Correlation Between Sprinting and Jumping?

Currently, I am training to get faster. However, jumping higher is something else that I want to achieve, and so my question is this: Will an increase in speed also see an increase in jumping ability, or should I use more jumping specific movements to get better at that?

Mister C,the correlation between speed and jumping should go hand in hand.the LJ is about building up speed within a certain distance and transferring it to a jump.the increase in speed should help distance but speed is nothing without technique which has to be addressed proberly in the LJ.

More specifically, what about in the high jump, in which height - not distance - is the main factor?

Bump…anyone know?

explain your question in more detail! height or distance??

Re: Horizontal Velocity converted in to vertical displacement —
it’s an energy conversion factor, and a speed reserve factor. Let me clarify, I use those terms loosely…
For example, in the pole vault, superior technique allows you to convert more of the availible horizontal energy. But if there isn’t a sufficient amount of Horizontal energy to convert, superior technique means little.
hope that makes things clearer.
Bottom line, technique being proficient, the faster jumper jumps highest

Alright, I see what you’re saying about conversion of energy, but what about jumping in which conversion of energy is not a factor? For example, going for a rebound in basketball or leaping for an interception in football? Would sprint training following CFTS help this ‘standing’ vertical jump as well or would more specific jumping drills be necessary? Thanks in advance…

Sprinting lies further to the left on the force/time curve. In other words, in a sprint you have less time to apply force because the ground contact times are shorter. Because of this jumping relies more on strength - sprinting relies more on reactivity (this becomes more true the deper into the sprint you go). It will also depend on the type of jump and/or phase of a sprint. A standing vertical jump should correlate fairly well with the acceleration phase of a sprint. A running long jump or high jump may not, but will probably correlate well with how fast one can go at top speed.

As far as increasing your jumping ability with sprint training it shouldn’t take much extra work.