo days and sat an active recovery day. Also, mon, wed and fri are lifting days.
I figure I’ll do this for 2, possibly 3 weeks and then drop a hill day for a track accel day like you suggested.
MAX V for the GPP? Get some volume and no speed work till 30-45 minutes into the training unit. Build some work capacity and something to taper off of.
here’s what I’m looking to implement for the next 8 weeks, removing a hill day every 2 weeks and replacing it with a track accel day. My thinking is that I will develop a good Accel base and then can start my SPP which will incorporate more spec end work and such.:
Mon: Speed:
Warm up jog b/w 400 and 600m (skipping included sometimes)
Dynamic stretching (approx 10 diff stretches)
Drills (2-4 diff drills w/2-4 reps for each)
2-4 reps of 30-60m build ups
light plyo work (2-4 exercises) or med ball throws
(warm up/stretching takes approx 30-40mins)
3x20m hills w/5min rest b/w ea
10min rec
3x20m hills w/5min rest b/w ea
200-400m cool down walk/jog
static stretching
2hr break
Warm up jog b/w 600-800m (skipping included sometimes)
Dynamic stretching (approx 10 diff stretches)
Drills (2 drills w/2-3 reps each)
2 reps of 30-60m build ups
Tempo: Extensive tempo w/2500m Max volume (This is my high volume tempo day)
200-400m cool down
static stretching
iso bb exer and alt core
Warm up jog b/w 400 and 600m (skipping included sometimes)
Dynamic stretching (approx 10 diff stretches)
Drills (2-4 diff drills w/2-4 reps for each)
2-4 reps of 30-60m build ups
3x20m sled pulls (35lb sled) w/5min rest b/w ea
10min rec
3x25m sled pulls (35lb sled) w/6min rest b/w ea
200-400m cool down
static stretching
2hr break
Thur: Tempo:
Warm up jog b/w 600 and 800m (skipping included sometimes)
Dynamic stretching (approx 10 diff stretches)
Drills (2 drills w/2-3 reps each
2 reps of 30-60m build ups
Extensive tempo w/1500m MAX volume (Low volume day)
200-400m cool down
static stretching
iso bb exer and alt core
Fri: Speed:
Warm up jog b/w 400 and 600m (skipping included sometimes)
Dynamic stretching (approx 10 diff stretches)
Drills (2-4 diff drills w/2-4 reps for each)
2-4 reps of 30-60m build ups
light plyo work (2-4 exercises) or med ball throws
3x20m hills w/5min rest b/w ea
10min rec
3x25m hills w/6min rest b/w ea
200-400m cool down
static stretching
2hr break
Sat: Active Recovery
Sun: OFF
I made a few changes here and there, but is there anything anyone would add/remove…please be specific…