Critique my in-season weights setup

Im currently tossing up between the following two setups for my in-season training:

Mon - Upper Body
Tue - Team Training
Wed - Lower Body
Thu - Team Training
Fri - Upper Body
Sat - Match
Sun - Rest

Mon - Full Body Weights
Tue - Team Training
Wed - Full Body Weights
Thu - Team Training
Fri - Rest
Sat - Match
Sun - Rest

I don’t lift based of percentages, but in both setups, the sessions would be kept pretty short, and all lifting would be kept well short of failure.

The advantage with setup 1 is that I would have three full days between the match and my lower body weights. In setup 2 on the other hand, I would be doing lower body lifts on Monday after a Saturday match. Most weeks I would probably be too sore to do any lower body lifts that soon after a game.

The main advantage of setup 2 is that I would get an extra rest day on Friday. I don’t think this would really be an issue though, as the Friday upper body session would be kept very light in setup 1.

Any suggestions / comments?