i posted a little profile thing here a couple months ago, but I never had anytime to come back till now (summer). anyways…
well, i didn’t see anything about this in sports sciences so I’ll just ask (if this is somewhere else, could someone kindly give me a link? or a general location…)
is it possible to “convert” slow twitch to fast? or say you were born 50-50 or a little slow twitch dominant. with proper training, could you still become a decent sprinter/jumper? Or is it possible to be a decent, 5:30-ish miler, while a decent sprinter?
just wondering, because I’m still not sure what I am. I’m an incoming sophomore, 15 years old, 5’5, chinese kid who plays soccer. My mile was a 5:45, which isn’t too bad, and my 400 was a 56-57, which isn’t too bad either (though not exactly a sprint). My standing vertical leap is about a 25", and running is a 34" (i’m hoping I can dunk after i hit 5’7-5’8 and put on some muscle).
So basically here’s my situation: my “slow-twitch” times are okay, but my “fast-twitch” numbers aren’t bad either. I know at my level (I haven’t really been able to train/workout for 8 months or so because my knees were giving me all sorts of problems), it’s still hard to tell whether i’ll be an explosive short distance or long distance guy. But do I actually have a choice? Or is my slow-twitch fate sealed?